The Future of EU Foreign Policy
An International Conference on the Political, Economic and Cultural Dimensions of EU Foreign Policy
Tuesday, January 04th, 2011 |
Wednesday, January 05th, 2011 |
Thursday, January 06th, 2011 |
09:30 | Registration Tea, Coffee & Refreshments |
Tea, Coffee & Refreshments | Tea, Coffee & Refreshments |
10:00 | Welcome Address Dr. Ulrich Brückner Amb. Karl-Erik Norrman H.E. Yasar Yakis Keynote Speech President Emil Constantinescu Location: ICD House of Art & Culture |
EU Foreign Policy and the Treaty of Lisbon (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker:Amb. Dan Mulhall Location: ICD House of Art & Culture |
Political, Economic, and Cultural Dimensions of EU Foreign Policy from Latvian perspective (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker:H.E. Amb. Ilgvars Klava Location: : ICD House of Art & Culture |
11:30 | Tea, Coffee & Refreshments | Tea, Coffee & Refreshments | Tea, Coffee & Refreshments |
12:00 | The Future of EU Foreign Policy (Panel Discussion - Interactive Sessions) Moderator: Dr. Ulrich Brückner Speakers: President Emil Constantinescu H.E. Yasar Yakis Amb. Karl-Erik Norrman Amb. Dietrich von Kyaw Location: ICD House of Art & Culture |
The EU Turkish Dialogue and the Future of EU-Turkish Relations (Panel Discussion - Interactive Sessions) Moderator: Amb. Karl-Erik Norrman Speakers: President Emil Constantinescu H.E. Yasar Yakis Amb. Dan Mulhall Amb. Dietrich von Kyaw |
Lecture & Discussion Speaker: Bettina Muscheidt Location: ICD House of Art & Culture |
13:00 | Lunch Break Session | Lunch Break Session | Lunch Break Session |
14:30 | The Future of EU Foreign Policy: Driving Forces and Constraints (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Dr. Ulrich Brückner Location: ICD House of Art & Culture |
"One Voice, Not a Monologue: Finnish Thoughts on EU Foreign Policy"? (lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Dr. Petri Hakkarainen Location: ICD House of Art & Culture |
New Global Threats and Challenges: Shaping EU Foreign Policy (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Prof. Inge Kaul Location: ICD House of Art & Culture |
15:30 | Break | Tea, Coffee & Refreshments | Tea, Coffee & Refreshments |
16:00 | The EU's Foreign Policy and Turkey (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: H. E. Yasar Yakis Location: ICD House of Art & Culture |
Welcome Address Dr. Solomon Passy Lord Jack McConnell Dr. Karen Donfried *Video from Washington Location: ICD House of Art & Culture Keynote Speech The Hon. Michael Chertoff *Video from Washington Location: ICD House of Art & Culture |
International Relations and Wikileaks: “Freedom of Speech or Threat to Freedom?” (Panel Discussion - Interactive Sessions) Moderator: Lord Jack McConnell Speakers: The Hon. Senator Tim Hutchinson Senator William Emerson Brock III Dr. Solomon Passy Amb. Cynthia Schneider Dr. Jackson Janes *Video from Washington Location: ICD House of Art & Culture |
17:30 | Tea, Coffee & Refreshments | Tea, Coffee & Refreshments | Tea, Coffee & Refreshments |
18:00 | "EU Foreign Policy - the North/South/East/West Cultural Perspective" Speaker: Amb. Karl-Erik Norrman Location: : ICD House of Art & Culture |
The Interdependent Nature of Foreign Policy and Terrorism: Can an Emphasis on Soft Power Assist in Combating International Terrorism? (Panel Discussion - Interactive Sessions) Moderator: Dr. Jackson Janes Speakers: The Hon. Michael Chertoff Admiral James Milton Loy Lord Jack McConnell Dr. Ali Ahmad Jalali Dr. Solomon Passy *Video from Washington Location: ICD House of Art & Culture |
Western-Islamic Dialogue and the Role of Soft Power and Cultural Diplomacy in strengthening Inter-Religious Understanding (Panel Discussion - Interactive Sessions) Moderator: Dr. Ali Ahmad Jalali Speakers: William Howard Taft IV Dr. Paul R. Pillar Amb. Cynthia Schneider James S. Robbins *Video from Washington Location: ICD House of Art & Culture |
19:00 | (19:30) Welcome Group Dinner | (19:30) Participant Papers | "The Foreign Policy Innovations of the Lisbon Treaty" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Dr. Gerhard Sabathil Location: ICD House of Art & Culture |
20:00 | Group Dinner | Program Close |