Academy for Cultural Diplomacy
Speaker List Germany - A > Z

The ICD is grateful for all individuals who participated, contributed and spoke in our international events.
The complete list of speakers can be found below:
- Kai PreuschagSenior Vice President, Financial Product Advisory, KfW
- Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe WellnerInternational Management and Controlling, Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
- Amb. Karl-Erik Norrman Secretary-General, European Cultural Parliament
- Dr. Karsten NeuhoffResearch Director of the Climate Policy Impact at DIW Berlin
- Dr. Karsten VoigtCoordinater for German-American Partnership in the German Foreign Office
- Kaspar-Laurenz Reif Member of German Parliament
- Katharina BorchertEditor in Chief of WAZ
- Ms Katharina NarbutovicDirector of DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program
- Katharina OguntoyeHistorian and Author
- Prof. Dr. Klaus BadeMigration Researcher
- Kornelia Bitzer-Zenner German Foreign Office – Aktion Afrika
- Kurt BodewigFormer German Minister of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs