The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2010:
Culture, Globalization, and International Relations over the next Two Decades
Participant Papers:
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages research and progressive thought into the fields of culture, globalization and international relations. In the current international, rapidly globalizing world it is vital that there is continued analysis as well as fresh thought into the fields of culture and international relations, and the way the two interact with one another. The ICD wants to provide the opportunity for discussion of these topics, and the issues that are most important to both scholars and students today.In this regard, the ICD is welcoming participants of the International Symposium to submit papers on this subject. The papers can cover any topic within these fields, according to your own particular interests and passions. Participants can also submit work that they have completed in the past for other purposes, ongoing research or a paper written specifically for the International Symposium. Groups of students are allowed to submit collaborative pieces of work.
A jury of experts, including speakers of the International Symposium, will review the papers and those selected as the best will then have the opportunity to be presented by the author to the audience and speakers of the International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy (Berlin, 23rd – 30th May 2010).
The participant papers should be submitted to the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, no later than the 20th of May 2010.