Film for Peace
"The Power of Film & the Arts to Build Peace"
Berlin; February 10th - 13th, 2015
Held Parallel to the Berlin International Film Festival 2015
Held Parallel to the Berlin International Film Festival 2015

Conference Overview
For already decades, Film and Cinema have served as a powerful, effective vehicles to inspire and enable people to come together towards peaceful relations. Over the course of many years now, people have discovered the unique potential of the media of film, the arts and in particular music to transcend cultures, serving as common languages to bring together different groups and communities. These unique qualities have the unparalleled strength to continuously effect people and over time sculpt human society closer to the ultimate goal of global peace.The technological developments of the last decades have changed the political and cultural center of the human race from the city centers into the video and photo sharing platforms as well as other social networks; this dramatic change enables both producers and the public audience greater access to each other through film than ever before possible across the history of humanity.
By telling stories that reflect the social, cultural and political landscapes of their origin, film serves as a powerful means to promote peaceful relations between peoples on the one hand and at the same time challenge stereotypes and the status quo and foster intercultural understanding on a scale never before imagined. Ultimately, film, the arts and music serve as powerful vehicles to break stereotypes, fight discrimination and provide hope to situations of conflict that have not yet concluded in peace.
Conference Agenda
These contributions to international relations will be celebrated during the Film for Peace conference taking place in Berlin. The conference will examine the immense transformative value that film, as well as the arts and music hold as vehicles of Cultural Diplomacy. The vision of the conference is to bring an interdisciplinary mixture of celebrated artists, high level representatives from the film industry and practitioners of Cultural Diplomacy in order to prepare an agenda for after the conclusion of the conference, which will initiate programs and initiatives that will support global peace.Conference Participants »
Participation in the conference is open to artists, film & creative industry representatives, governmental & diplomatic officials, academics, artists, journalists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, young professionals and students as well as other interested individuals from across the world.Certificate of Attendance - Conference participants will be awarded an official certificate of attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide details of the speakers who took part and the topics discussed. Each certificate will be signed by members of the Conference Committee.
If you would like to reserve a position and participate in the conference, please click on the link below and fill out the online application form:

Conference Location
Based in Berlin, the conference will be hosted at the ICD House of Arts & Culture ».Conference Speakers
Speakers & Delegates during the conferences will include among others artists & musicians, film-makers, actors, producers, screenwriters, leading politicians, senior diplomats, senior academics, renowned authors, and journalists.Participant Papers »
The Conference Committee encourages academic research and analysis of issues related to the goals of the Conference. The Conference Committee would therefore like to welcome the participants of the conference to submit a paper they would like to be considered for presentation at the conference as well as being included in the proposal document that will be issued following the conference and will be sent to all governments and leaders of the international community worldwide.