Cross Continental Cooperation Summit 2015-2016

"Unlocking Potential: Uniting the World's Leading Powers to Promote Sustainable Economies, Global Human Rights and World Peace"

(NYC, Madrid, Berlin, Sofia, Reykjavik, Yerevan; September 2015 - April 2016)

Summit Timetables

“Die syrische Kultur”:  Ausstellung, Filmvorführung und Diskussion
 “Syrian Culture”: Exhibition, Film Screening & Discussion
(Monday, April 4th 2016 from 18:00-22:00)
Die syrische Krise: politische, ökonomische und kulturelle Dimensionen
The Syrian Crisis: Political, Economic and Cultural Dimensions
(Panel Discussion, Reception; Monday, April 11th, 2016 from 18:00-21:00)
Die Entwicklung und Beteiligung der deutsch-türkischen Gemeinschaft
The Development & Contribution of the Syrian Community and its Diasporas
(Panel Discussion, Getting to Know Each other Dinner;  Monday, April 18th, 2016 from 18:00-22:00)
Erziehung, Einwanderung und neue Karrierewege
Education, Immigration and new Career Paths
(Panel Discussion & Workshops; Monday, April 25th, 2016 from 10:00-18:00)
Syrische Nacht”: Abendessen, Show und Konzert
“Syrian Night”: Dinner Show & Concert
(Saturday, April 30th, 2016 from 19:00-24:00)
Wednesday, March 9th, 2016
9:30 Registration & Welcome Coffee
10:30 Welcome Address
Mark C. Donfried
(Director General, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy)
11:00 "How Digitization of Government can Sustainably Avert and Help with Crises"
Marian Wendt (MdB)
(Member of the German Parliament)
12:00 "Innovative Nation Branding: Creative Economies, Sustainable Tourism & Responsible Foreign Investments"
(Interactive Panel Discussion)
13:00 Lunch Break
14:00 "It’s More Fun in the Philippines”"
(Keynote Address)
Deputy Minister Benito Bengzon
(Tourism Undersecretary of the Philippines)
15:00 "Without Accessibility there is No Sustainable Tourism – ‘Tourism for All" in the Framework of Global Challenges and German Experiences"
(Keynote Address)
André Nowak
(Member of the Board of the Verein Tourismus für Alle Deutschland e.V.)
15:30 "Nation Branding: Creative Economies, Sustainable Tourism & Responsible Foreign Investments- Perspectives from Honduras"
(Keynote Speeches, Panel Discussion & Coffee Reception)
H. E. Amb. Ramón Custodio Espinoza
(Ambassador of Honduras to Germany)
Alejandra Zelaya
(Country Brand International Representative, Foreign Service of Honduras)
Sue Ellen Chávez
(Marketing Manager, International Tourism Board of Honduras)
16:30 Honduras Coffee Tasting
17:00 "Nation Branding, Tourism & Cultural Delights from Pakistan"
(Key Note speeches, Screening and a Cultural Program, followed by Dinner reception)
H. E. Amb. Jauhar Saleem
(Ambassador of Pakistan to Germany)
The Hon. Chief Secretary Tahir Hussain
(Chief Secretary Gilgit-Baltistan Province)
The Hon. Chief Minister Hafeez-Ur-Rehman
(Chief Minister Gilgit-Baltistan Province)
Thursday, March 10th, 2016
9:30 Welcome Coffee
10:00 Keynote Address
Dr. Joachim Pfeiffer (MdB)
(Member of the German Parliament)
11:00 "Tanzania and the best African Destinations"
(Keynote Address)
H. E. Amb. Philip S. Marmo
(Ambassador of Tanzania to Germany)
11:30 Break
12:00 "Nation Branding: Creative Economies, Sustainable Tourism & Responsible Foreign Investments- Perspectives from Zimbabwe"
(Special Event)
Keynote Address
H. E. Amb. Ruth Masodzi Chikwira
(Ambassador of Zimbabwe to Germany)
Keynote Address
The Hon. Dr. Walter Mzembi
(Minister of Tourism and Hospitality Industry of Zimbabwe)
13:00 Lunch Break
14:30 "Ecotourism in Gabon"
(Keynote Address)
H. E. Amb. Jean Marie Maguena
(Ambassador of Gabon to Germany)
15:30 Keynote Address
H. E. Amb. Erines Otorbaev
(Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to Germany)
16:00 "Romania Perspectives"
(Keynote Address)
State Secretary Claudiu Vrinceanu
(State Secretary, Ministry of Tourism of Romania)
16:30 "Nation Branding: Creative Economies, Sustainable Tourism & Responsible Foreign Investments- Perspectives from Morocco"
(Special Event & Reception)
Keynote Address
H.E. Ambassador Omar Zniber
(Ambassador of Morocco to Germany)
Keynote Address
Nada Roudies
(Secretary General of the Ministry of Tourism of Morocco)
Friday, March 11th, 2016
10:00 Morning Coffee

10:30 "Global Political and Economic Challenges: Jordan as a Model for Political and Economic Reform in an Unstable Region"
(Keynote Address)
The Hon. President Faisal EL-Fayez
(President of the Jordanian Senate)
11:00 Moderated Interactive Discussion
The Hon. President Faisal EL-Fayez
(President of the Jordanian Senate)
Mark C. Donfried
(Director General, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy)
12:30 Lunch Break

14:00 "The Nation Branding of Croatia and Tourism"
(Keynote Address)
H. E. Amb. Ranko Vilovi?
(Ambassador of Croatia to Germany)
14:30 Participant Papers Presentations
"Development of Cultural and Creative Entertainment and Tourist Industries in the Context of Art and Culture Lifelong Learning"
Prof. D.Sc. Stoyan Denchev, Prof. Evgeni Velev
(University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia)
"Paradigm shift in political and economic agenda of Kazakhstan"
Aigerim Raimzhanova
(PHD Researcher, University of Bucharest & the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy)
"Bolivia's Nation Branding Analysis"
Pedro Affonso Ivo Franco (Co paper with Annie Chen)
(MA Student of International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy, Furtwangen University and the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy)
"EU contributions and their role on Afghanistan from Rural Development Prospective"
Mohammad Dauod Naderi
(Finance Manager under WATSIP Program for the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development/MRRD Afghanistan)
16:15 Coffee Break

16:30 H. E. Amb. Kheswar Jankee
(Ambassador of Mauritius to Germany)
17:00 "The Role of the Mauritanian Civil society in the economic field & The Capital city of Gold of Mauritania: Benichab"
Dr El Hacene Mbareck
(President, Association for the Development of Benichab)
Mayor Mrabih Taleb Ahmed
Mss Aminetou Ahmed El Meky
Mr Sidi Mohamed Ahmed El Mecky
Mr Meilid Ahmed Salem
Ms Seniya Yarah Allah
17:30 Short introduction (1 minute)
Aleksandr Ponevezhskii
(2nd Secretary of Russian Embassy in Germany)
17:47 Movie-Slide Show about St.Petersburg
17:50 "Tourism opportunities in Russia"
Dr. Prof. Stetsenko
(Russian Trade Ambassador)
18:00 "Cultural and Religious Tourism in Russia"
Head of Holy Trinity Sergei Lavra
(Father Superior Roman)
18:10 Movie about Kamchatka
One of the most popular destinations in Russia for eco and sport tourism.
18:20 Keynote Speech
Mrs. Elena V. Lassal
(Kamchatka Tourism Promotion)
18:30 Day Conclusion Remarks & Dinner
Saturday, March 12th, 2016
12:30 Welcome Coffee

13:00 Keynote Address
The Hon. Emilio Silvestri
(Minister of Tourism of Honduras)
14:00 "Innovative Nation Branding: Creative Economies, Sustainable Tourism & Responsible Foreign Investments"
(Interactive Panel Discussion)
15:30 Coffee Break

17:00 "Nation Branding: Creative Economies, Sustainable Tourism & Responsible Foreign Investments- Perspectives from Uruguay"

(Special Event & Reception)
Keynote Address
H. E. Amb. Alberto Antonio Guani Amarilla
(Ambassador of Uruguay to Germany)
Keynote Address
The Hon. Vice Minister Benjamin Liberoff
(Vice Minister of Tourism in Uruguay)
17:30 Concluding Wine Reception with Delights from Uruguay

Sunday, March 13th, 2016
13:00 Meeting at the ICD and travel to Visit to the ITB Berlin

18:00 Farewell Dinner Show & Party at the ICD House: “NOTTE ITALIANA"

16 December (Wednesday) 2015
13:00 - 13:30 REGISTRATION
13:30 - 14:30 OPENING SESSIONIrina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO
Dr Solomon Passy, Founding President of the Atlantic Club of Bulgaria
Aleksander Kwaśniewski, President of Poland (1995 - 2005)
Bill Richardson, US Ambassador to the United Nations (February 1997 - August 1998)
14:30 - 16:00 FIRST PANEL


Moderator: Polina Karastoyanova, Chairperson, Culture and Media Committee, National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria

Lakhdar Brahimi, Special Advisor of the Director-General of UNESCO
Gürcan Türkoğlu, President of the World Heritage Committee
Prof. Dr Markus Hilgert, Director Ancient Near East Museum, Berlin State Museums ‒ Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation

15:45- 16:00  DISCUSSION
16.00 - 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 - 18:00 SECOND PANEL


Moderator: Mark Donfried, Director of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy

Bill Richardson, US Ambassador to the United Nations (February 1997 - August 1998)
Jehangir Khan, Director of the UN Counter Terrorism Implementation Task Force and the UN Counter Terrorism Center
Itamar Rabinovich, Professor of Middle Eastern History, Tel Aviv University N’Diaye Ramatoulaye Diallo, Minister of Culture, Crafts and Tourism of Mali Prof. Arch. Boyko Kadinov, Vice-president, COBATY Geneva

17:45 - 18:00 DISCUSSION
18:00 - 18:10


Meglena Kuneva, Deputy Prime Minister for European Policies Coordination and Institutional Affairs of Bulgaria


December 10th, 2015
December 11th, 2015
December 12th, 2015
December 13th, 2015



“Education: a Smart Power Tool”

Aigerim Raimzhanova

“The role of Music in conflict- tool of reconciliation or a deadly weapon (case study of war in ex-Yugoslavia)”

Zrinka Mozara

“Fail of Diplomacy
– Rearmament race of the XXIst century: the Ukraine Fall”

Dr. Andreea Crina Horea



“Integration of Refugees in the European Society”

MdB Charles Huber
(Member of the German Parliament)

"Universities - effective agents of Cultural Diplomacy"

Prof. Anna Soos
(Vice-Rector for Curriculum, the University of Babes-Bolyai)

“Culture and World Order”

Prof. Dr. Hans Köchler
(President, the International Progress Organization)



"Building Bridges With Bricks From The Walls We Break Down:
Towards a Secure, Peaceful and Reconciled 21st Century"

The Hon. Prof.  Mmantsetsa Marope
(Director, International Bureau of Education, UNESCO)

“The New World Order and Cultural Diplomacy”

The Hon. Miomir Zuzul  
(Former Foreign Minister of Croatia)


“Is Europe falling in Two Pieces”?

The Hon. Erhard Busek  
(Former Vice Chancellor of Austria)



Dr. Mohammed Omran
(CEO, Egypt Stock Exchange)

“Building Peace and Cooperation Between North African Countries After the Arab Spring”

The Hon. Nouzha Skalli 
(Former Minister of Family Affairs of Morocco)

Sunday Panel Discussion

“Terrorism and the Culture of Democracy”

MP Ögmundur Jónasson

President Emil Constantinescu
President Valdis Zatler
Lord Jack McConnell
The Hon. Erhard Busek
Prof. Hans Köchler The Hon. Staffan Nilsson
Hon. Ali Ahmad Jalali
The Hon. Nouzha Skalli The Hon. Miomir Zuzul
The Hon. Johannes Koskinen



Coffee Break

Coffee Break




The Hon. Hans Eichel
(Former Minister of Finance of Germany)

"Culture as a Key Policy against Fundamentalism"

Sen. Linda Lanzillotta
(Vice President of the Italian Senate)



“The Role of Stock Exchanges in Economic Cooperation and Cultural Diplomacy”

Mr. Nondas Cl. Metaxas
(CEO, Cyprus Stock Exchange)

President José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero
(Former Prime Minister of Spain)



Lunch Break

Lunch Break

Special Sunday Lunch


Welcome Address By Mark C. Donfried

(Director General, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy)

Amb Ranko Vilovic
(Ambassador of Croatia to Germany)

"The Role of International Criminal Courts in Building Bridges of Peace and Reconciliation"

Judge Vagn Joensen
(President, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda)

The Hon. Johannes Koskinen
(Former Minister of Justice of Finland)



“Peace and Reconciliation in Our Times in Africa and the Contribution of Cultural Diplomacy to Build the Bridge”

The Hon. Rui Duarte Barros
(Former Prime Minister of Guinea Bissau)

“Terrorism & Cultural Diplomacy”

MEP Michèle Alliot-Marie
(Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of France)

“The Respect for Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms as an Important Factor for the Peace and Global and Global Security”

Judge Xhezair Zaganjori 
(Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Albania)

Civil Society as a Global Actor for Peace and Solidarity”

The Hon. Staffan Nilsson
(Former President of the European Economic and Social Committee)


“Teaching Cultural Diplomacy in Nigeria:
Principles and Practices”

Dr. Samuel Folorunso Ogundare


“Peace, Social Justice and the Rule of Law”

The Hon. Thuli Madonsela
(Public Protector of South Africa)

“Legal Comparison as a Bridge between Nations and a Means of Cultural Exchange at the Beginning of the 21st Century”

Judge Dragoljub Popovic
(Judge, the European Court of Human Rights)

“Agenda 2030: Cultural Diplomacy and the Sustainable Development Goals”

Lord Jack McConnell
(Former First Minister of Scotland)


(15:20) “Reflections on the  Israeli/Arab conflict resolution”

Ahmed Mahmoud Meligy Abdelnaby

(15:40) “Soft power in the foreign policy of the Russian Federation”

Dr. Kovalevskaia Natalia Vladimirovna

“The Migrant Crisis – Thoughts and Concerns”

Ombudsman José de Faria Costa
(Ombudsman of Portugal)

“We the People: The United Nations at 70”

Judge Julia Sebutinde
(Judge, International Court of Justice)

“Cultural Dimensions of Conflict Resolution”

The Hon. Ali Ahmad Jalali
(Former Minister of the Interior of Afghanistan)





“Do we need a New Paradigm in Europe’s Future?”

President Vladis Zatl
(Former President of Latvia)


“Various Dimensions of the Syrian Crisis”

The Hon. Yasar Yakis
(Former Foreign Minister of Turkey)

Presentation of the ICD/Furtwangen University Master Programs in Cultural Diplomacy

Prof. Michael Lederer
(Vice President, Furtwangen University)

(15:00) “Berlin Peace Clock - An Example of Private Sector Cultural Diplomacy”

Mr. Jens Lorenz
(Jeweler, Creator of the “Berlin Peace Clock”)

“Building Bridges of Peace and Reconciliation in Times of Increasing Global Uncertainty”

Judge Vesna Medenica
(President, Supreme Court of Montenegro)

Romanian Cultural Event


Romanian Cultural Heritage 
(Moderated Panel Discussion)

Keynote Addresses:

President Emil Constantinescu
(Former President of Romania)

Prof. Dr. Mircea Dumitru
(Rector, University of Bucharest)

Prof. Dr. Vlad Nistor
(President, University Senate, University of Bucharest)


“Cultural Diplomacy in The Context of 
Turkish Foreign Policy: A Paradigm Shift For New Turkey”

Dr. Erman Akilli

(17:20) “Soldiers of L.O.V.E.”

Dr. Lydia Giménez-Llort

Israel & Palestine: The current Situation & Future Perspectives

MK Omer Bar-Lev
(Member of the Knesset)

“Cultural Diplomacy a Force that Enhances Relationships, Builds Understanding and Advances Prosperity”

Judge Fejzullah Hasani
(President of the Supreme court of Kosovo)



 (17:40) “White Lies”
(Presentation and screening)

Melanie Langpap

Global Responsibility: Transforming Conflict into Sustainable Peace

The Hon. Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis
(Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus)

“Our Values when facing Immigration and Extremism : A Maltese Perspective”

The Hon. Lawrence Gonzi
(Former Prime Minister of Malta)



Welcome Group Dinner

"Building Bridges of Peace and Reconciliation in Times of Greater Global Insecurity"
(Moderated Panel Discussion)

Prof. Dr. Hans Köchler 

President Vladis Zatl
Sen. Linda Lanzillotta
The Hon. Lawrence Gonzi
The Hon. Thuli Madonsela
MK Omer Bar-Lev
The Hon. Rui Duarte Barros
The Hon. Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis
The Hon. Yasar Yakis
The Hon. Solomon Passy
The Hon. Ali Ahmad Jalali

“Promoting Culture of Peace: the Political, Educational, Legal & Cultural Dimensions”
(Moderated Panel Discussion)

MP Ögmundur Jónasson

President José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero
The Hon. Lawrence Gonzi
Judge Julia Sebutinde Judge Dragoljub Popovic
Judge Xhezair Zaganjori
The Hon. Erhard Busek
The Hon. Staffan Nilsson
The The Hon. Nouzha Skalli
Hon. Ali Ahmad Jalali

Musical Performance by Andrei Ionita
(Celebrated Romanian Musician)

18:30 Performance by Razvan Rosu
(Celebrated Romanian Artist)


Disco Fox Party

Group Dinner

Schlager Music Party

Oriental Night Event
(Dinner & Concert)

Keynote Addresses:

The Hon. Nouzha Skalli 
(Former Minister of Family Affairs of Morocco)
The Hon. Yasar Yakis
(Former Foreign Minister of Turkey)
The Hon. Ali Ahmad Jalali
(Former Minister of the Interior of Afghanistan)
The Hon. Solomon Passy
(Former Foreign Minister of Bulgaria


08:45 Registration


  • José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Former President of Spain
  • Miguel Ángel Moratinos, Former Foreign Secretary of Spain
  • Eugenio Martínez Enríquez, Ambassador of Cuba to Spain
  • Kris Urs, Minister-Counselor of the Embassy of the United States in Spain
  • Juan Costa Climent, Former Minister of Science and Technology of Spain and EY Global Climate Change & Sustainability Services Leader

Panel 1. Analysis of the Political Rapprochement between Cuba and North America.
Moderator: Carlos Alonso Zaldívar, Former Ambassador of Spain to Cuba

  • Benita Ferrero Waldner; Former Foreign Secretary in Austria, President of the Foundation European Union- Latin America and the Caribbean (EU-LAC)
  • Soraya Castro Mariño, Expert in Cuba-U.S. relations
  • Peter Schechter, Director, Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center
  • Shelby Smith-Wilson, Political advisor, Department of State of the United States
11:30 Coffee-break

PANEL 2. Economic Reforms and Investment Perspectives in Cuba
Moderator: Joaquín Estefanía, Economist and journalist; Former Director of the newspaper El País and Former Director of the School of Journalism UAM-El País

  • Jaime García-Legaz, Secretary of State for Trade of Spain
  • Omar de Jesús Fernández Jiménez, Chamber of Commerce Secretary of Cuba
  • Paulina Beato, Professor of Economic Analysis, Commercial Expert and Economist of the State
  • Michael Parmly, Former Director of the U.S. Interests Section in Cuba
  • Alfredo Bonet, International Director, Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Service and Shipping in Spain
14:00 Lunch Break

PANEL 3. Sustainability, Innovation and Cooperation in Latin America
Moderator: José Carlos Diez

  • Rebeca Grynspan, Secretary General of the SEGIB (Ibero-American Secretary-General)
  • Miguel Sebastián, Former Minister for Industry, Tourism and Trade; Professor of the Faculty of Economics at the Complutense University of Madrid
  • Eugenio Martínez Bravo, Managing Partner of Kreab Iberia
  • Maria Garaña Corces, Vice President of Microsoft to Europe

PANEL 4. Spain and Cuba: A Story with a Future
Moderator: Marife Santiago, Writer and Professor at Complutense University of Madrid

  • Alquimia Peña, Filmmaker
  • Vladimir Cruz, Actor
  • Miguel Ángel de Frutos, Former General Directorate of Consular Relations
  • Liuba Cid, Theater Researcher, Director of the Mephisto Group
  • José María Vitier, Composer
18:30 Closing Ceremony and Conclusions
This will include a Cuban music concert by Jose Maria Vitier, Composer and Pianist.