The 2012 International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy & Human Rights
Social & Cultural Inequality: Innovative Strategies to Promote Access to Human Rights and Equalize Globalization
Friday, June 1st, 2012 |
Saturday, June 2nd, 2012 |
Sunday, June 3rd, 2012 |
Monday, June 4th, 2012 |
09:30 | Tea, Coffee & Refreshments |
(10:30) Tea, Coffee & Refreshments |
Tea, Coffee & Refreshments |
10:00 | Welcome Words by Mark C. Donfried
![]() (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Dr. Emmanuel Franklyne Ogbunwezeh (Head, Africa Department, International Society for Human Rights) Location: ICD House of Arts & Culture |
The Independent National Commission for Human Rights of Burundi (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: The Hon. Madame Sonia Ndikumasabo (Vice President of the Independent National Commission for Human Rights of Burundi) Location: ICD House of Arts & Culture |
The Potential for the Arts to Promote Human Rights in Europe (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: H. E. Amb. Karl-Erik Norrman (Secretary General, European Cultural Parliament) Location: ICD House of Arts & Culture |
Human Rights Defenders as Cultural Diplomats (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Hassan Shire Sheikh (Coordinator of the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project) Location: ICD House of Arts & Culture |
11:00 | Tea, Coffee & Refreshments |
Tea, Coffee & Refreshments |
Tea, Coffee & Refreshments |
Tea, Coffee & Refreshments |
11:30 | The Significance of Human Rights for Diplomacy - Perspectives from Mauritius (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: H. E. Amb. Sarojini, Seeneevassen-Frers (Ambassador of Mauritius to Germamy) Location: ICD House of Arts & Culture |
Human Rights as an Integral Part of the Process of Globalization: the Right to Development as an Inalienable Human Right (Interactive Panel Discussion) Speaker: The Hon Madam Sonia Ndikumasabo, Hassan Shire Sheikh, H. E. Amb. Dr. Dietrich von Kyaw, Dr. Emmanuel Franklyne, Ogbunwezeh, Norma Wright Location: ICD House of Arts & Culture |
Freedom, Equality, Solidarity: How Universal are Human Rights? (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Prof. Katlijn Malfliet (Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Leuven) Location: ICD House of Arts & Culture |
The Potential of Cultural Diplomacy as a Bridge between Universal Inalienable Human and Civil Rights and Individual Customs, Beliefs, Traditions and Priorities (Interactive Panel Discussion) Speakers: Hassan Shire Sheikh, The Hon Madam Sonia Ndikumasabo H. E. Amb. Karl-Erik Norrman, Mark Donfried, Norma Wright Location: ICD House of Arts & Culture |
13:00 | Lunch Break | Lunch Break | Lunch Break | |
14:30 | International Violations of Human Rights: an Overview (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Brückner (Jean Monnet Professor of European Studies, Stanford University) Location: ICD House of Arts & Culture |
The Situation of Crisis in the Congo: Uncovering The Truth (Film Screening, Interactive Discussion) Speaker: Floribert Nyamwoga ![]() (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Dr. Sabine Grund (Freelance Journalist) |
Visit: Plötzensee Memorial Center (Visit; Excursion) |
The Future of Cultural Diplomacy and the Opportunity of Leadership Initiatives (Lecture and Workshop) Speaker: Mark C. Donfried (Director & Founder, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy) Location: ICD House of Arts & Culture |
15:30 | Travel Time | Tea, Coffee & Refreshments |
Farewell | |
16:00 | (16:30) Speakers Corner (Public Discussion Forum) Location: Brandenburg Gate |
Human Rights as an Integral Part of the Process of Globalization: the Right to Development as an Inalienable Human Right - Case Study Congo (Interactive Discussion) Speakers: Floribert Nyamwoga, Pater Jacques Kamba, Dr. Sabine Grund, Norma Wright, Mark C. Donfried |
(17:00) Historic Walking Tour of the Berlin Wall (Walking Tour) Speaker: Günther Schaefer (Artist, Photographer and Historian) Location: East Side Gallery |
18:00 |
How Has Globalisation Affected the Way in Which We Respond to Inequality in Society? The Interplay Between Globalisation, Social Inequality and Education. (Interactive Panel Discussion) Speaker: The Hon Madam Sonia Ndikumasabo, H.E. Amb. Christine Nkulikiyinka, H.E. Amb. Karl-Erik Norrman, Sarmad Hussein, Hassan Shire Sheikh, Dr. Emmanuel Franklyne Ogbunwezeh, Mark C. Donfried, Norma Wright Location: German Parliament |
The ICD Human Rights Initiatives (Lecture & Discussion) Norma Wright (Program Director, ICD Human Rights Initiatives) Location: ICD House of Arts & Culture |
(17:00) Historic Walking Tour of the Berlin Wall (Walking Tour) Continued |
20:00 | Group Dinner Location: SWERA Restaurant- Bar- Lounge |
Group Dinner Location: Que Pasa Restaurant |
Group Dinner Location: Ach Niko Ach Restaurant |