"A World Without Walls":

An International Congress on "Soft Power", Cultural Diplomacy and Interdependence

(Berlin; November 6th - 9th, 2009)

List of Speakers

  • Ségolène Royal
    President of the Poitou-Charentes Regional Council; Former Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party of France
  • President Dr. Alfredo Palacio
    Former President of Ecuador
  • President Emil Constantinescu
    Former President of Romania
  • Janez Janša
    Former Prime Minister of Slovenia; President of the Slovenian Democratic Party
  • Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz
    Former Prime Minister of Poland; Former Foreign Minister of Poland
  • David Trimble*
    Former First Minister of Northern Ireland; Nobel Peace Prize Laureate in 1998 (*Paper to be delivered)
  • Mike Kenneth Moore
    Former Prime Minister of New Zealand; Former Director General of the World Trade Organization
  • Alfred Sant
    Former Prime Minister of Malta; Currently Member of Malta’s Parliament
  • Jack McConnell
    MSP; Former First Minister of Scotland
  • President Sir James Richard Marie Mancham
    Founding President of the Republic of Seychelles
  • Luc Van den Brande
    Former Minister-President of Flanders
  • Mirko Tomassoni
    Member of the San Marino Grand and Central Council; Former Captain Regent of San Marino
  • Radmila Sekerinska
    Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia
  • Dr. Miomir Žužul
    Former Foreign Minister of Croatia
  • Senator the Hon. Alan Baird Ferguson
    The 22nd President of the Australian Senate
  • László Kovács
    European Commissioner for Taxation and Customs Union; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary.
  • Minister Dr. Igor Lukšič
    Minister of Education and Sport of Slovenia
  • Ivaylo Kalfin
    MEP; Former Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Nouzha Skalli
    Moroccan Minister of Social Development, Family, and Solidarity
  • Dr. Vasile Puşcaş
    Romanian Minister for European Affairs
  • Dr. Erkki Tuomioja
    Member of Finnish Parliament, Former Finnish Foreign Minister (2000 - 2007)
  • Delia-Domingo Albert
    Ambassador of the Philippines to the Federal Republic of Germany, Former Foreign Minister of the Philippines
  • Ioannis Kasoulides
    MEP, EPP Group Vice-Chairman, Former Foreign Minister of Cyprus
  • H.E. Yasar Yakis
    Turkish MP, Former Foreign Minister of Turkey and Chairman of the European Union Harmonization Commission of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey
  • Dr. Salomon Isaac Passy
    Former Foreign Minister of Bulgaria, and the Chairman-in-Offce of the OSCE
  • Jytte Hilden
    Former Minister of Culture of Denmark
  • Gerassimos D. Arsenis
    Greek Former Minister of Defense
  • Dr. Jo Ritzen
    Former Dutch Minister of Education, Culture, and Science; President of Universiteit Maastricht
  • Erna Hennicot Schoepges
    European MP; Former Luxembourgian Minister of Culture and Religious Affairs
  • Marina Pendes
    Deputy Minister of Defense of Bosnia-Herzegovina
  • Ana Trisic Babic
    Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • Anthony Suau
    Photographer, 1984 Pulitzer Prize Winning Photographer
  • Dr. András Simonyi
    Hungarian Ambassador to the United States from 2002-2007
  • Dr. Benjamin Barber
    Professor of Civil Society and Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland, Author of bestseller, Jihad vs. McWorld
  • Martin Hope
    Director Benelux and EU office at British Council Currently; Former Director British Council Moscow
  • Meir Shlomo
    Strategic Adviser, the Public Diplomacy Division of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Israel
  • Merethe Stagetorn
    Defense Lawyer for the Danish Supreme Court
  • Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović
    Croatian Ambassador to the United Sates
  • Amb. Carlo Ungaro
    Former Italian Ambassador, adviser to the Italian contingent of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force in Herat, Afghanistan