Speaker List International - A > Z

The ICD is grateful for all individuals who participated, contributed and spoke in our international events.
The complete list of speakers can be found below:
- Dr. Kaberi Chatterjee Dancer
- Kai Preuschag Senior Vice President, Financial Product Advisory, KfW
- Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Wellner International Management and Controlling, Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
- Dr. Karen Donfried Executive Vice President, the German Marshall Fund of the United States
- Karen Zacur Diplomat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile
- Karin Helmstaedt Member of the euromaxx team of Deutsche Welle
- Karine Walther Visiting Instructor, Department of History, Middlebury College, Vermont
- H. E. Ambassador Karl-Erik Norrman Former Swedish Ambassador; Secretary General of the European Cultural Parliament
- Dr. Karsten Neuhoff Research Director of Climate Policy Impact and Industry response. The German Institute of Economic Research; Director of the Berlin Office of Climate Policy Initiative.
- Dr. Karsten Voigt Coordinater for German-American Partnership in the German Foreign Office
- Kat Gray Director, Benefict Labre House
- President Katalin Bogyay President of the General Conference of UNESCO
- Katharina Borchert Editor in Chief of WAZ
- Ms Katharina Narbutovic Director of DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program
- Katharina Oguntoye Historian and Author
- Katherine Marshall Senior Advisor for the World Bank, Visiting Professor Georgetown University
- Kathleen Carroll Executive Editor, Associated Press; Co-Chair Pulitzer Board
- Dr. Kathrin DiPaola Head of Department, UK and Northern Countries, DAAD
- Katja Dorner Member of the German Parliament for Bonn (Alliance 90/The Greens)
- Katja Sudec Slovenian Artist
- Ms. Katrin DiPaola Head of Department UK and Northern Countries, DAAD (The German Academic Exchange Service)
- H. E. Amb. Kazuo Kodama Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations
- Dr. Keith Dinnie Associate Professor of Business, Temple University Japan
- The Hon. Dr. Ken Lipenga Malawi Minister of Tourism and Culture
- H.E. Amb. Ken Osinde Ambassador of Kenya to Germany
- Kenneth Gbandi African Heritage Magazine
- Dr. Kent Calder Director - Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies, John Hopkins University
- Prof. Kerstin Gauffin Head of Division of Theatre and Creative Applications, President MEDIACT (rhetoric, improvisation) at Mälardalen University
- Kevin Bismark Cobham Criminal Defence Lawyer and Socio-Political Commentator
- Khalifa Drame Senegalese Designer & Partner, Africa Live Consulting
- Khayyan Akbar Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission at the Pakistani Embassy
- H.E. Minister Kazenambo Kazenambo (Minister of Youth, National Service, Sport and Culture of the Republic of Namibia)
- Kenan Kolat Chairman of the Turkish Community in Germany
- The Hon. Kingsley Makhubela Director-General of the National Department of Tourism of South Africa
- Kingsley Smith Program Director - NPR Worldwide & NPR Berlin
- Kirsty Brimelow Lawyer, Doughty Street Chambers
- Kjell Magne Bondevik Former Prime Minister of Norway
- Prof. Dr. Klaus Bade Migration Researcher
- Klaus Dittrich PhD Candidate, University of Portsmouth
- Klaus Linsenmeier Director, Heinrich Böll Stiftung North America
- Kofi Mawuli Klu Co-Director of PACES, Pan-African Civics Educational Services
- Kojo Apiah-Kubi Director, International Conference on African Culture and Development
- Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović Ambassador of Croatia to United States
- Kornelia Bitzer-Zenner German Foreign Office – Aktion Afrika
- Kristiina Ojuland Member of European Parliament; Former Foreign Minister of Estonian
- Kurov Denis Sergeevich Russian Embassy - 3rd Secretary on External and Security Policies
- Kurt Bodewig Former German Minister of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs
- Dr. Kwame Akonor Director of the African Development Institute