The Cultures of Spain Conference
"Centuries of Multiculturalism and Inter-faith Dialogue within the Andalusia Region"

Conference Speakers
Abdeslam Badre MA Student in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy, ICD Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies & Babeş-Bolyai University |
Prof. Antonio Martín Moreno Professor of the History and Science of Music, University of Granada |
Dr. Goetz Kaufmann Professor of Cultural Diplomacy, John F. Kennedy School for North American Studies, Free University Berlin |
Rabbi Herschel Gluck Chairman of Jewish-Muslim Dialogue Forum, United Kingdom |
Mark C. Donfried Director & Founder, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy |
Prof. Miguel Ángel Sorroche Cuerva Professor of Art History, University of Granada |
Mili Gottlieb Film Maker |
Prof. Mohand Tilmatine Department of Philosophy, University of Cädiz |
Ribal Al-Assad Chairman of the Iman Foundation |
Virginia Palm MA Student in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy, ICD Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies & Babeş-Bolyai University |
Yasmin Allawi Vice-Chairman of the Iman Foundation |