Speaker List International - A > Z

The ICD is grateful for all individuals who participated, contributed and spoke in our international events.
The complete list of speakers can be found below:
- Dr. Eberhard Sandschneider Director of the Research Institute of the German Council on Foreign Relations
- Dr. Eckhart Cuntz German Ambassador to Turkey
- H.E Ambassador Eddy Pratomo Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Germany
- The Hon. Edmund Bartlett Minister of Tourism of Jamaica
- H. E. Amb. Eduard Bizimana Ambassador of Burundi to Germany
- Dr. Eduardo M. Ochoa Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education, Department of Education, US Government
- Dr. Edward Freeman Elis and Signe Olsson, Professor of the University of Virginia
- Efthymios Efthymiades Embassy of Greece to Germany
- The Hon. Ekaterine Tkeshelashvili Former Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, State Minister for Reintegration; Former Foreign Minister
- Amb. Elena Poptodorova Ambassador of Bulgaria to the USA
- MdB Elke Hoff Defense Policy Spokesperson for FDP Caucu
- Encargado de Negocios Mexican Embassy, Berlin
- Elie Sharma Chairman of the Board Cryo-Nor
- Dr. Elif Cindik Medical Director for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Klinik am Schönen Moos
- Elin Lindberg Junior Chamber of Commerce
- Elina Melgin Managing Director, ProCom - Finnish Association of Communication Professionals
- Dr. Elisabeth Klotz Art Historian
- Ellen P. Embrey Former US Assistant Secretary of Defence for Health Affairs
- Elsa Cordeiro Member of Portuguese Parliament
- Emel Algan Abidin Vorsitzende des Islamischen Frauenvereins “Cemiyet-i Nisa”
- Dr. Emil Constantinescu Former President of Romania
- Emily Ansari Faculty of Music, University of Western Ontario
- The Hon. Emily Lau Vice-chairmen of Democratic Party of China and Member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong"
- H.E Amb. Dr. Emina Keco Isakovic Ambassador of Bosnia-Herzegovina to the UN Office in Geneva
- Dr. Endre Horváth Deputy State Secretary Ministry for National Economy, Hungary
- Enno Harks Political Analyst, British Petroleum in Germany
- Enzo M. Le Fevre Cervini Director of Research and Cooperation, Budapest Center for the International Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities
- Prof. Dr. Enzo Weber Economics Professor, University of Regensburg
- Ercan Karakoyun Chairman of the Forum for Intercultural Diologue in Berlin
- The Hon. Dr. Erhard Busek Former Vice-Chancellor of Austria, Former Minister for Education & Cultural Affairs; ICD Advisory Board Member; Former Minister for Science and Research; Advisor to ECIKS (Economic Initiative for Kosovo)
- The Hon. Dr. Erkki Tuomioja Foreign Minister of Finland
- Erna Hennicot- Schoepges Former Luxembourgian Minister of Culture and Religious Affairs
- Hon. Ernest Maragall i Mira Former Minister of Education, Catalonia
- H. E, Ph.D. Ernesto Pinto-Bazurco Rittler Peruvian Ambassador to Romania
- H. E. Ambassador Ernst-Jörg von Studnitz Former German Ambassador to Russia; Chairman of the German – Russian Forum
- Erwin Feldhaus Director of “ProMéxico” for Middle and Eastern Europe
- Eshete Tilhun Political Councillor of Ethiopian Embassy
- Espérance Niyonsaba Rwandan Cultural Diplomacy and MA Student in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy
- Esther Roniyah Stanford-Xosei Community Advocate and Radio Broadcaster
- Etyen Mahcupyan Director Democratization Programme, TESEV
- Dr. Eva Latham President of Human Rights Teaching International, The Hague, NL
- Dr. Eva Sternfeld Professor of Sinology at Technische University Berlin
- Dr. Eva Vass Department of Education, University of Bath UK
- Evrim Baba-Sommer Mitglied der Linksfraktion in Abgeordnetenhaus Berlin: Frauen- und Entwicklungspolitische Sprecherin, Mitglied des Ausschusses für Wirtschaft, Technologie und Frauen