Speaker List International - A > Z

The ICD is grateful for all individuals who participated, contributed and spoke in our international events.
The complete list of speakers can be found below:
- Ambassador J. D. Bindenagel Vice President for Community, Government and International Affairs at DePaul University
- Dr. J. P. Singh Associate Professor, Communication, Culture and Technology Program, Georgetown University
- Prof. J R Monroy Ambassador & Permanent Representative of the International Organization of the Francophonie to the United Nations
- Prof. Dr. Jaap de Zwaan Professor of the Law of the European Union, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
- Jacek Saryusz-Wolski MEP; Former Deputy Chairman of the European Parliament
- The Hon. Lord Jack McConnell Former First Minister of Scotland; Former Treasurer to the Stirling District Council; ICD Advisory Board Member
- Prof. Dr. Jack OBE Spence Professor, Department of War Studies King's College London
- Dr. Jackson Janes Executive Director of the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies at the Johns Hopkins University in Washington, DC
- H.E Ambassador Jacky Foo Ambassador of Singapore to Germany
- Jacquelynne Jones Modeste Cultural Diplomacy Expert
- Dr. Jacques F. Poos Former Deputy Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Former Minister of Finance and of Foreign Affairs
- James Bacchus Former United States Representative for Florida
- James Calderwood Partner, Zuckert, Scoutt & Rasenberger Law Firm
- Dr. James M. Goldgeier Professor of Political Science and International Affairs
- The Hon. Sir James R. Mancham Former President of the Republic of Seychelles; ICD Advisory Board Member
- Admiral James Milton Loy Former United States Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security; Former Commandant of the Coast Guard
- The Hon. Lieutenant General James B. Peake, M.D. Former US Secretary of Veterans Affairs; Former Surgeon General of the US Army
- James S. Robbins Senior Editorial Writer for Foreign Affairs at the Washington Times
- Jan Bittner Policy Planning Staff of the CDU/CSU Party in the German Parliament
- Jan Brunner Third Secretary of the Embassy of Czech Republic to Germany
- Dr. Jan-Erik Lane Professor of (Asian) Politics at University of Freiburg
- Dr. Jan Oberg Director and Co-Founder of the Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research
- Jan Techau German Council on Foreign Relations
- Jan van Weijen Head of Culture, Public Diplomacy and Press, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
- The Hon. Janez Jansa Former Prime Minister of Slovenia
- Jan-Erik Enestam Former Finnish Minister of the Environment and Defence
- Jan-Henrik Meyer Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Portsmouth
- H.E. Amb. Janis Mazeiks Latvian Ambassador to the UN Office in Geneva
- Janos Can Togay Director, Collegium Hungaricum
- Janusz Onyszkiewicz Former Defense Minister of Poland
- Dr. Jaume Saura Estapà Professor, Department of Law, University of Barcelona
- Dr. Jay Malarcher Associate Professor of Theatre and Dramaturg, College of Creative Arts, West Virginia University, USA
- Jayne Joso Writer
- H. E. Amb. Jean Feyder Ambassador of Luxembourg to the UN Office in Geneva
- Jean d'Haussonville Cultural Attaché of the French Embassy in Berlin
- Dr. Jean de la Croix Nkurayija Faculty of Arts, Media and Social Sciences, Department of Political Sciences at the National University of Rwanda
- Prof. Dr. Jean Krasno Associate Research Scientist and Lecturer in Political Science
- H.E. Amb Jean Robert Saget Ambassador of Cameroon to Germany
- Jean-Michel Tobelem Director, Option Culture, Paris
- The Hon. Jean-Paul Adam Foreign Minister of the Republic of Seychelles
- Jeannine Kantara Journalist
- Jeffrey Donaldson Member of the British Parliament
- Dr. Jeffrey J Anderson Graf Goltz Prof and Director – Department BMW Center for German 6 European Studies, Georgetown University
- Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Haynes Director of the Centre for the Study of Religion, Conflict and Cooperation, London Metropolitan University
- Jeffrey van Staden Director of Elangeni African Adventures
- Jennry Friedrich-Freksa Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen
- Jeremy Symons Senior Vice President, Conservation and Education Headquarters - Reston, VA
- Jerome Phelps Director of Detention Action
- Jerry Edling Editor in Chief of "PD" Magazine, University of Southern California
- The Hon. Jesmond Mugliett Member of the Parliament of Malta; Former Minister for Urban Development and Roads of Malta
- Jibrin Ibrahim Director, Centre for Democracy and Development, Nigeria
- Dr. Jiří Weigl Chancellor of the Office of the President of the Czech Republic
- Jessica Gienow-Hecht University of Cologne
- Dr. Jo Ritzen Former Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and Science; President of the University of Maastricht
- Dr. Joao Freire Brand Consultant for Brandia Central Regional; Editor for Europe, Middle East and Africa for the journal Place Branding and Public Diplomacy journal
- João Ribeiro de Almeida Consul General of Portugal in Barcelona
- President Joaquim Chissano Former President of Mozambique, Former Chairperson of the African Union
- Professor Joachim Schwalbach Professor of International Management, Humboldt-University Berlin
- Jochen Kühling Director, Plak Music,
- Dr. Joel Mathewson Assistant Professor of Journalism, Medill School, Northwestern University
- Joel Sandhu Research Associate, Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi)
- Prof. Dr. John M. Hobson Professor of Politics and International Relations, University of Sheffield; UK
- Jörg Metger German Consul General
- Jörg Wolf Atlantische Initiative
- Jörn Holtmeier Daimler AG
- Dr. Johan Galtung Norwegian Mathematician and Sociologist
- H.E. Amb. Johan Verbeke Belgian Ambassador to the UK
- Johannes Dragsbaek Schmidt Associate Professor, Institute for Global Cultural Studies, Aalborg University.
- John Cryer Member of the British Parliament
- John Eichler JE Strategie GmbH
- John Feffer Co-Director, Foreign Policy in Focus - Institute for Policy Studies
- John Ferguson Executive Director, American Voices
- John Graham Former US Foreign Service Officer and UN Diplomat
- John Hemming Member of the British Parliament
- John Holden Visiting Professor at City University, previously head of Culture at Demos
- John Kantara Journalist and Filmmaker
- Prof. John Long University of Illinois, Chicago
- Mr. John Lynch Chairman of the Jamaican Tourism Board
- Dr. John Packer Director, Human Rights Centre, University of Essex, UK
- John Shovlin History Department, NYU
- John Whitehead Director - British Council, Berlin
- Dr. John Willoughby Professor and Department Chair, Department of Economics, American University, Washington D.C.
- Jonathan Cooper Barrister, Doughty Street Chambers
- Dr. Joris Voorhoeve Former Defence Minister of Holland and Professor of International Studies at Nederlandse Defensie Acadamie
- Jorge Sampaio Former President of Portugal, UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilisations
- Prof. Dr. José Alvarez Herbert and Rose Rubin Professor of International Law, New York University
- The Hon. Dr. José António Pinto Ribeiro Former Minister of Culture of Portugal; Lawyer, Senior Partner J. A. Pinto Ribeiro & Associados
- The Hon. Jose Domingo Arias Villalaz Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade of Nicaragua
- Jose Filipe Torres CEO and Head of Strategy at Bloom Consulting
- Dr. Josef Braml Fellow, German Council on Foreign Relations
- Prof. Joseph C.A. Agbakoba Professor of Philosophy, Research Fellow- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
- Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud President of EMUNI University, Slovenia
Josh Wolf Documentary Filmmaker and Freelance Journalist - Professor Joseph S. Nye. Jr. Distinguished Service Professor, Harvard University
- Prof. Joshua Abrams Senior Lecturer in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies, University of Roehampton
- Joshua Sternfeld Associate Director and Postdoctoral Scholar, UCLA Centre for Information as Evidence
- Josip Juratovic Mitglied des Bundestags, SPD: Midglied des Ausschusses für Arbeit und Soziales und des Petitionsausschusses, Stellvertretendes Mitglied des Ausschusses für Außenangelegenheiten der EU
- Dr. Joy Mighty Professor at the Centre for Teaching and Learning, Queen's University Kingston
- H.E Ambassador Joy Wheeler Ambassador of Jamaica to Germany; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade
- Rear Admiral Dr. Joyce M. Johnson Vice President for Health Sciences of a not-for-profit research organization
- Jozo Radoš Member of the Croatian Parliament, Croatian People’s Party
- Mr. Juan Batllo Ferrer Economic Counsellor at the Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic in Barcelona)
- Dr. Juan Merelo-Barbera Professor, University of Barcelona
- Professor Juan Monroy Director and Founder of LACCS
- Judith Herrmann German Commission for UNESCO
- Judith Strohm Africavenir
- Judy A. Oder Lawyer at Interights & Trustee of AbleChild Africa
- Judy Muller Journalist, Reporter for ABC, NBC, NPR
- Ms Julia Bläsius Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
- Julia Boeck Public Relations, Tanas Art Gallery
- Julia Rawlins Head of Climate Change, British Council, Germany
- Julian Gough Irish writer based in Berlin
- Julie Tumler Büro Führungskräfte zu Internationalen Organisationen (BFIO)
- Julio Seoane Pinilla Department of History and Sociology, Universidad de Alcalá
- Juri Bottura MA Candidate in Latin American Studies, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
- Jürgen Meyer-Kronthaler Deutsche Welle
- Jutta Wolke Referatsleiterin Referat 208, Türkei
- Jytte Hilden Former Minister of Culture of Denmark