Cultural Diplomacy Research
Public Diplomacy
Author | Title | Publisher | Date |
Alan K. Henrikson | What can Public Diplomacy achieve? | Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ | 2006 |
Alfred L. P., Dennis | Adventures in American diplomacy, 1896-1906 (from unpublished documents) | New York, E.P. Dutton & company | 1928 |
Ali Fisher | Mapping the Great Beyond: Identifying Meaningful Networks in Public Diplomacy | USC Center on Public Diplomacy | 2010 |
Ambassador James K. and Secretary Glickman |
Strategic Public Diplomacy:The Case of Egypt | Global Media Journal | 2011 |
Andrew Wulf | Moscow´ 59 The "Sokolniki Summit" Revisited | USC Center on Public Diplomacy | 2010 |
Ashvin Gonesh, Jan Melissen | Public Diplomacy: Improving Practice | Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ | 2005 |
Barry A. Sanders | A Strategic Approach to U.S. Public Diplomacy | USC Center on Public Diplomacy | 2011 |
Barry Sautman, Li Ying | Public Diplomacy from Below: The 2008 "Pro-China" Demonstrations in Europe and North America | USC Center on Public Diplomacy | 2011 |
Beata Ociepka, Marta Ryniejska |
Public Diplomacy and EU Enlargement: The Case of Poland | Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ | 2005 |
Bendahmane, Diane B. , McDonald, John W. |
Conflict resolution : track two diplomacy | Foreign Service Institute, U.S. Dept. of State | 1987 |
Bigelow, John | Breaches of Anglo-American treaties: A Study in History and Diplomacy | Sturgis & Walton Company | 1917 |
Brian Hocking, Jan Melissen, Shaun Riordan, Paul Sharp |
Futures for Diplomacy: Integrative Diplomacy in the 21st Century | Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ | 2012 |
Bruce Gregory | Public Diplomacy and Strategic Communication: Cultures, Firewalls, and Imported Norms | Public Diplomacy Institute | 2005 |
Bruce Gregory | The Paradox of US Public Diplomacy: Its Rise and "Demise" | Institute for Public Diplomacy and Global Communication | 2014 |
Bullard, Arthur | American diplomacy in the modern world | University of Pennsylvania press | 1928 |
Buss, Claude A. | War And Diplomacy In Eastern Asia | The Macmillan Company | 1941 |
Caitlin Byrne | Campaigning for a Seat on the UN Security Council: A Middle Power Reflection on the Role of Public Diplomacy | USC Center on Public Diplomacy | 2011 |
Carla Konta | La diplomazia pubblica e culturale americana in Jugoslavia negli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta. Trasmissioni americane e ricezioni jugoslave. Il caso di Belgrado e Zagabria | | |
Chahine, Joumane | Public diplomacy: A Conceptual Framework | McGill University | 2010 |
Charles Wolf Jr., Brian Rosen | Public Diplomacy - How to Think About and Improve It | RAND Corporation |
2004 |
Christos A. Frangonikolopoulos | Strengthening Greek Public Diplomacy Present Conduct and Future Potential | Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ | 2012 |
Cynthia P. Schneider | Culture Communicates: US Diplomacy that Works | Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ | 2004 |
Davenport, Frances Gardiner | America and European diplomacy to 1648 | 1917 | |
David Criekemans | Foreign Policy and Diplomacy of the Belgian Regions: Flanders and Wallonia | Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ | 2010 |
Disbrowe, Edward Cromwell, Sir | Old days in diplomacy; recollections of a closed century | Jarrold & Sons |
1903 |
Disbrowe, Edward Cromwell, Sir | America’s Dialogue with the World | Public Diplomacy Council School of Media and Public Affairs The George Washington University |
2006 |
Donna Marie Oglesby | Spectacle in Copenhagen: Public Diplomacy on Parade | USC Center on Public Diplomacy | 2010 |
Doris Appel Graber | Crisis Diplomacy: A History of U.S. Intervention Policies and Practices | Public Affairs Press | 1959 |
Dov Lynch | Communicating Europe to the World: What public diplomacy for the EU | European Policy Centre | 2005 |
Eliška Sláviková, Vladimír Bilčík, Alexander Duleba |
Strednodobá koncepcia rozvoja verejnej diplomacie v podmienkach Ministerstva zahraničných vecí SR | Výskumné centrum Slovenskej spoločnosti pre zahraničnú politiku |
2009 |
Ellery Cory Stowell | The Diplomacy of the War of 1914 | Houghton Mifflin company | 1915 |
Emily T. Metzgar | Promoting Japan: One JET at a Time | USC Center on Public Diplomacy | 2012 |
Erika A. Yepsen | Practicing Successful Twitter Public Diplomacy: A Model and Case Study of U.S. Efforts in Venezuela | USC Center on Public Diplomacy | 2012 |
Ernest J. Wilson III. | Silicon Valley´s Foreign Policy | USC Center on Public Diplomacy | 2012 |
Escott, T. H. S. | The Story of British Diplomacy | |
1908 |
European Commission | A Glance at EU Public Diplomacy at Work | European Commission | 2007 |
Evan H. Potter | Canada and the New Public Diplomacy | Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ | |
Fifield, Russell H. | The Diplomacy Of Southeast Asia 1945-1958 | Harper & Brothers | 1958 |
Fish, Carl Russell | American diplomacy | H. Holt and company | 1923 |
Foster, John Watson | American diplomacy in the Orient | Houghton, Mifflin and Company | 1903 |
Foster, John Watson | A century of American diplomacy | Houghton,Mifflin and company | 1922 |
Garrett Mittingly | Renaissance Diplomacy | Houghton Mifflin Company | 1955 |
Goodall, Bud, Trethewey, Angela and McDonald, Kelly |
Strategic Ambiguity, Communication, and Public Diplomacy in an Uncertain World: Principles and Practices | Consortium for Strategic Communication Arizona State University |
2006 |
Gyorgy Szondi | Public Diplomacy and Nation Branding: Conceptual Similarities and Differences | Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ | 2008 |
Hannah Griffin | Public Diplomacy, Nation Branding and the State of Israel | School of Communication, American University Washington | 2013 |
Harris, Norman Dwight | World Diplomacy Volume One Intervention And Colonization In Africa | Houghton Mifflin Company | 1914 |
House of Commons, Foreign Affairs Committee |
FCO Public Diplomacy: The Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 | The Foreign Affaires Committee |
2011 |
Hurley, Joseph P. and Pope Pius XII |
Vatican Secret Diplomacy: Joseph P. Hurley and Pope Pius XII | 2008 | |
Ingrid d´Hooghe | The Limits of Chian´s Soft Power In Europe: Beijing´s Public Diplomacy Puzzle | Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ | 2010 |
Iskra Kirova | Public Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution: Russia, Georgia and the EU in Abkhazia and South Ossetia | USC Center on Public Diplomacy | 2012 |
Jan Melissen | Beyond the New Public Diplomacy | Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ | 2011 |
Jana Peterková | Public Diplomacy: An Instrument of Foreign Policy | Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, Vydavatelství Oeconomica |
2008 |
Jian Wang | Soft Power in China Public Diplomacy through Communication | Palgrave Macmillan | 2011 |
Johannes Matyassy, Seraina Flury | Challenges for Switzerland´s Public Diplomacy: Referendum on Banning Minarets | USC Center on Public Diplomacy | 2011 |
John W. Foster | The practice of diplomacy as illustrated in the foreign relations of the United States | Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Company | 1906 |
Jorrit Kamminga | Public Diplomacy in Afganistan beyond the 2014 Transition: Lessons from the United States and the Netherlands | Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ | 2013 |
Jozef Batora | Public Diplomacy in Small and Medium States: Norway and Canada | Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ | 2005 |
Jozef Batora | Multistakeholder Public Diplomacy of Small and Medium-Sized States: Norway and Canada Compared | University of Oslo | 2005 |
Juyan Zhang | Buddhist Diplomacy: History and Status Quo | USC Center on Public Diplomacy | 2012 |
Kathy R. Fitzpatrick | U. S. Public Diplomacy in a Post-9/11 World: From Messaging to Mutuality | USC Center on Public Diplomacy | 2011 |
Kathy R. Fitzpatrick | U.S Public Diplomacy´s Neglected Domestic Mandate | USC Center on Public Diplomacy | 2010 |
Kennedy, Liam and Lucas, Scott | Enduring Freedom: Public Diplomacy and U.S. Foreign Policy | American Quarterly | 2005 |
Kennon H. Nakamura, Matthew C. Weed |
U.S. Public Diplomacy: Background and Current Issues | Congressional Research Service | 2009 |
Kristin M. Lord | Voices of America - U.S. Public Diplomacy for the 21th Century | Foreign Policy at Brookings | 2008 |
Leonard, Mark with Stead, Catherine and Snewing, Conrad |
Public Diplomacy | The Foreign Policy Centre | 2002 |
Lilian Parker Wallace |
Power, Public Opinion, and Diplomacy: Essays in Honor of Eber Malcolm Carroll | Freeport, N.Y.: Books for Libraries Press | 1959 |
Lord Hankey | Diplomacy By Conference | Ernest Benn Limited London | 1946 |
Lord Hankey | Conducting Track II Peace Making | University of Colorado Conflict Information Consortium |
2010 |
Lord Newton | Lord Lyons: A Record of British Diplomacy - Volume 1 | Brian Foley, Jane Robins | 2013 |
Margaret C. Ayers | Promoting Public and Private Reinvestment in Cultural Exchange-Based Diplomacy | Robert Sterling Clark Foundation | 2010 |
Marie-Louise Wegter, Karina Pultz |
Dialoguing Partnership: An Analysis of the Dialogue Assumptions of the Danish Partnership for Dialogue and Reform | Danish Institute for International Studies | 2010 |
Marija Manojlovic, Celia Helen Thorheim |
Crossroads of Diplomacy: New Challenges, New Solutions | Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ | 2007 |
Mark Leonard, Andrew T. Small | Norwegian Public Diplomacy | Foreign Policy Center | 2005 |
Martin Wählisch, Behar Xharra | Public Diplomacy o valign=lefttop/tdf Kosovo - Status Quo, Challenges and Options | Friedrich Ebert Stiftung | 2010 |
Matthew Wallin | The New Public Diplomacy Imperative | The American Security Project | 2012 |
Melissen, Jan | The new Public Diplomacy: the soft power in international relations | Palgrave Macmillan |
2005 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Poland |
Public Diplomacy | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Poland | 2012 |
Morel, E.D. | From Dawes To Locarno Being A Critical Record Of An Important Achievement In European Diplomacy 1924-1925 | Harper & Brothers Publishers | 1926 |
Morel, E.D. | Diplomacy Revealed | Harper & Brothers Publishers | 1926 |
Nancy Snow, Phillip M. Taylor | Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy | Routledge | 2009 |
Naomi Leight | Essays on Faith Diplomacy | USC Center on Public Diplomacy | 2011 |
NATO | A Framework for the Strategic Planning and Evolution of Public Diplomacy | NATO’S JOINT ANALYSIS AND LESSONS LEARNED CENTRE |
2013 |
Nicholas J. Cull | Public Diplomacy: Lessons from the Past | University of Southern California, Figueroa Press Los Angeles |
2009 |
Nicholas J. Cull | Public Diplomacy: Lessons from the Past | USC Center on Public Diplomacy | 2009 |
Numelin, Ragnar Julius | The beginnings of diplomacy; a sociological study of intertribal and international relations | Philosophical Library | 1950 |
Parker, Edward Harper | China, her history, diplomacy, and commerce, from the earliest times to the present day | Dutton | 1917 |
Patrizia Laurano | Il turismo come strumento di diplomazia pubblica | Sapienza Università di Roma | 2011 |
Peter Krause, Stephen Van Evera |
Public Diplmacy: Ideas for the War of Ideas | Belfer Centre for Science and International Affair | 2009 |
Philip Fiske de Gouveia, Hester Plumridge |
European Infopolitik: Developing EU Public Diplomacy Strategy | Foreign Policy Center | 2005 |
Philip Sabe | Public Diplomacy, New Media and Counterterrorism | USC Center on Public Diplomacy | 2011 |
Philip Seib | Public Diplomacy and the Media in the Middle East | USC Center on Public Diplomacy | 2013 |
Philip Seib | Religion and Public Diplomacy | Palgrave Macmillan | 2013 |
Pitman B. Potter, Thomas Adams |
Issues In Canada-China Relations | Canadian International Council | 2011 |
R. S. Zaharna | The Cultural Awakening in Public Diplomacy | USC Center on Public Diplomacy | 2012 |
R.S. Zaharna | The Soft Power Differential: Network Communication and Mass Communication in Public Diplomacy* | American University | 2007 |
Reeves, Jesse Siddall | American diplomacy under Tyler and Polk | Gloucester, Mass., P. Smith | 1967 |
Reid, John Gilbert | The Manchu Abdication and the Powers, 1908-1912: An Episode in Pre-War Diplomacy | University of California Press | 1935 |
Robert Banks | A Resource Guide to Public Diplomacy Evaluation | USC Center on Public Diplomacy | 2011 |
Robin Brown | The Four Paradigms of Public Diplomacy: Building a Framework for Comparative Government External Communications Research | Public Affairs Press | 2012 |
Rozek, Edward J. | Allied wartime diplomacy; a pattern in Poland | New York, Wiley | 1958 |
Ruben van Genderen, Jan Rood |
Water Diplomacy: A Niche for the Netherlands? | Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ | 2011 |
Rudolf Dinu | Diplomația Regatului Unit 1878-1914 | Monitorul Oficial | 2010 |
Sarah Ellen Graham | Engaging India: Public Diplomacy and Indo-American Relations to 1957 | USC Center on Public Diplomacy | 2012 |
Schuyler, Eugene |
American diplomacy and the furtherance of commerce | C. Scribner's sons |
1886 |
Schultz, Kenneth A. | Democracy and Coercive Diplomacy (Cambridge Studies in International Relations) | Cambridge University Press | 2001 |
Sheng Ding | Chinese Soft Power and Public Diplomacy: An Analysis of China´s New Diaspora Engagement Policies in the Xi Era | East Asia Institute | 2014 |
Shuster, W. Morgan | The strangling of Persia; story of the European diplomacy and oriental intrigue that resulted in the denationalization of twelve million Mohammedans, a personal narrative (1912) | New York Century | 1912 |
Shivi Greenfield et. al. | Israeli Hasbara: Myths and Facts | Molad - The Center for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy | 2012 |
Simon Duke | The European External Action Service and Public Diplomacy | Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ | 2013 |
Smith, Munroe | American diplomacy in the European War | Ginn & co. | 1916 |
Rasmussen, Steffen Bay | Discourse Analysis of EU Public Diplomacy - Messages and Practices | Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ | 2009 |
Stephen Johnson | Iran´s Influence in the Americas | Centre for Strategic and International Studies | 2012 |
Stephen Johnson | U.S. - Cuba Academic and Science - Based Exchanges | Centre for Strategic and International Studies | 2012 |
Steger, Ulrich | Corporate Diplomacy: The Strategy for a Volatile, Fragmented Business Environment | Wiley | 2003 |
Steuer, Kenneth |
Pursuit of an "Unparalleled Opportunity": The American YMCA and Prisoner-of-War Diplomacy Among the Central Power Nations During World War I, 1914-1923 | |
2008 |
Teresa La Porte | The Power of the European Union in Global Governance | USC Center on Public Diplomacy | 2011 |
U.S. Department of State | American Diplomacy in the Far East; Official Press Releases of the U.S. Dept. of State on the Sino-Japanese Situation | ||
Vaisse, Justin | Transformational Diplomacy | Institute for Security Studies | 2007 |
Vaisse, Justin | Austro-Hungarian and American Diplomacy | Institute for Security Studies | 2000 |
Vaisse, Justin | American Oil Diplomacy in the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea | University Press of Florida | 2003 |
Various Authors | Persuasion, the Essence of Diplomacy | DiploFoundation and Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies |
2013 |
Various Authors | Finding America´s Voice - A Strategy for Reinvigorating U.S. Public Diplomacy | Council on Foreign Relations | 2003 |
Various Authors | Zahraničná politika a diplomacia Slovenskej republiky v kontexte európskej integrácie | Faculty of International Relations of the University of Economics in Bratislava |
2007 |
Various Authors | 13th CEI Dubrovnik Diplomatic Forum: Strategic Public Diplomacy | Diplomatic Academy, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs |
2012 |
Various Authors | Diplomatická služba členského štátu EÚ v procese európskej integrácie | Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM | 2008 |
Various Authors | American Journal of Media Psychology | Marquette Books | 2012 |
Various Authors | Strategic Public Diplomacy: The Case of Egypt | Bipartisan Policy Center | 2011 |
Various Authors | Public and Private Cultural Exchange-Based Diplomacy: New Models for the 21st Century | Salzburg Global Seminar, Robert Sterling Clark Foundation |
2012 |
Waller Michael, J. | Strategic Influence: Public Diplomacy, Counterpropaganda and political warfare | Institute of World politics press, Washington | 2008 |
Walter Douglas, Jeanne Neal | Engaging the Muslim World: Public Diplomacy after 9/11 in the Arab Middle East, Afghanistan and Pakistan | Centre for Strategic and International Studies | 2013 |
Walter Lippmann | The Stakes of Diplomacy | Henry Holt and Company | 1915 |
William Henry Trescot | The Diplomacy of the Revolution: Historical Study | New York, D. Appleton & co. | 1852 |
Williams, Benjamin H. | American diplomacy : policies and practice | U.S. Diplomacy | 1936 |
Williams, Mary Wilhelmine | Anglo-American Isthmian diplomacy, 1815-1915 | American Historical Association | 1916 |
Zabriskie, Edward Henry | American-Russian rivalry in the Far East - A Study in Diplomacy and Power Politics | University of Pennsylvania press | 1946 |
Zappone, Tanina | New Words for a New International Communication: The Case of Public Diplomacy | Europe China Research and Advice Network | 2012 |
Zappone, Tanina | The Case of Public Diplomacy | Europe China Research and Advice Network | 2012 |
Geoffrey Wiseman | Isolate or engage: adversarial states, US foreign policy, and public diplomacy | Stanford, California : Stanford University Press | 2015 |
Guy J. Golan | International public relations and public diplomacy : communication and engagement | New York ; Berlin : Lang | 2015 |
Sevin, Efe | Public Diplomacy and the Implementation of Foreign Policy in the US, Sweden and Turkey | Springer International Publishing, Cham | 2017 |
Mai'a K. Davis Cross; Jan, Melissen | European public diplomacy : soft power at work | New York, NY u.a. : Palgrave Macmillan | 2013 |
Hunt, Alan | Public Diplomacy. What It Is and How to Do It | Geneva: UNITAR | 2015 |
D'Hooghe, Ingrid; D'Hooghe, Ingrid (correspondence author) | China's Public Diplomacy | Clingendael (Netherlands Institute of International Relations) | 2014 |
Martha Bayles | Through a screen darkly : popular culture, public diplomacy, and America's image abroad | New Haven u.a. : Yale Univ. Press | 2014 |
Beata Ociepka | Poland's new ways of public diplomacy | Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang GmbH |
2017 |
Jason C Parker | Hearts, minds, voices : US Cold War public diplomacy and the formation of the Third World | Oxford University Press | 2016 |
Pamment, James | New public diplomacy in the 21st century. | London, New York | 2013 |
Louis, Clerc | Histories of public diplomacy and nation branding in the Nordic and Baltic countries : representing the periphery | Leiden ; Boston : Brill Nijhoff | 2015 |
Caitlin E Schindler | The origins of public diplomacy in US statecraft : uncovering a forgotten tradition | Palgrave Macmillan | 2018 |
Seib, Philip | Religion and Public Diplomacy | Palgrave Macmillan US | 2013 |
Cevik, B. Senem, Seib, Philip (Eds.) | Turkey’s Public Diplomacy | Palgrave Macmillan US | 2015 |
Jan Melissen, Yul Sohn | Understanding public diplomacy in East Asia : middle powers in a troubled region | New York City: Palgrave Mcmillan | 2015 |
Etheridge, Brian C. | Enemies to Allies - Cold War Germany and American Memory | Lexington, Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky | 2016 |
Yasushi Watanabe ; Yasushi Watanabe ; David L Mcconnell | Soft Power Superpowers | Taylor and Francis | 2015 |
Jacquie L'Etang ; David Mckie ; Nancy Snow ; Jordi Xifra | The Routledge Handbook of Critical Public Relations | Taylor and Francis | 2015 |
Fisher, A. | Collaborative Public Diplomacy, How Transnational Networks Influenced American Studies in Europe. | New York: Palgrave MacMillan. | 2013 |
Zaharna, R.S. Arsenault, A., and Fisher, A. (Ed.) | Relational, networked and collaborative approaches to public diplomacy: the connective mind shift | New York, NY: Routledge | 2013 |
Deborah L. Trent, Ph.D., Editor | Nontraditional U.S. Public Diplomacy: Past, Present, and Future | Public Diplomacy Council, Washington, DC | 2016 |
Auer, Claudia | Theorie der Public Diplomacy: Sozialtheoretische Grundlegung einer Form strategischer Kommunikation | Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden |
2017 |
Pisarska, K. | The domestic dimension of public diplomacy: Evaluating success through civil engagement. | London: Palgrave Macmillan. |
2016 |
Sook Jong Lee; Jan Melissen | Public Diplomacy and Soft Power in East Asia | S.l.: Palgrave Macmillan. | 2016 |
William A. Rugh | Front Line Public Diplomacy. How US Embassies Communicate with Foreign Publics | Palgrave Macmillan, New York | 2014 |
Francisco Javier Rodríguez JiménezLorenzo Delgado Gómez-EscalonillaNicholas J. Cull | US Public Diplomacy and Democratization in Spain | Palgrave Macmillan, New York | 2015 |
James Thomas Snyder | The United States and the Challenge of Public Diplomacy | Palgrave Macmillan, New York | 2013 |
James Pamment | British Public Diplomacy and Soft Power Diplomatic Influence and the Digital Revolution |
Palgrave Macmillan, Cham | 2016 |