Speaker List International - A > Z

The ICD is grateful for all individuals who participated, contributed and spoke in our international events.
The complete list of speakers can be found below:
- N’Diaye Bah Minister of Tourism of Mali
- Dr. Nadia Oweidat St. Antony's College, Oriental Studies
- Nadina Fejes International Social Policy Researcher, Oxford University
- Nadja Grizzo Marketing and Communication Ruhr.2010 GmbH
- Dr. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed Executive Director, Institute for Policy Research and Development
- The Hon. Nahas Angula Prime minister of Namibia
- Natalie von Looy Manager, Confucious Institute Berlin
- Natasha Kelly Editor of X-Magazin
- Natasha Walter Founder, Women for Refugee Women
- The Hon. Dr. Nazar Al Baharna Former Foreign Minister of Bahrain
- Nazmi Kavasoglu Author, Journalist, Project Manager, Recipient of the Federal Cross of Merit
- Dr. Neal Rosendorf Blog Contributor, Center of Public Diplomacy, University of Southern California
- Neco Çelik Film Director
- Neil Jameson Founding Executive Director , Citizens UK
- H. E. Amb. Neil Parsan Ambassador of Trinidad and Tobago to the United Nations
- Dr. Neven Managing Director of AUMA
- H.E Amb. Dr. Neil Parsan Ambassador of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to the USA
- Ney Artur Gonçalves Canani Head of the Political Department, Brazilian Embassy
- Niall Gibbons Chief Executive of Tourism Ireland
- Niamh Bhreathnach Former Irish Minister for Education
- Prof. Dr. Nicholas Cull Professor of Public Diplomacy, Director of the Master Program in Public Diplomacy, University of Southern California
- Dr. Nick Spitzer Professor of Anthropology and American Studies; Producer of Public Radio's American Routes
- Nick Tolhurst Lecturer in MBA Corporate Responsibility and Business Ethics at Steinbeis University
- Nick Williams Head, Operations Section, Operations Division, NATO
- Nikolaus Grubeck Barrister, Doughty Street Chambers
- Nicole Renvert Robert Bosch Stiftung
- Niels Helveg Petersen Former Minister for Economic Affairs of Denmark, Former Minister for Foreign Affairs
- Niels Klabunde Researcher, Center of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Diversity
- Mr. Nikitin Head of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Germany
- Dr. Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf Executive Director, Democracy Reporting International
- Nirj Deva (MEP) Member of the European Parliament
- Nora Lafi Zentrum der Moderner Orient
- H.E Ambassador Norman Garcia Paz Ambassador of Honduras to Spain; Former Minister of Trade and Industry of Honduras; Former Minister of Tourism of Honduras
- The Hon. Nouzha Skalli Minister of Social Development, Family and Solidarity of Morocco.
- Nurhan Yentürk Director, NGO Training and Research Centre, Bilgi University