Academy for Cultural Diplomacy
Speaker List Germany - A > Z

The ICD is grateful for all individuals who participated, contributed and spoke in our international events.
The complete list of speakers can be found below:
- Carl Graf von HohenthalDirector, American Chamber of Commerce in Germany
- Carsten J. DiercksGerman Documentary Filmmaker
- Carsten Rüpke Desk Officer, Northern European States
- Catherine MillikenBerliner Philharmonic
- Cem ÖzdemirLeader of the Green Party
- Prof. Charles YankahPresident of the African Cultural Institute
- Prof. Dr. Christian Armbruester JudgeBerlin Court of Justice, Professor of Law, Free University Berlin
- Christian HornbergKfW Development Bank
- Christian ManhartChief Section of Museums and Cultural Objects, UNESCO
- Dr. Christian TuschhoffFree University Berlin
- Mr. Christian NoçonFamous German Indian Classical Musician
- Christiane Schlötzer-ScotlandDeputy Head of Correspondence, Süddeutsche Zeitung and Supporter of Ernst-Reuter-Initiative
- Christina ArendRunze & Casper Werbeagentur GmbH, Project Manager
- Christine Matt Pedagogic, Jugend Museum
- Christof HertelHamburg University of Technology, Institute for Transport, Planning and Logistics
- Christoph LanzDirector of Deutsche Welle TV
- Christoph MaillietExecutive Manager, Streetfootballworld
- Christos KatsioulisCo-ordinator for activities on the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Common Security and Defence Policy at the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Berlin.
- Prof. Dr. Claudia KemfertHead of the department of Energy, Transportation and Environment at the German Institute for Economic Research in Berlin (DIW)
- Dr. Claudia NicolaiUniversity of Applied Sciences, Würzburg
- Claudia Ziegeler German African Business Association – Afrika Verein
- Dr. Cornelie Sonntag-WolgastParlamentarische Staatssekretärin a.D.; Mitbegründerin und Beiratsmitglied des „Bündnisses für Demokratie und Toleranz – gegen Extremismus und Gewalt“
- Cornelius AdebahrProgramme Officer at the Deutschen Gesellschaft dür Auswärtife Politik