The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
ICD Alumni
ICD Alumni
ICD Alumni is a network of like-minded individuals with an interest in further developing the field of cultural diplomacy through the support of intercultural relations. Participation in the group is by invitation only, and is open only to individuals who have taken part in ICD programs.
Members of the ICD Alumni Group will benefit from the following opportunities:

ICD Alumni Online Forum
To enable sustained dialogue, exchange and networking between the ICD and our alumni, the ICD has created a special online forum reserved exclusively for ICD Alumni members.
ICD Advisory Board Network »
The ICD has created an exclusive forum to enable ICD alumni and members exclusive access to enjoy dialogue and exchange with the ICD Advisory Board. The access to this forum is limited to only ICD Alumni & members and current and past participants of ICD's programs and events and provides access to high level networking, professional advice and feedback with some of the leading figures in the field of cultural diplomacy.
Members will have a priority in the ICD's "Opportunities in the Field of Cultural Diplomacy" campaign, which includes unique prospects, such as employment and research scholarship opportunities, cultural diplomacy best practice competitions, invitations to participate in cultural diplomacy delegation trips, and more.
Leadership Initiatives »
The ICD actively encourages ICD Members, alumni and participants to launch their own leadership initiative follow up projects after their active participation in an ICD program. The ICD will facilitate access between the project initiator and the relevant partners and collaborators from both within the ICD network and outside the ICD network, whenever possible, in order to support the leadership initiative and empower the project initiator to successfully realize their initiative.
Videos/ Photos on Demand »
Starting in 2012, ICD members and alumni will enjoy the possibility to use (for studies or personal interest) material in ICD's online archive of video lectures and photos, from our events conferences over the past 3 years. This material will serve as a valuable supplement to the lectures and discussions at each conference, further contextualizing cultural diplomacy and providing the alumni member with an increasingly diverse pool of views and experiences.
For more information please contact us at: infoculturaldiplomacyorg