Speaker List International - A > Z

The ICD is grateful for all individuals who participated, contributed and spoke in our international events.
The complete list of speakers can be found below:
- Wacef Chiha Deputy Chief of Mission, Tunisian Embassy to Germany
- Walid Maalouf Former Director Public Diplomacy at USAID; Former US Public Delegate to the United Nations
- The Hon. Walter Mzembi Tourism Minister of Zimbabwe
- Prof. Dr. Walther L. Bernecker Professor, Fridrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg
- The Hon. Walter Mzembi Tourism Minister of Zimbabwe
- Dr. Werner Press Attaché, Danish Embassy in Berlin. Chairman, The Association for Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
- Werner Hoyer State Secretary, German Foreign Office
- Werner Wendt Director - Department of Culture & Communication, The German Foreign Office
- Wes Sawatzky Managing Director/Consul – Government of Alberta Germany Office
- Wilfred Imoudu Secretary General of the Pan-African Forum, Berlin
- Willem Noe European Commission
- Senator William Emerson Brock III 18th United States Secretary of Labor; Former United
- William Davis Director, UN Information Center
- William Gaillard Director of Communications & Senior Advisor to the President of UEFA
- William Harvey Director & Founder, Culture in Harmony
- William Howard Taft IV Former United States Deputy Secretary of Defense; Former Legal Adviser of the Department of State; Former U.S. Ambassador to NATO
- William E. Moeller Pol-Mil/External Chief, Political Section, U.S. Embassy Berlin
- William McAllister Office of the Historian, US Department of State
- Governor William Weld Former Governor of Massachusetts
- Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz Former Prime Minister of Poland; Former Foreign Minister of Poland
- Judge. Wolfgang Schomburg Former Judge at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
- Wolfgang Hoelscher-Obermaier Deputy Head of Division, Latin America