Speaker List International - A > Z

The ICD is grateful for all individuals who participated, contributed and spoke in our international events.
The complete list of speakers can be found below:
- Dr. Lacina Yeo Institute for Intercultural Education, Free University Berlin
- Laris Gaiser President, EMUNI University; Slovenia
- Larissa Fortak Owner of Gallery J&L Fortak
- Larissa Israel Project Manager in the Berlin Philharmonic Education Department
- Larissa Probst Vorstand Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Amnesty International
- The Hon. Senator Larry Lee Pressler Former US Senator from South Dakota
- Lars-Christian Cords Direktor fischerAppelt Berlin
- László Kovács European Commissioner for Taxation and Customs Union, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary
- Lauren Albert & Danielle- Natalie Kind Brit Olam Organization
- Laurence Madeline Curator and Chief of Cultural and Education Department, Musee D’Orsay
- H. E. Ambassador Lazăr Comănescu Romanian Ambassador to Germany
- Len Goucher Nova Scotia Minister of Tourism, Heritage and Culture
- Dr. Leila Simona Talali Reader (associate Professor) in International Political Economy, European and International Studies Depament (EIS), King's College London
- Leo Riski Press Attaché, the Finnish Embassy in Berlin
- Leon Macioszek KfW Development Bank
- Dr. Leonie von Braun German Judge (Berlin Criminal Court), Chair of Amnesty Geramny's Coordination Group Against Impunity
- Lianna Amirkhanyan English Language Trainer at the Career Center NGO, Yerevan
- Linda Melvern British Investigative Journalist
- Ms. Lizza May David Filipino Documentary Director and head of Global Alien.
- Lluís Foix Director, La Vanguardia
- Mr. Loay El-Shawarby Chairman of Nahdet El-Mahrousa's Board of Directors; Adjunct Lecturer of Law and Politics at Ain Shams and Al-Azhar Universities
- Lotta Mayer Board Member of the Heidelberger Institut für Internationale Konfliktforschung (HIIK), Former Manager of the Konflikte im Subsaharischen Afrika Team
- The Hon. Louis Sullivan, M.D Former US Secretary of U.S of Health and Human Services
- Dr. Lourdes Vallarino Chargé d’affaires and Deputy Chief of Mission of the Panamanian Embassy in Berlin
- Dr. Lovro Šturm Former Minister of Justice of Slovenia
- The Hon. Luc van den Brande Former Minister-President of Flanders, Belgium; Former President of the European Union's Committee of the Regions (CIVEX)
- Dr. Luc Reychler Professor of International Relations, University of Leuven, Director of the Center for Peace and Strategic Studies (CSIS)
- The Hon. Lucinda Creighton Minister of European Affairs of Ireland
- Dr. Lucio Renno GIGA Institute, Hamburg
- Prof. Dr. Ludger Volmer Former State Minister in the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Ludovic Dakossi Cultural Attaché of the Embassy of the Republic of Benin
- Prof. Dr. Lufter Xhuveli Former Albanian Minister of Environment
- Dr. Lukrezia Jochimsen MdB
- Dr. Lulsegged Abebe Senior Advisor on the African Union, International Alert
- Lydia Mutsch Mayor of Esch-sur-Alzette, LU
- H.E. Amb. Lyobomir Nedkov Kyuchukov Bulgarian Ambassador to the UK