Speaker List International - A > Z

The ICD is grateful for all individuals who participated, contributed and spoke in our international events.
The complete list of speakers can be found below:
- Gabriela Eigensatz Cultural Counselor, Embassy of Switzerland in Berlin
- H. E Amb. Gabriela Habsburg-Lothringen Ambassador of Georgia to Germany
- Gabriela Muñoz de Tukiendorf Cross-Cultural Consultant, MunozdeTurkiendorf Consulting
- Gabriela Trentin Mundo Español
- Dr. Gabriele Richter Rostock Universitz-Pacific Network Germany
- Gareth Reeves Film Director
- Gavin James Campbell Associate Professor, School of American Studies, Doshisha University
- Prof. Gavin Phillipson Professor in Durham Law School, UK
- Dr. Gebhardt von Moltke Chairman of the Deutsche- Britische Gesellshaft; Former German Ambassador to the UK; Former German Permanent Representative to NATO
- Dr. Georg Schmitz Vice President Munich Office, Region Americas, BMW
- Georg Simmel Professor of Diversity and Social Conflict at the Humboldt University, Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences
- George Galloway Former UK MP, Vice President of the StopThe War Coalition
- The Hon. Georgi Pirinski Former Foreign Minister of Bulgaria; Former Chairman of the National Assembly of Bulgaria
- Gerassimos D. Arsenis Former Minister of Economics of Greece
- Gerd Meuer Former correspondent on Africa for the ARD/Journalist
- Gergana Passy Former Bulgarian Minister for European Affairs
- Gergely Pröhle Deputy State Secretary, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Hungary
- Dr. Gerhard Dannemann Director for the Centre for British Studies, Humboldt University
- Prof. Dr. Gerhard Leitner Professor of English Philology at the Free University Berlin
- Dr. Gerhard Prätorius Head of Coordination CSR and Sustainability, Volkswagen AG; ICD Advisory Board Member
- Dr. Gerhard Sabathil Director for Strategy, Coordination and Analysis – European Commission
- Dr. Gerlinde Niehus Head Corporate Communications, NATO
- Prof. Gernot Wolfram Professor, Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung
- Prof. Gert Weisskirchen Member of the German Parliament, Spokesperson of the Social-Democratic Parliamentary Working Group on Foreign Affairs
- Prof. Dr. Gert-Joachim Gläßner The Speaker of the "Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences"
- Ms. Gesa-Stefanie Brincker Research Associate, CIFE and IEP
- Prof. Dr. Géza Jeszenszky Former Hungarian Foreign Minister, Former Ambassador to the United States
- Giannalia Cogliandro Head of European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centers
- Dr Goetz Kaufmann Professor of Cultural Diplomacy, John f. Kennedy School for North American Studies, Free University Berlin
- Gökcen Demiragli Kreuzberg Museum
- Gonzalo Caceres Chief Correspondent for Latin America, Deutsche Welle TV
- Göran von Sydow Representative of the Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies
- Gregor Podnar Owner of Gregor Podnar Gallery, Berlin and Ljubljana
- Gregory H. Stanton President, Genocide Watch
- The Hon. Dr. Grzegorz W. Kolodko Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Poland; Professor of Economics, Kozminski University, Poland
- Prof. Dr. Gudrun Doll-Tepper Vice President for Olympic Education at the German Olympic Sports Confederation
- Guilletto Chiesa Member of the European Parliament and Journalist
- Dr. Gunter Pleuger Former German Ambassador to the United Nations
- Günter Engelke Steering Committee of the German-Canadian Business Club
- Günter Nooke Personal Africa Representative of the German Chancellor, Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development
- Günter Piening Commissioner for Migration and Integration, City of Berlin
- Günther Schäfer Historian, Artist and Gallery Owner
- Günter Schlothauer Public Affairs Officer, Australian Embassy to Germany
- Günter Schaefer Artist
- Dr. Guz-Vetter Representative of the European Commission
- Gwendolen Morgan Solicitor, Public Law and Human Rights department, Bindmans LLP
- György Tatár Director, Budapest Center for the International Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities