Academy for Cultural Diplomacy
Speaker List Germany - A > Z

The ICD is grateful for all individuals who participated, contributed and spoke in our international events.
The complete list of speakers can be found below:
- Jan BittnerPolicy Planning Staff of the CDU/CSU Party in the German Parliament
- Dr. Jan ObergDirector and Co-Founder of the Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research
- Jan TechauGerman Council on Foreign Relations
- Jeannine KantaraJournalist
- Jennry Friedrich-FreksaInstitut für Auslandsbeziehungen
- Jessica Gienow-HechtUniversity of Cologne
- Professor Joachim SchwalbachProfessor of International Management, Humboldt-University Berlin
- Jochen KühlingDirector, Plak Music,
- Jörg MetgerGerman Consul General
- Jörg WolfAtlantische Initiative
- Jörn HoltmeierDaimler AG
- John EichlerLawyer
- John Kantara Journalist and Filmmaker
- Dr. Josef BramlFellow, German Council on Foreign Relations
- Judith HerrmannGerman Commission for UNESCO
- Ms Julia BläsiusFriedrich Ebert Stiftung
- Julia BoeckPublic Relations, Tanas Art Gallery
- Julie TumlerBüro Führungskräfte zu Internationalen Organisationen (BFIO)
- Jürgen Meyer-KronthalerDeutsche Welle