Speaker List International - A > Z

The ICD is grateful for all individuals who participated, contributed and spoke in our international events.
The complete list of speakers can be found below:
- H.E. Ambassador Rachad Bouhlal Ambassador of Morocco to the Republic of Germany
- Radmila Sekerinska Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Madedonia
- Raghunath Mahabir Department of Behavioural Sciences, University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago
- Raheel Mohammed Director of Maslaha
- Rainer Eppelmann Civil Rights Activist. Former Minister for Demobilization and Defence
- Mr Rainder Steenblock Member of the EMPA - Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly
- Rainer Stinner Professor of (Asian) Politics at the University of Freiberg
- Prof. Raj Kollmorgen Professor für Soziologie Universität Magdeburg
- The Hon. Rajesh Jeetah Minister of Tertiary Education,Science ,Research and Technology of the Republic of Mauritius
- Prof. Ralf Barkemeyer Queen's University Belfast
- Dr. Ralf Brauksiepe MdB
- Ralf Fröhlich Director of Himmel och Jord
- Dr. Ramon Pacheco Pardo Lecturer in European Studies and Spanish Associate, King's China Institute, King's College London
- Amb. Ranko Vilovic Permanent Mission of Croatia to the United Nationa and Chairman of the Security Council Committee
- Dr. Ratan Khasnabis Director MHROM, Department of Business Management, Calcutta University
- Ray Blue Musician and Director of Cross Cultural Connection
- Rayko Raytchev Permanent Representative to the United Nations for Bulgaria
- Rebecca MacKinnon Co-founder of Global Voices Online
- Rebecca Tinsley Director & Founder, Waging Peace
- Prof. Dr. Refik Erzan Bosphorus University
- Reginaldo Vincentim Cooperativa dos Agropecuaristas Solidários de Itápolis
- Regis Présent-Griot Journalist and Director of La Gazette de Berlin
- Mr. Reggie Moore Jazz Ambassador, Professor of Jazz & Musician
- Dr. Reinhard Insensee Humboldt University in Berlin
- Reinhard Juncker Working Group on Economic Cooperation and Development for the CDU/CSU Party
- Renate Künast Former Minister for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of Germany, Leader of the German Green Party
- Renate Schroeder European Director, International Federation of Journalists
- Dr. Rene Gabriels Professor, University College Maastricht
- Renen Schorr Film director, screenwriter, film producer
- The Hon. Rexhep Meidani Former President of Albania
- Ribal Al-Assad Founder & Chairman of the Iman Foundation
- Dr. Richard Arndt Former Career Diplomat with US Foreign Services (1961-1998), Past President, Co-Chair Advisory Council, Americans for UNESCO, Past President, Fulbright Association, Author of “The First Resort of Kings: American Cultural Diplomacy in the Twentieth Century1917-2000.”
- The Hon. Richard Boucher Deputy Secretary-General of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
- Ambassador Richard Clark Barkley Former US Ambassador to East Germany
- Richard Dowden Journalist and Director, Royal African Society
- Dr. Richard Kurin under Secretary for History, Art, and Culture, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.
- Richard Pells Professor of History, University of Texas
- Rick van der Ploeg Former Dutch State Minister of Education, Culture and Science. Professor of Economics, Oxford University
- Dr. Riem Spielhaus Researcher, East Asia Studies, Humboldt University Berlin
- Rita Müller-Roider Deputy Head of Division, Economic Development, City of Munich
- Rizwan Saeed Sheikh Director, Department of Cultural Affairs, Organization of the Islamic Conference's General Secretariat
- Rob Berkeley Director, Runnymede Trust
- Robb Wood Doha Film Institute
- Roberd De Vos Chairman of Europe China Foundation
- Robert A. Saunders, Ph.D Assistant Professor, Department of History, Economics & Politics, State University of New York
- Robert Eysoldt Berlin-Based Crative Director and Project Developer
- Robert Kroes Professor of American Studies, University of Amsterdam/University of Utrecht
- The Hon. Major General Robert L. Nabors Former Commander of the 5th Signal Command (Manheim, Germany)
- H. E. Amb. Robert Pearson President IREX
- Robert A. Saunders, Ph.D (Assistant Professor, Department of History, Economics & Politics, State University of New York)
- The Hon. Major General Robert L. Nabors Former Commander of the 5th Signal Command (Manheim, Germany)
- The Hon. Robert Walter MP Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom
- Robin Lautenbach German renowned TV journalist and former ARD correspondent in Poland
- Rocco Buttiglione Former Minster of Culture of Italy
- Rod Fisher Director, International Intelligence on Cultura and Director, European Cultural Foundation UK
- Dr. Roderick Parkes Head of Brussels Office, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik
- Dr. Rokus de Groot Musicologist and Composer; Chair of Musicology, University of Amsterdam
- Roland Zinzius Deputy Head of Unit, African Union and African Peace Facility, European Commission, DG Development and Cooperation
- H.E. Amb. Rolands Lappuke Foreign Ministry Republic of Latvia, Policy Planning Unit, Ambassador at Large
- Prof. Dr. Rolf Hepp Professor for gender studies and cultural sociology at the Free University of Berlin
- H.E. Amb. Roman Kirn Ambassador of Slovenia to the US
- Rory MacLean Independent Travel Author
- Rose-Anne Clermont Haitian-American Author
- Ruby Maubert Film Director and Producer, founding member of the Kenya Film & Television Professional Association - KFTPA
- Dr. Rudolf Bernhardt Former President of the European Court of Human Rights, Professor, Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law
- Rudolf Porsch Director, Axel Springer Academy
- Rukia Baruti Founder and Managing Director at Africa International Legal Awareness, Vice-President of the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) Africa Users’ Council
- Rupert Scholz Former Minister of Defense of Germany
- Rushanara Ali Member of the British Parliament
- H.E. Ruth Jacoby Ambassador of Sweden
- The Hon. Ruud Lubbers Former Prime Minister of the Netherlands; Former UN High Commissioner for Refugees
- Prof. Dr. Ryan Irwin Professor International Security Studies, Yale University
- Dr. Ryan Prout University of Cardiff
- H.E. Amb. Ryszard Schnepf Polish Ambassador to Spain