Institute for Cultural Diplomacy inc. (USA)

Leadership & Advisory Board

ICD Secretariat

Supachai Panitchpakdi »

9th Secretary-General of the UNCTAD (2005-2013); 4th Director-General of the World Trade Organization (2002-05); Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand (1997-2000)

ICD Chair Person

Mark C. Donfried »

ICD Director General

Emil Constantinescu »

President of Romania (1996-2000); President of The Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture (Bucharest)

President of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy (2009-17)

Michele Alliot-Marie »

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of France (2010-11); Minister of Justice (2009-10); Minister of the Interior (2007-10); Minister of Defence (2002-2007)

President, ICD Advisory Board

Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis »

Foreign Minister of Cyprus (2007-08 & 2011-13); Minister of Communications and Works of Cyprus (2010-11)

Vice President, ICD Advisory Board

Irina Bokova »

10th Director-General of UNESCO (2009-17)

President of the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy

Katalin Bogyay »

Ambassador of Hungary to the United Nations (2015-20); Ambassador of Hungary to UNESCO (2009–14); President of the 36th session of UNESCO General Conference (2011-13)

President, Cultural Diplomacy & The Arts Plan

Ali Ahmad Jalali »

Minister of Interior of Afghanistan (2003-05); Ambassador of Afghanistan to Germany (2017-18)

Vice President of the ICD for Central & South Asia

Hassan B. Diab ť

51st Prime Minister of Lebanon (2020-21); 8th Minister of Education and Higher Learning (2011-14)

Vice President of the ICD for the Mediterranean Region

Hrant Bagratyan »

4th Prime Minister of Armenia (1993-96)

Vice President of the ICD for Economic Bridges, Global Trade & Business

Moncef Marzouki »

President of Tunisia (2011-14)

4th Prime Minister of Armenia (1993-96)

Vice President of the ICD for the Arab World

Gjorge Ivanov »

4th President of North Macedonia (2009-19)

President, ICD Organization for Youth Education & Development (OYED)

Mohammad Haneef Atmar »

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan (2020-21); Minister of Interior (2008-10); Minister of Education (2006-08); Minister of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (2002-08)

President, Afghanistan Relief Plan

Ögmundur Jónasson ť

Minister of the Interior of Iceland (2011-13); Minister of Justice (2010); Minister of Health (2009)

President, IPAHP Human Rights Program

ICD Advisory Board

ICD Advisory Board provides advice and support to the Secretariat of the ICD for the development and execution of its activity. ICD Advisory Board includes prominent individuals coming from the fields of international politics, religion, judiciary, academia, the private sector, as well as celebrated artists. All individuals have demonstrated extraordinary contributions to society and have served their countries and their communities in significant ways. 

The Advisory Board of the ICD includes (among others) the following Members:

Judge Abdulkadir Ilhani »
Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Turkey
Mufti Akhmed Tamim »
Mufti of Ukraine
Sen. Alan Ferguson »
The 22nd President of the Australian Senate
The Hon. Alberto Gonzales »
80th United States Attorney General
The Hon. Alfred Sant »
Former Prime Minister of Malta
President Alfredo Palacio »
Former President of Ecuador
Amb. Ali Ahmad Jalali »
Former Interior Minister of Afghanistan
The Hon. Alojz Peterle »
Former Prime Minister of Slovenia; Member of the European Parliament
The Hon. Andreas Khol »
Former President of the Austrian National Council
President Arnold Rüütel »
Former President of Estonia
President Artur Mas i Gavarró »
129th President of the Government of Catalonia; President, Catalan Center for Cultural Diplomacy
Mufti Dr. Aziz ef. Hasanović »
President of Meshihat of Islamic Community in Croatia
Dr. Benjamin Barber »
(In Memoriam)

Political Theorist & Author
The Hon. Bertie Ahern »
Former Prime Minister of Ireland
Judge Borghe Dahl »
Former President of the Supreme Court of Denmark
Judge Boris Velchev »
President of the Constitutional Court of Bulgaria
Judge Branko Hrvatin »
President of the Supreme Court of Croatia
The Hon. Brian Cowen »
Former Prime Minister of Ireland
President Bujar Nishani »
(In Memoriam)

Former President of Albania
Mr. Carlo Mazzi »
Chairman of Prada SpA
President Cassam Uteem »
Former President of the Republic of Mauritius
Mr. Christian Leitz »
Head, Corporate Responsibility Management, UBS AG
Lieutenant General (Ret.) Clarence McKnight »
(In Memoriam)

Former US Secretary of Veterans Affairs
The Hon. Cyril Svoboda »
Former Deputy Prime Minister of the Czech Republic
The Hon. Dalia Grybauskaite
President of Lithuania (2009-19)
The Hon. Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri bin Tan Sri Abdul Aziz   »
Former Minister of Tourism and Culture of Malaysia
Mr. David Soul »
(In Memoriam)

Celebrated Actor, Director & Singer
Judge Dmitry Dedov »
Judge, European Court of Human Rights
The Hon. Dora Bakoyannis ť »
Former Foreign Minister of Greece
Judge Dragoljub Popovic »
Former Judge, European Court of Human Rights
Amb. Eddy Pratomo »
Former Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Germany
The Hon. Emil Boc
Mayor of Cluj-Napoca; Former Prime minister of Romania
President Emil Constantinescu »
Former President of Romania
The Hon. Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis »
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus
The Hon. Erhard Busek »
(In Memoriam)

Former Vice-Chancellor of Austria
The Hon. Erkki Tuomioja »
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland
The Hon. Eva-Maria Liimets
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia
The Hon. Fadi El Abdallah »
Spoke Person of the International Criminal Court of the UN
Mr. Faisal J. Abbas »
Editor in Chief of Arab News
Prof. Fausto Pocar  »
Former President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
The Hon. Franco Frattini »

(In Memoriam)
Former Minister Foreign Affairs of Italy
The Hon. François Fillon
Prime Minister of France (2007-12)
Amb. Gebhardt von Moltke »
(In Memoriam)

Former German Ambassador to the UK & NATO
Dr. Gerhard Prätorius »
Head of Coordination CSR and Sustainability, Volkswagen AG
President Gjorge Ivanov
President of North Macedonia (2009-19)
Judge Göran Lambertz »
Former Chancellor of Justice
Judge Guđmundur Eiríksson »
Former Judge at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
The Hon. Hakima El Haite »
President, Liberal International
The Hon. Halldór Ásgrímsson
(In Memoriam) »

Secretary General for the Nordic Council of Ministers; Former Prime Minister of Iceland
Prof. Dr. Hans Köchler »
Professor of Philosophy at the University of Innsbruck
Prof. Dr. Hassan B. Diab »
Former Prime Minister of Lebanon
The Hon. Helgi Magnús Gunnarsson »
Deputy Director of Public Prosecution, Iceland
The Hon. Hrant Bagratyan »
Former Prime Minister of Armenia
His Eminence Husein Kavazovic »
Grand Mufti of Bosnia & Herzegovina
Mr. Ian Gillan » 
Singer & Song Writer with Deep Purple
The Hon. Ioannis Kasoulides »
Member of the European Parliament; Former Foreign Minister of Cyprus
The Hon. Irakli Khutsurauli »
Ambassador of Georgia to Sweden and Finland
The Hon. Irina Bokova »
Former Director-General of UNESCO
President James R. Mancham
(In Memoriam) »

Founding President of the Republic of Seychelles
Judge Iulia-Cristina Tarcea »
Vice President of the High Court of Cassation and Justice Romania
The Hon. Jadranka Kosor »
Former Prime Minister of Croatia
The Hon. Dr. Jacques F. Poos »
(In Memoriam)

Former Deputy Prime Minister of Luxembourg; Minister of Foreign Affairs
Lieutenant General (Ret.) James B. Peake, M.D. »
6th United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Admiral James Milton Loy »
Former Commandant of the USA Coast Guard
Mr. Jan Philipp Goertz  
Former Director, Governmental Relations, Lufthansa AG
The Hon. Jan-Erik Enestam »
Former Secretary-General of the Nordic Council
The Hon. Jan Pronk »
Former Minister for Development Cooperation and the Environment of the Netherlands
The Hon. Janez Jansa »
Prime Minister of Slovenia
Minister Jean Paul Adam »
Director, Climate Change, Natural Resource Management and Technology at the UN Economic Commission for Africa; Former Minister of Health and Social Affairs of the Seychelles
Mr. Jermaine Jackson »
Celebrated American Singer, Member of The Jackson 5
Ombudsman Jose de Faria Costa »
Former Ombudsman of Portugal
Mr. Josep Cuni »
Celebrated Catalonian Journalist
Judge Julia Sebutinde »
Judge, International Court of Justice
Ombudsman Juris Jansons »
Ombudsman of the Republic of Latvia
Prof. Dr. Karl P. Donfried »

(In Memoriam)Elizabeth A. Woodson Professor Emeritus of Religion and Biblical Literature, Smith College USA
Amb. Katalin Bogyay »
Former President of UNESCO General Conference
The Hon. Lawrence Gonzi »
Former Prime Minister of Malta
The Hon. László Kovács »
Former European Commissioner for Taxation and Customs Union
The Hon. Louis Wade Sullivan »
17th United States Secretary of Health and Human Services
The Hon. Luc Van den Brande »
Former Minister-President of Flanders-Belgium; Former President, European Committee of the Regions
Prince Luitpold of Bavaria »
CEO, König LudwigSchlossbrauerei Kaltenberg
Ms. Marcia Barrett »
Celebrated Musician; Lead Singer of Boney M
The Hon. Michčle Alliot-Marie »
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of France
The Hon. Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu »
Former Prime Minister of Rumania
The Hon. Mirko Cvetkovic »
Former Prime Minister of Serbia
The Hon. Mirko Tomassoni »
Former Captain Regent of San Marino
Ms. Mmantsetsa Marope »
Director, International Bureau of Education, UNESCO
The Hon. Mohammad Haneef Atmar
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan
Amb. Mohamed Orabi »
Former Foreign Minister of Egypt; Former Ambassador of Egypt to Germany
Dr. Mohammed Omran »
Former Executive Chairman, the Egyptian Stock Exchange
President Moncef Marzouki »
4th President of Tunisia
Mr. Moremi Marwa »
Chief Executive Officer, Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange, Tanzania
The Hon. Moses Ali »
First Deputy Prime Minister of Uganda
Amb. Mosud Mannan »
Ambassador of the People's Republic of Bangladesh to Turkey; Former Amb. To Germany
The Hon. Mukhisa Kituyi
Secretary-General, UN Conference on Trade & Development, UNCTAD
Mr. Nondas Cl. Metaxas »
Former CEO, Cyprus Stock Exchange
The Hon. Ögmundur Jónasson »
Former Minister of the Justice of Iceland
The Hon. Paul-Eerik Rummo »
Former Estonian Minister of Culture and Education
The Hon. Pernille Weiss
Member of the European Parliament for Denmark
Mr. Rajeeva Bandaranaike »
Former Chief Executive Officer, Colombo Stock Exchange
Amb. Ranko Vilovic »
Senior Ambassador of Croatia
The Hon. Rashed Al Baloushi »
Former Chief Executive, Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange
The Hon. Reinhold Lopatka »
Former Spokeperson of the Austrian People´s Party for European & Foreign Affairs
President Rexhep Meidani »
Former President of Albania
Sen. Richard Bryan »
Former United States Senator from Nevada
The Hon. Rubén Arosemena Valdés »
Former Vice President of Panama
The Hon. Rui Duarte Barros »
Former Prime Minister of Guinea-Bissau
The Hon. Said W. Musa »
Former Prime Minister of Belize
The Hon. Staffan Nilsson »
Former President of the EU European Economic & Social Committee
President Stjepan Mesić »
Former President of Croatia
The Hon. Supachai Panitchpakdi »
Former Secretary-General of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD); Former Director General of the WTO
The Hon. Tara D. Sonenshine »
Former Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, US State Department
The Hon. Theodoros Pangalos »
Former Deputy Prime Minister of Greece
Sen. Tim Hutchinson »
Former United States Senator from Arkansas
President Ugo Mifsud Bonnici »
Former President of Malta
President Valdis Zatlers »
Former President of Latvia
Sen. Vanessa Rubio Marquez
Senator of the Mexican Congress
Rector Vladimir Filippov »
Rector of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Mayor Wilmot Collins
Mayor of Helena, Montana, USA
Judge Xhezair Zaganjori »
President of the Supreme Court of Albania
Judge Yuriy Baulin »
Former Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine
The Hon. Yves Leterme »
Former Prime Minister of Belgium

Senior Academics

The Advisory Board includes (Among Others) the following Members:

Prof. Dr. Álvaro Escribano Saéz »
Vice Rector, Universidad Carlos II de, Madrid
Prof. Dr. Anthony Giddens »
Former Director of the London School of Economics
Prof. Dr. Aquien Pascal »
Vice President, The scientific Council, Université Paris 4 Sorbonne
Prof. Dr. Arthur Hirsch
Director, Webster University - Vienna Campus
Prof. Dr. Athanasios D. Koustelios »
Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs, University of Thessaly, Greece
Prof. Dr. Bulyzhenkov Igor Edmundovich »
Rectorate Councellor, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Prof. Dr. Colette Mazzucelli »
BMW Foundation Responsible Leader; Graduate Faculty, NYU New York
Prof. Dr. Cyril Svoboda »
Rector, Prague Diplomatic Academy
Prof. Dr. Dragan Domazet »
Rector, Belgrade Metropolitan University
Prof. Dr. Enver Halilovic »
Rector, University of Tuzla
Prof. Dr. Euripides Stephanou »
Rector, University of Crete
Prof. Dr. Finn Kjćrsdam »
Former Rector, of Aalborg University in Denmark
Prof. Dr. Gigi Tevzadze »
Rector of Ilia State University, Georgia
Prof. Dr. Giovanni Puglisi »
Rector, International University of Languages and Media IULM
Prof. Dr. Gwenaele Proutičre-Maulion »
Vice President, European Affairs and International Relations, Université de Nantes
Prof. Dr. Ivan Ilchev »
Former Rector, Sofia University
Prof. Dr. Javier Casalí »
Vice-President of International Relations and Cooperation, Public University of Navarre
Dr. Jeremias Kettner »
Deputy Director, Arabic Cultural House, Divan; Global Risk Analyst and Foreign Policy Expert, Founder Kettner Advisory
Prof. Dr. John M. Hobson »
Professor of Politics and International Relations, University of Sheffield, UK
Prof. Dr. Ludomír Šlahor »
Vice Rector for International Relations, Comenius University, Bratislava
Prof. Dr. Michael Lederer »
Executive Vice President of International Affairs & Executive Education, Furtwangen University
Dr. Mihail Dobre »
Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania
Prof. Dr. Mike Hardy »
Professor of Intercultural Relations; Executive Director, the Institute for Community Cohesion, Coventry University, UK
Prof. Dr. Murat Tuncer »
President of the Hacettepe University
Prof. Dr. Patrick Quinn »
Provost, Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy
Prof. Dr. Paul De Knop »
(In Memoriam)

Rector, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Prof. Dr. Pedro Nonell »
Director, EENI Global Business School, Spain
Sir Robert Milton Worcester »
Chancellor of the University of Kent (2006-2014)
Prof. Dr. Rolf Tarrach »
Former Rector of the University of Luxembourg
Prof. Dr. Sibrandes Poppema »
President University of Groningen; Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Korea to the Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Sjaak Koenis »
Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Maastricht University
Prof. Dr. Soodursun Jugessur »
Pro Chancellor & Chairman, University of Mauritius & Chairman, Mauritius Research Council
Prof Dr. Tariq Modood »
Director, University Research Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship, University of Bristol, UK
Prof. Dr. Timothy O'Shea »
Principal of the University of Edinburgh
Prof. Dr. Vasile Puscas »
Former Romanian Minister for European Affairs
Prof. Dr. Wahid Omar »
President & Vice-Chancellor, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Dr. Yehoeshahfaht Ben Israel
UK Senior Leader, Black Hebrew Israelites
Prof. Dr. Zvonimir Paul Separovic »
(In Memoriam)

Former Minister of Justice of Croatia


The Advisory Board includes (among others) the following Members:

The Hon. Áine Collins TD »
Former Member of the Irish Parliament
The Hon. Alan Ferguson »
The 22nd President of the Australian Senate
The Hon. Angelika Werthmann »
Former Member of the European Parliament
The Hon. Angelo (Anġlu) Farrugia »
Speaker of the House of Representatives of Malta
The Hon. Anna Wallén »
  Former Member of the Parliament of Sweden
The Hon. Bill Cash »
Member of the British Parliament
The Hon. Davor Bozinovic »
Member of the Parliament of Croatia
Sen. Dominique Tilmans »
Former Member of the Belgian Senate
The Hon. Egidijus Vareikis »
 Member of the Parliament of Lithuania
The Hon. Elfyn Llwyd »
  Former Member of the British Parliament
The Hon. Francesco Maria Amoruso »
 Member of the Italian Senate
The Hon. George Sabin Cutas »
Former Member of the European Parliament
The Hon. Georgi Pirinski »
Member of the European Parliament
Sir Graham Watson »
 Former  Member of European Parliament for the South West of England and Gibraltar
The Hon. Ints Dalderis »
Member of the Saeima
The Hon. Jeffrey Donaldson »
Member of the British Parliament
The Hon. Jesmond Mugliett »
Former Member of the Parliament of Malta
The Hon. Leonidas Donskis »
 Former Member of the European Parliament
The Hon. Lia Quartapelle »
 Member of the Italian Parliament, Democratic Party
The Hon. Linda Lanzillotta »
 Vice President of the Italian Senate
The Hon. Lucio Malan »
 Member of the Italian Senate
The Hon. Marta Grande »
 Member of the Italian Parliament
The Hon. Milan Zver »
Member of the EU Parliament
The Hon. Nouzha Skalli »
Member of the Moroccan Parliament; Former Minister of Social Development, Family, and Solidarity
The Hon. Rita Süssmuth »
Former President of the German Parliament (Bundestag)
The Hon. Robert John Walter »
Member of the British Parliament 
The Hon. Tsiaras Konstantinos »
Member of the Hellenic Parliament
The Hon. Wayne David »
 Member of the British Parliament