Speaker List International - A > Z

The ICD is grateful for all individuals who participated, contributed and spoke in our international events.
The complete list of speakers can be found below:
- Fabrice Soredes Assistant Professor, University of Manchester
- Dr. Fabrizio Cantelli Professor of Political Science, University of Brussels
- Fachrizal Afandi Lecturer, Faculty of Law University of Brawijaya
- Prof. Dr. Fadwa El Guindi Distinguished Professor, Head of the Department of Social Sciences, Qatar University
- Faisal Kiwewa Director, Bayimba Cultural Foundation and BayimbaInternational Festival of the Arts, Uganda
- Dr. Falk Mehdom Vice President of Product Management, Bombardier Transportation
- Fatima Elatik Mayor of Amsterdam‘s district Amsterdam East, NL
- H.E. Fatoumata Siré Diakité Ambassador of the Republic of Mali to Germany
- Dr. Fawaz A. Gerges Professor of Middle Eastern Politics and International Relations at LSE
- Professor Federico Forders University of Kiel
- Dr. Felgentreu Member of the Berlin City Parliament, SPD
- Feline Freier International Organisation for Migration
- Felix Sangano First Secretary, Embassy of Rwanda in Germany
- H.E Ambassador Fesseha Asghedom Tessema Ethiopian Ambassador to Germany
- Ferhan Alesi Intercultural Trainer
- Ferdous Ara Begum Gender Issues Specialist; Former Member of UN CEDAW Committee; Former Director General, Bangladesh Television
- Ferit Sahenk Chairman, Dogus Group
- Ferry Pausch Managing Director, Deutschlandstiftung Integration
- H.E Ambassador Fesseha Asghedom Tessema Ethiopian Ambassador to Germany
- Fevzi Aktas Member of the society for Kurds and Kurdish culture
- Amb. Filippe Savadogo Ambassador & Permanent Representative of the International Organization of the Francophonie to the United Nations
- Dr. Florence Gauzy Bayerische Forshungsallianz (Bavarian Research Alliance)
- Florian Jäger German Foreign Ministry
- Folabi K. Olagbaju Director, Amnesty International USA
- Frances Fox Piven Professor of Sociology and Political Science, City University of New York, Graduate Centre
- Dr. Francesc Granell Trias Professor, Economics Department University of Barcelona
- The Hon. Francesco Rutelli Former Deputy Prime Minister of Italy; Former Minister of Culture and Tourism; Former Mayor of Rome
- H.E. Amb. Canon Francis K. Butagira Ambassador of the Republic of Uganda to Germany
- Francisco Javier Rodriguez Jimenez Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, George Washington University
- Dr. François Heisbourg Chairman of the International Institute for Strategic Studies
- Prof. Francois Nectoux Professor of Contemporary European Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University.
- François-Xavier de Donnea Former Mayor of the City of Brussels, Former Defence Minister of Belgium
- Dr. Frank Dörner Director of MSF-Berlin
- The Hon. Frank La Rue UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression
- Prof. Dr. Frank Mehring Researcher at the Department of Culture, John F. Kennedy, Institute in Berlin
- Dr. Frank. Pfetsch Professor of International Politics Uni. Heidelberg
- Frank Thierfelder Division for United States of America and Canada Affairs
- Frank Ucciardo UN Correspondent for CBS
- Pastor Frank Williams Protestant Faith Fellowship Church
- Franklin Mikangou Chairman of the Board of Béto e.V.
- Fransiska Sülke Head of European Relations Unit for the Government of Neuköln
- Franziska Giffey Europe delegate of the Berlin district Neukoelln
- Dr. Fred Charles Iklé Former United States Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
- The Hon. Frédéric Pierret Executive Director, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
- Fredrick Langdal Representative of the Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies
- Counselor Frode Solberg Norwegian Embassy