Speaker List International - A > Z

The ICD is grateful for all individuals who participated, contributed and spoke in our international events.
The complete list of speakers can be found below:
- Mr. M. Siddiq Kiani (Chairman Kashmir Free Organization (KFO)
- Dr. Maciej St. Zięba Integration Officer of the region Lublin, PL
- Madeline del Toro Cherney Adjunct faculty in the International Academic Programs at Stony Brook University, USA
- Maen Khreasat First Secretary, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Jordan to Belgium
- Dr. Magnus Brechtken School of Modern Languages and Cultures, Department of German, Nottingham University, UK
- H.E Ambassador Dr. Makase Nyaphisi Ambassador of Lesotho to Germany
- Prof. Dr. Makiko Hamaguchi-Klenner East Asian Politics Department, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- Sir Malcolm Rifkind Former Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of the UK
- Prof. Mammo Muchie, Professor Department of Culture and Global Studies, Aalborg University
- Prof. Dr. Manfred Nitsch Freie Universit&¨t Berlin
- Prof. Manfred Pohl Chairman of the Board of Franfurter Kultur Komittee
- Manuel Feifel Attache Institutional Relations & Culture, Quebec Office, Berlin
- Manuel Sarrazin Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
- Ambassador Marc Franco Head of Delegation of the European Union to Egypt
- Dr. Marc Helbling Migration, Integration, Transnationalization, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung gGmbH
- The Hon. Dr. Marc Verwilghen Former Minister of Justice of Belgium
- Marcia Barrett Lead Singer of Boney M
- Marcin Zastrozony Disaster/Project Manager and Coordinator for East Africa at Humedica
- Marco Boasso Chief of Mission/ Special Envoy for Afghanistan - International Organization for Migration (IOM)
- The Hon. Minister Mari Elka Pangestu Minister of Tourism & Creative Economy of Indonesia
- H.E. Amb. Maria Beatriz Souviron Ambassador of Bolivia in the United Kingdom.
- María Elena Agüero Deputy Secretary General of the Club of Madrid
- Maria Jessop Senior Program OfficerAcademy for International Conflict Management and Peace buildingUS Institute of Peace
- Maria Kalinovskaya Third Secretary of the Russian Embassy in Berlin
- Maria Kelt Director at the Swedish Ministry of Justice with Special Responsibility for Human Rights Issues and International Criminal Law
- Minister Maria Cleofe Natividad Minister and Consul General of the Philippines
- The Hon. Maria Serkedjieva Former Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Justice and European Legal Integration of Bulgaria
- Mariana McGill Panamanian Director of Ecotourism Company ‘Latin America World’
- Marianne Heuwagen Former Director of Human Rights Watch Germany
- Marianne Wagner-Simon Director, Erster Stock
- Marie Bernard-Meunier Former Ambassador of Camada to Germany
- Marie Malavoy MNA International Relations, Parti Québécois
- Marietje Schaake Member of the European Parliament
- Marietta Giannakou Member of European Parliament; Former Greek Minister of National Education and Religious Affairs
- Dr. Marina Apaydin Deputy Director for Management at the World Heritage Centre, UNESCO
- Marina Laker Political Councilor, Canadian Embassy
- Marina Pendes Deputy Minister of Defense of Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Marina Schuster MdB
- Mario Diel GMT-Beira, Executive Vice President, ConBridge KG International Consultants
- Prof. Dr. Mark Aspinwall Professor of Politics, Head of Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Edinburgh; UK
- Mark Donfried Director and Founder, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
- Ambassador Mark Geleyn Ambassador of Belgium to Germany
- Prof. Mark Hallerberg Professor of Public Management and Political Economy at the Hertie School of Governance
- Mark Littlewood Director General, Institute of Economic Affairs
- Prof. Mark Vlasic Senior Fellow & Adjunct Professor of Law, Institute for Law, Science & Global Security, Georgetown University
- Marko Savić Managing Director of Vizuarna Design Consultancy, Berlin and Ljubljana
- Marko Wilms Egytptian Film Director
- Markos Kounalakis President and Publisher Emeritus, Washington Monthly Magazine
- Prof. Dr. Markus Egg Profesor, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Humboldt University Berlin
- Markus Löning German Government Human Rights Commissioner
- Markus Meckel First Democratically Elected Foreign Minister of the DDR
- Mart Laar Former Minister of Estonia
- Marta Cooper Editorial Assistant, Index on Censorship
- Dr. Marta Moneo Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- Martin Beck German Institute of Global and Area Studies
- Martin Bell UNICEF UK Ambassador, Former British MP (Independent)
- Mr. Martin Capatinta Festival Director
- The Hon. Martin Cauchon Former Minister of Justice of Canada
- Martin Duespohl Director of the Kreuzberg Museum
- Martin Gutzeit Landesbeauftragter für die Unterlagen der Stasi
- Martin Hoffmann Member of the Petersburg Dialog
- Martin Hope Director Benelux and EU office at British Council. Former Director of British Council Moscow
- Martin Stitt Writer and Director
- Mr. Martin Wilhelm Goethe Institute – Belgrade
- Prof. Martin Woesler Professor of the Law of the European Union, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Mary Kimonye Chief Executive Officer, Brand Kenya Board
- Dr. Mary Anne Francis Research Fellow in Writing + Art at Chelsea College of Art and Design, London
- Mary Kimonye Chief Executive Officer, Brand Kenya Board
- Dr. Mary Lambkin Professor of Marketing, School of Business, UCD Quinn School of Business, University College Dublin, Ireland
- Maryam Stibenz Integrationsbeauftragte des Bezirkes Berlin-Mitte
- Matilda Mroz British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow and the Charles and Katherine Darwin Fellow at Darwin College
- Matt Cavanagh Associate Director for UK Migration Policy, Institute for Public Policy Research
- Matthias Höpfner German Ambassador to Canada
- Matthias von Kummer Consul General, German Consulate General Istanbul
- Matthias Stausberg Spokesperson, UN Global Compact
- Dr. Matthais S. Tantow Gallery Director, Tantow Gallery
- Matthew Stanard Department of History, Berry College
- Marzenna Guz-Vetter European Commission Representation Berlin
- H.E. Amb. Mauricio Rodriguez Munera Ambassador of Colombia to the UK.
- Max Hofmann Deutsche Welle
- Maxim Minchev Director General - Bulgarian News Agency
- Maximilian Rech Project Executive, Friends of Europe
- Meenakshi Shedde India Consultant to the Berlin; Locarno and Dubai Film Festivals; Winner of the National Film Award for Best Film Critic in 1999
- Meier Shiomo Strategic Advisor, the Public Diplomacy Division of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Israel
- Dr. Mekonnen Mesghena Director of Department for Migration, Citizenship and Intercultural Democracy, Heinrich Böll Foundation
- Meike Eitel Founding Member, Association for Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
- H.E. Melitón Alejandro Arrocha Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Panama
- Memet Kilic MdB
- Meenakshi Shedde India Consultant to the Berlin and Locarno Film Festivals
- Melody Hossaini Director, InspirEngage
- Memet Kılıç Member of the German Parliament for Alliance ‘90/ The Greens
- Dr. Mengsteab Tesfayohannes Associate Professor, Sigmund Weis School of Business, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA, USA
- Merethe Stagetorn Defense Lawyer for the Danish Supreme Court
- Dr. Michael A. Bailey Colonel William J. Walsh Professor - Department of Government and Georgetown Public Policy Institute
- Michael Bauer Former Executive Director, African Development Bank, currently Chief of Protocol of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Prof. Michael Ben-Gad Head of Economics. Department, University of London
- The Hon. Michael Chertoff Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security
- Dr. Michael Daumer Policy Analyst, European External Action Service
- Dr. Michael Gottlob Amnesty International
- Michael Hinterdobler Head of Division for International Relations for the State of Bavaria and former Director, Office of the State of Bavaria in Quebec
- Michael Hörig Head of Section Central and West Africa/412, German Academic Exchange Service
- Michael Louis Krenn Professor and Chair, Department of History, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina
- Michael Knoll Head of the Berlin Office of the Hertie Foundation
- Michael Küppers-Adebisi Multimediakünstler und Kulturmanager
- Prof. Michael Makropoulos Privatdozent, Geschlechtersoziologie und Kultursoziologie, Freie Universität Berlin
- Michael Pistecky Press Attache of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Berlin
- Michael Siebold Partner, Arnecke Siebold
- Michael Vögele Head of Section Civil Society and Institution Building, Delegaton of the European Commission to Turkey
- Michaela Balka Oikocredit
- Prof. Dr. Michel Cullin Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
- Michel Gagne Plant Manager BOC Gaz/Linde
- Michele Wucker President - World Policy Institute
- Miguel A.Padilla Acosta Mexican Embassy, Berlin
- Prof. Miguel Ángel Sorroche Cuerva Professor of Art History, University of Granada
- Mike Beard Director, Better World Campaign
- Mike Geddes Media and Communications Director at the Berlin-Based Streetfootballworld
- Prof. Dr. Mike Hardy CMG OBE Professor of Intercultural Relations; Executive Director, Institute of Community Cohesion, Coventry University; UK
- Mike Kenneth Moore Former Prime Minister of New Zealand; Former Director General of the World Trade Organization
- Mike Reilly Diplomat British Embassy
- Mikko Missi Cultural Attaché at the Finnish Embassy in Berlin
- Dr. Milagros Alvarez- Verdugo Professor of International Relations, University of Barcelona
- Dr. Milan Zver Member of the European Parliament
- Dr. Miomir Zuzul Former Foreign Minister of Croatia, President of Dubrovnik International University
- The Hon. Mireya Agüero de Corrales Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs of Honduras
- Miriam Chocobar Welthungerhilfe
- The Hon. Mirko Tomassoni Former Head of State of San Marino
- H.E. Ambassador Miro Kovač Botschafter der Republik Kroatiens
- H.E Amb. Mitar Kujundzic Ambassador of Bosnia & Herzegovina to the USA
- H.E. Mitja Drobnič Ambassador of Slovenia to Germany
- Mr. Molchanov Third Secretary, Foreign Policy Department, Russian Embassy Berlin
- Mohammadreza Farzad Film Director
- H.E Amb. Mohammed Rachad Bouhlal Ambassador of Morocco to Germany
- Prof. Mohand Tilmatine Professor Department of Philosophy, University of Cadiz
- Mona Deeley Director, Zenith Foundation
- Monkid Mestassi General, Ministry of Economic and General Affairs, Kingdom of Morocco and Chair of the MENA-OECD Investment Program
- H. E. Ambassador Montaser Oklah al-Zou'Bi Ambassador of Jordan to the EU
- Prof. Montserrat Guibernau Professor of Politics, Queen Mary University London
- Morten Messerschmidt Member of European Parliament; Vice Chair of the EU Committee on Constitutional Affairs
- H.E Ambassador Mosud Mannan Ambassador of Bangladesh to Germany
- Murat &¨nal GMT Beirat und Vorstandvorsitzender, Funds@Work AG
- Murray Small Legs Blackfoot Nation
- H. E. Amb. Musa Amer Odeh Ambassador of Palestine to Spain
- Mustafa Kemal Öztürk Mitglied des Bremer Landtags, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
- Mustafa Pulat Consul General of Turkey in Berlin