The ICD Annual Academic Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2011
Cultural Diplomacy and International Relations; New Actors; New Initiatives; New Targets

ICD Flagship Event for 2012
The “ICD Annual Academic Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2011” is the concluding conference of the Institute’s Cultural Diplomacy year. Taking place in Berlin, the aim of the conference is to review in detail, debate and evaluate the year in terms of Cultural Diplomacy.This end of year academic conference will bring together scholars, politicians, diplomats, activists and young professionals to discuss Cultural Diplomacy within International Relations. Ranging from broad topics of discussion to specific areas of Cultural Diplomacy, the annual conference will provide a wide and detailed analysis of Cultural Diplomacy for 2011.
In the post-9/11 world, Cultural Diplomacy and ‘soft power’ tools have taken precedence in many state foreign policies. ‘Soft Power’ is fast becoming the international political currency and the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is paving the way for greater discussion and action. This conference will focus on and analyze Cultural Diplomacy and it’s relationships with International Relations, Institutions and Global Governance, Civil Society, the Private Sector and Religion.
Conference Participants »
The conference is open to applications from governmental and diplomatic officials, civil society practitioners, young professionals, students and scholars, private sector representatives, journalists, and other interested stakeholders from across the world.If you would like to reserve a position, please click on the "Apply Now" link below: Certificate of Attendance
All participants will be awarded an official certificate of attendance upon completion of the program, which provides details about the speakers and topics at the conference. Each certificate will be signed by members of the ICD's Advisory Board.

Conference Locations »
Based in Berlin, the conference will be hosted at a number of important political, historic, and cultural locations across the city.
Conference Speakers »
Speakers during the conference will include leading figures and experts from civil society, international politics, academia, diplomacy, and the private sector from across the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board. The Hon. Yves Leterme (Prime minister of Belgium) will deliver a keynote speech on December 16th at 17:00.Participant Papers »
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages research and progressive thought on the fields of culture, globalization, and international relations. As such, the ICD welcomes participants of the conference to submit relevant papers addressing topics within these fields particular to their interests and passions. Participants can submit papers written in the past for other purposes or ongoing research, or written specifically for the conference. Groups of students are also allowed to submit collaborative pieces of work.Congress Agenda »
The goal of the ICD Annual Academic Conference on Cultural Diplomacy is to provide an annual review on the progress, impact and future of Cultural Diplomacy. With such increasing prominence in the international system, discussion on Cultural Diplomacy in such an arena is vital.One of the major outcomes of this conference will be the publication of an academic text complied of a series of papers provided by specialist speakers and lecturers in the field of International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy. With such a publication, the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy hopes to propel Cultural Diplomacy, and the study of its policies and effects, further into the academic arena.
The Conference will focus in particular on the following Issues:
- Cultural Diplomacy and International Relations
- Cultural Diplomacy: International Institutions and Global Governance
- Cultural Diplomacy and Civil Society
- Cultural Diplomacy, International Relations and the Private Sector