The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the USA 2011
"The Roles and Responsibilities of the US and Europe in a Changing World Order: Evaluating the Political, Economic, and Cultural Dimensions"
Wednesday, 18th May 2011 |
Thursday, 19th May 2011 |
Friday, 20th May 2011 |
Saturday, 21st May 2011 | |
09:00 | Registration (09:30) Welcome Words Dr. Karen Donfried (Former Vice President of the German Marshall Fund of the USA) |
Lecture & Discussion Speaker: Dr.Tomicah Tillemann Dick (Special Advisor on Civil Society and Emerging Democracies for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton) Location: The German Marshall Fund of the US |
"Cultural Diplomacy and Global Issues" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: H. E. Amb. Paula Dobriansky (Former Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs) Location: The German Marshall Fund of the US |
"Soft Power and Energy Security for a new Millennium" (Lecture & Discussion) Pano Kroko (Chairman of the Green Capital and the Green Bonds Private Equity and Investment Banking Concerns and of the Global Environmental Parliament) |
10:00 | "Japan Hereafter" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: H. E. Amb. Ichiro Fujisaki (Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the United States of America) (10:45) "The US-UN Relationship: Taking Stock" (lecture & Discussion) Speaker: William Davis (Director, UN Information Center) Location: The German Marshall Fund of the US |
Cultural Diplomacy in the Information Age (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: The Hon. Major General Robert L. Nabors (Former Commander of the 5th Signal Command, Manheim, Germany) (10:45) "Cultural Diplomacy, Soft Power and the EU-US Partnership" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Silvia Kofler (Minister-Counselor, Head of Press & Public Diplomacy/Spokesperson, EU Delegation to the US) Location: The German Marshall Fund of the US |
" The US-Slovakia - Partners in Democratic Transition Experience" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: H.E. Amb. Peter Burian (Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to the USA) (10:45) The Impact of Advances in Telecommunications Systems on Globalization (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: The Hon. Lieutenant General Clarence McKnight (Former Director - Command, Control, and Communications, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, US) Location: The German Marshall Fund of the US |
Global Health and the example of Health Initiatives as Cultural Diplomacy (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: The Hon. Louis Sullivan, M.D (Former US Secretary of U.S of Health and Human Services) Location: The German Marshall Fund of the US |
11:30 | Break | Break | Break | Break |
12:00 | The Potential for IHEs to serve as Vehicles of Cultural Diplomacy for the US and the Impact of such Soft Power Instruments in the Global Arena (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: The Hon. Dr. Eduardo M. Ochoa (Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education, Department of Education, US Government) (12:30) "What's New in International Development? New Players and Trends" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Prof. Cinnamon Dornsife (Acting Director, International Development Program, Johns Hopkins University) (13.00) "Europe and the United States: Same as it ever was?" (Lecture & Discussion) Dr. Jeffrey J Anderson (Graf Goltz Prof and Director – Department BMW Center for German 6 European Studies, Georgetown University) Location: The German Marshall Fund of the US |
(11:45) Lecture & Discussion H.E Amb. Dr. Neil Parsan (Ambassador of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to the USA) (12:15) Foreign Policy and Public Diplomacy of the US & Europe in an Age of Digital Revolution and Social Media (Interactive Panel Discussion) Moderator: H.E Amb. Andras Simonyi (Former Hungarian Ambassador to the USA) Speakers: The Hon. Major General Robert L. Nabors Phil Scanlan Prof. James S. Robbins Silvia Kofler Sharon Memis Dr. Karen Donfried Location: The German Marshall Fund of the US |
A New Take on Hard and Soft Power (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: H.E Amb. Andras Simonyi (Former Hungarian Ambassador to the USA) (12:30) Lecture & Discussion Dr. J. P. Singh (Associate Professor, Communication, Culture and Technology Program, Georgetown University) Location: The German Marshall Fund of the US |
"Linkages: Soft Power – Health – Cultural Diplomacy" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: The Hon. Lieutenant General James B. Peake, M.D. (Former US Secretary of Veterans Affairs; Former Surgeon General of the US Army) Cultural Diplomacy and Countering Terrorism (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Dr. Nadia Oweidat (St. Antony's College, Oriental Studies) Location: The German Marshall Fund of the US |
13:00 | Lunch Break | Lunch Break | Lunch Break | Lunch Break |
14:30 | "US Public Diplomacy and the Arab Spring" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Walid Maalouf (Former Director, Public Diplomacy at USAID; Former US Public Delegate to the United Nations) (15:00) A Way for the US and Europe to Build an Open Society (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: H.E. Amb. Roman Kirn (Ambassador of Slovenia to the US) (15:30) Endless Wars: The Effect of Technology and Internet on Modern Conflict; and the Difference in Approach to Conflict of the High Technology States and Low Technology States (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: The Hon. Senator Larry Lee Pressler (Former US Senator from South Dakota) Location: The German Marshall Fund of the US |
Innovative Cultural Diplomacy – Public and Private Examples (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Phil Scanlan (Australian Consul General to New York) (15:00) "Cultural Relations in the 21st Century: The British Council Model" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Sharon Memis (Director, British Council USA) (15:30) The United States, NATO and the Euro-American Special Relationship (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Prof. James S. Robbins (Senior Editorial Writer for The Washington Times) Location: The German Marshall Fund of the US |
American Roots to Routes: Cultural Diplomacy Begins at Home (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Dr. Nick Spitzer (Professor of Anthropology and American Studies; Producer of Public Radio's American Routes) (15:00) Denuclearization and Peace in the Korean Peninsula: The Role of the Unites States (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Young C. Kim (Professor of Political Science, Emeritus, George Washington University) (15:30) Smart & Soft Power (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Phyllis F. Oakley (Former US Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research, Population, Refugees, and Migration) (16:00) "US Political Economy" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Dr. Michael A. Bailey (Colonel William J. Walsh Professor - Department of Government and Georgetown Public Policy Institute) Location: The German Marshall Fund of the US |
The Promises and Pitfalls of the Export of Western Higher Educational Models to the Gulf Arab States: Implications for Cultural Diplomacy (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Dr. John Willoughby (Professor and Department Chair, Department of Economics, American University, Washington D.C.) Cultural Diplomacy - What YOU Can Do (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Rear Admiral Dr. Joyce M. Johnson (Vice President for Health Sciences of a not-for-profit research organization) Lecture & Discussion Speaker: James Calderwood (Partner, Zuckert, Scoutt & Rasenberger Law Firm) Location: The German Marshall Fund of the US |
16:00 | Break | Break | (16:30) Break | Break |
16:30 | Leadership Skills for the 21st Century (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: The Hon. Admiral James Milton Loy (Former United States Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security; Former Commandant of the Coast Guard) (17:00) "Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Western Balkans: Actual Political Developments and Approach toward the EU and NATO" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: H.E Amb. Mitar Kujundzic (Ambassador of Bosnia & Herzegovina to the USA) Location: The German Marshall Fund of the US |
The Global Chessboard (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Major General Paul E. Vallely (Retired US Army Major General and Chairman of Stand Up America) (17:00) "Toward a better Middle East policy: Consequences of and opportunities for U.S. and EU action" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Mohammad Al abdallah (Program Officer, International Center For Journalists) Location: The German Marshall Fund of the US |
(17:00) "The Roles and Responsibilities of the US in Africa: Perspectives from Ghana". (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Peter Boateng (Chancellor of Econimic Affirs) (17:30) The Roles and Responsibilities of the US and Europe in a Changing World Order (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Dr. Karen Donfried (Former Vice President of the German Marshall Fund of the USA) Location: The German Marshall Fund of the US |
Participant Papers Location: The German Marshall Fund of the US |
17:30 | Break | Break | Break | |
18:00 | The US and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide: Reassessing the Effectiveness, Application and Implementation of the Convention (Interactive Panel Discussion) Moderator: H.E Amb. Andras Simonyi (Former Hungarian Ambassador to the USA) Speakers: Daniel P. Sullivan H.E Amb. Mitar Kujundzic Mark Donfried Alex Zucker Location: The German Marshall Fund of the US |
Power Cycles, New Foreign Policy Roles: The United States and Europe in an Age of Austerity (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Dr. Charles F. Doran (Andrew W. Mellon Professor of International Relations, John Hopkins University; Director of the Global Theory and History Program) (18:30) How Digital Media Changed the Face of Egypt as a Nation Brand? (Lecture & Discussion) Prof. Dr. Salah S. Hassan (Professor and Chairman of Marketing Department, The George Washington University School of Business) Location: The German Marshall Fund of the US |
Travelling time to Kennedy Center |
19:00 | Social Activity Group Welcome Dinner at "Mr. Smith's of Georgetown" Participants will dine at "The Friendliest Saloon in Town" in the historic district of Georgetown |
Social Activity Group Dinner at "Eat First" Participants will dine in Washington D.C.'s Chinatown district |
Social Activity Optional Evening Participants can visit modern art exhibitions at the "Artisphere" or attend a live concert by the Symphony Orchestra of Arlington |
Social Activity (18:00) Jazz Festival at the Kennedy Center Participants will enjoy live performances of the "Mary Lou Williams Women in Jazz Festival" at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts |