Cultural Diplomacy Research

Cultural Diplomacy

Author Title Date Publisher
Amb. Alan Baker Conflict Resolution through Cultural Diplomacy in the Middle East 2013 Jerusalem Center for Public affairs
Anastasovski, Ivan; Stojanoska, Tatjana; Qazimi, Ahmed Sport as a Substitute for Diplomatic Activities 2013 Faculty of Physical Culture, Skoplje
Appel Ronit; Irony Assaf; Schmerz Steven; Ziv, Ayela Cultural Diplomacy: an important but neglected tool in promoting Israel's Public Image 5/1/2008 The interdisciplinary Center Herzliya
Arts public Forum Cultural Diplomacy and The National Interest:In Search of a 21st-Century Perspective   Arts industry public forum
Bélanger, Louis Redefining Cultural Diplomacy: Cultural Security and Foreign Policy in Canada 1999 Political Psychology
Bolewsky, Wilfried Diplomatic Process and Cultural Variations: The relevance of Cultural Diplomacy   The Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Law
Brown, Eleanor J.; Morgan, John W.; MacGrath Simon Education, Citizenship and New Public Diplomacy in the UK: What is Their Relation?   UNESCO
Castro, Fernando Vale A Cultural Diplomacy Project for the Republic: Revista Americana and the Building of a New Continental Vision n/a n/a
Clegget, Paula Cultural Diplomacy and the National Interest: In Search Of 21st century Perspective   Art Industries Policy Forum
Curavic, Danica Compensating Victims of Terrorism or Frustrating Cultural Diplomacy? The Unintended Consequences of the Foriegn Sovereign Immunities Act's Terrorism Provisions 2010 Cornell International Law Journal
David Lowe The Colombo Plan and 'soft' regionalism in the Asia- Pacific: Australian and New Zealand cultural diplomacy in the 1950s and 1960s 2010 Alfred Deakin Research Institute, Deakin University
DeCarli, Ashley M. Theatre and Cultural Diplomacy: The Role of The Performing Arts in How Nations Deal With Each Other 2010 Naval Postgraduate School (Thesis)
Demos Culture is a central component of international relations. It's time to unlock its full potential... 2007 Demos
Docot, Dada Cultural Diplomacy of Japan in the Phillippines: The Case of Japan Foundation Manila and its Eiga Sai Program 2006 n/a
Durao Barroso, José Manuel Remarks at the opening of the 3rd edition of the European Culture Forum 10/4/2013 European Comission
EU EUCommon Security and Defence Policy 2012/2013 European Union
Falk Hartig Cultural diplomacy with Chinese characteristics: The case of Confucius Institutes in Australia 2012 COMMUNICATION, POLITICS & CULTURE—VOL.45 (2012)
Fang, Alexa k. U.S Immigration Law: A barrier to effective Cultural Diplomacy 1/11/2011 Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law
Feigenbaum, Harvey, B Globalization and Cultural Diplomacy 2/1/2002 The George Washington University. Center of Arts and Culture: Art, Culture and The National Agenda
Finn, Helena K. The Case for Cultural Diplomacy: Engaging Foreign Audiences 12.2013 Foreign Affairs - The Council of Foreign Relations
Fullman, Aimee The Art of Engagement: U.S. Public and Cultural Diplomacy Timeline, October 1999- 2009 2009 Robert Sterling Clark Foundation
Gordon Robison Flying Under the Radar: U.S. Cultural Diplomacy in the Middle East 2005 USC Center on Public Diplomacy Middle East Media Project
Grincheva, Natalia Cultural Diplomacy 2.0: Challenges and Opportunities in Museums International Practices 2013 Museum and Society
Gürol Baba and Taylan Özgür Kaya Testing the creativity of Kevin Rudd's middle power diplomacy: EU-Australia partnership framework versus the Asia-Pacific community 2014 International Relations of the Asia-Pacific
Haigh, Anthony Cultural Diplomacy in Europe 1974 Manhattan Publishing Co.
Hartig, Falk Cultural diplomacy with Chinese
characteristics: The case of Confucius
Institutes in Australia
2012 Creative Commons
Helena K. Finn The Case for Cultural Diplomacy: Engaging Foreign Audiences 2003 Foreign Affairs
Hongya, Lai China's Cultural Diplomacy: Going for Soft Power 2006  
Hongyi, Lai China's Cultural Diplomacy: Going for Soft Power 2006 South East Asia Institute
Isar, Yudhishthir Raj Cultural Diplomacy: An overplayed Hand? 2010 Public Diplomacy Magazine
Jang, Gunjoo; Paik, Won Korean Wave as a Tool for Korea's new Cultural Diplomacy 2012 Advances in Applied Sociology
Jones, William J. European Union Soft Power: Cultural Diplomacy & Higher Education in Southeast Asia 2009 Silpakorn University International Journal
Jora, Lucian NEW PRACTICES AND TRENDS IN CULTURAL DIPLOMACY 2013 Institute of Political Sciences and
International Relations, Romanian Academy
Kampmark, Binoy The Cartoon Riots: A new Cultural Diplomacy 9/1/2005 The Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relactions
Kampmark, Binoy The Cartoon Riots: A New Cultural Diplomacy 2006 The Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations
Katzenstein, P. J. Cultural Diplomacy and Popular Culture in Europe and Asia 2002 Paper presented at the
American Political Science Association
Kennedy, Liam Remembering September 11: Photography as Cultural Diplomacy 2003 International Affairs
Kim, Huajung Cultural Diplomacy as the means of Soft Power in an Information Age 12/1/2011  
Kim, Hwajung Cultural Diplomacy as a Means of Soft Power in the Information Age 2011  
Kitsou, Sofia The Power of Culture in Diplomacy: The Case of U.S. Cultural Diplomacy in France and Germany 2013 Surface
Kumar, Pranav Contours of India's Cultural Diplomacy in Southeast Asia 5/6/2008  
Lenczowski, John Cultural Diplomacy, Political Influence, and Integrated Strategy 2008 Institute of World Politics
Lynch, Clifford Repatriation, Reconstruction, and Cultural Diplomacy in the Digital World 2008 Educause Review
Ma, Ratih Indraswari Cultural Diplomacy in ASEAN: Collaborative Efforts 2015 (? Error in article) International Journal of Social Science
and Humanity
Mabillard, Vincent; Jádi, Dániel Sport as Cultural Diplomacy: How Sport can make a difference in International Relations 2011 ICD Outlook, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
MacKenzie, David An Early Effort in Cultural diplomace: The Canadian Co-operation Project and Canadian Tourism 2013 International Journal: Canada's Journal
of Global Policy Analysis
Marc Gopin The Practice of Cultural Diplomacy 2002 George Mason University
Mark, Simon A Greater Role for Cultural Diplomacy 2009 Netherlands Institute of
International Relations 'Clingendael'
Marta Ryniejska - Kiełdanowicz Cultural Diplomacy as a Form of International Communication   Institute for Public Relations University
of Wrocław
Mehring, Frank The Promises of 'Young Europe': Cultural Diplomacy, Cosmopolitanism, and Youth Culture in the Films of the Marshall Plan 2012 European Journal of American Studies
Mulaudzi, Fhumulani Mavis; Libster, Martha M.; Phiri, Salaminah Suggestions for Creating a Welcoming Nursing Community: Ubuntu, Cultural Diplomacy, and Mentoring 2009 International Journal for Human Caring
Ndlovu, Sifiso Mxolisi Sports as Cultural Diplomacy: The 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa's Foreign Policy 2010 Soccer and Society
Ndlovu, Sifiso Mxolisi Sports as Cultural Diplomacy: the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa's Foriegn Policy 2010 Soccer & Society
Obi, Maurice French and Cultural Diplomacy. The African Experience 2013 International affairs and Global strategi
Ogoura, Kazuo Japan's Postwar Cultural Diplomacy 2008 FU Berlin -
Centre for Area Studies Working Paper
Oguora, Kazuo Japan's Cultural Diplomacy: past and present   Japan Fundation
Özkan, Abdullah Role of the public diplomacy in establishing nation branding and public diplomacy possibilities of Turkey 2013 International Association of Social Science
Palm, Virginia Future Trends in Cultural Diplomacy 2013 Tafter Journal
Pan, Su-Yan Confucius Institute Project: China's Cultural Diplomacy and Soft Power Projection 2013 Asian Education and Development Studies
Paul Robeson Cultural diplomacy in times of troubles:the real ambassadors in cold war America   Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
Peng Er Lam Japan's Quest for "Soft Power": attraction and Limitation 10/27/2007 Springer
Public Diplomacy Magazine Cultural Diplomacy 2010 Public Diplomacy Magazine
Purtas, Firat The Rising Value of Turkish Foreign Policy: Cultural Diplomacy 2013 Gazi Akademik Bakis Dergisi
Raiymbekova, Muravyeva O.B. Evangelos Denaksas: "...cultural diplomacy in Greece are bridges, which it is building for intercultural exchange" n/a n/a
Regina Kim South Korean Cultural diplomacy and Efforts to Promote the RoK’s Brand Image in the United States and Around the World - John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies
Reihnold Wagnleighter American Cultural Diplomacy, the Cinema, and the Cold War in Central Europe 1992 Department of History University of Salzburg
Robbins, Louise S. Publishing American Values: The Franklin Book Programs as Cold War Cultural Diplomacy 2007 Library Trends
Robinson, Gordon Flying under the Radar: US Cultural Diplomacy in the Middle East 2005 USC Center on Public Diplomacy
Robinson, Gordon Diplomacy in the Middle East 2005 USC Center on Public Diplomacy
Ronit Appel, Assaf Irony,
Steven Schmerz, Ayela Ziv
Cultural Diplomacy: An Important but Neglected Tool in promoting Israel's Public Image Promoting Israel’s Public Image 2008 The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya Lauder
School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy
Ryniejska, Marta Cultural Diplomacy as a Form of International communication   University of Wroclaw
Ryniejska, Marta Cultural Diplomacy as a form of International Communication N/A University of Wroclaw
Saddiki, Said The Role of Cultural Diplomacy in International Relations 2009 CIDOB
Sang Mi Park Wartime Japan’s Cultural Diplomacy and the Establishment of Culture Bureaus 2009 Waseda Institute for Advanced Study (WIAS)
Schneider, Cynthia Cultural Diplomacy: Why it Matters, What it can- and cannot- do 2006 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science
Schneider, Cynthia Culture Communicates: US Diplomacy that Works 2004 Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael'
Schneider, Cynthia P. DIPLOMACY THAT WORKS 2003 Center for Arts and Culture
Schneider, Cynthia P. Cultural Diplomacy - Hard to Define 2006 Brown Journal of World Affairs
Schneider, Wolfgang Cultural Diplomacy: Einbahnstraße, Sackgasse, Kreisverkehr, oder? Risiken und Nebenwirkungen einer Kulturentwicklungspolitik 2010 University of Hildesheim
Showkat, Nayeem Cricket Diplomacy between India and Pakistan: A Case Study of Leading National Dailies of Both the Countries (The Hindu & Dawn) 2013 Journal od Mass Communication and Journalism
Smith, Michael Between 'Soft Power' and a Hard Place: European Union Foreign and Security Policy between the Islamic World and the United States 2009 International Politics
Sofia Kitsou The Power of Culture in Diplomacy: The Case of U.S. Cultural Diplomacy in France and Germany 2013 Ionian University
Sotubo, E. C-U.; Chidozie, F. C. Cultural Diplomacy and National Development: A Study of the Nigerian Entertainment Industry 2014 An International Journal of Arts and Humanities (AFRREV IJAH)
Stefanie Adamovicz Is the Role of Cultural Diplomacy Evolving in the 21st Century? 2010 HuffingtonPost
Tullock, Kalika A. China's Soft Power Offensive in the United States: Cultural Diplomcy, Media Campaigning, and Congressional Lobbying 2013 Claremont Colleges (Senior Thesis)
US State Dept. Report of the Advisory Committee on Cultural Diplomacy 2005 US State Dept.
Vasilliou, Androula Cultural Diversity, global politics and the role of Europe 2/28/2014 European Union
Vasilliou, Androula Having the world understand your culture is much greater securtity than other submarine 4/7/2014 European Union
Vaughn, James A Certain Idea of Britain': British Cultural Diplomacy in the Middle East, 1945- 57' 2005 Contemporary British History
Wagnleitner, Reinhold American Cultural Diplomacy, the Cinema, and the Cold War in Central Europe 1992 Centre for Austrian Studies
Wolf, Charles Jr.;
Rosen, Brian
Public Diplomacy, How to Think About and Improve It 2004 RAND-Initiated Research
Woolf, Brandon Questioning Cultural Diplomacy 2010 The Arts Politic
Dennis Abbott Kulturdiplomatie als wirkungsvolles Instrument in der EU-Außenpolitik 7.04.2014 European Comission
Kurbalija Jovan E-Diplomacy and Diplomatic Law in the Internet Era (chapter of "Peacetime Regime for State Activities in Cyberspace")
Diplo Diplodialogue. Metaphors for diplomats.
Unisa Sahid Kamara Conflict Resolution and Peace Building 01/02/2009  
Wolfram Manzenreiter Die Mangatisierung der Welt: Japans
Populärkultur, Kulturdiplomatie und die neue
internationale Arbeitsteilung
01/04/2007 Studie
Dr. Michael Reiterer Kultur als Faktor in der internationalen Politik 2007 EEAS
Dr. Leonid Kozlov Vergleichende Analyse der Kulturdiplomatie von ausländischen Mächten in Deutschland und Russland 2009 Staatliche Universität für Wirtschaft Wladiwostok
Е.М. Астахов Мировая практика культурной дипломатии 2008 Изд-во СПБГУП
Мохаммад Хасан
Культурная дипломатия и внешние связи 2014 ИноСМИ
Dzhumamurat Gurbangeldyev Культурная дипломатия - язык межнационального диалога 2014 Institute of International Relations of Turkmenistan
"Neutral Turkmenistan"
Udovi?, Boštjan; Podgornik, Ana Cultural diplomacy of Slavic European Union member states : a cross-country analysis 2016 Baltic journal of European Studies; 6(2016), 2, S. 117-136
Pratap, Bhanu  India's cultural diplomacy : present dynamics, challenges and future prospects 2015 International journal of arts, humanities and management studies; 1(2015), 9, S. 55-65
Sterling, Dahlia Patricia  A new era in cultural diplomacy : promoting the image of China's "Belt and road" initiative in Asia 2018 Open Journal of Social Sciences; 6(2018), 2, S. 102-116
Triantphyllidu, Anna; Szücs, Tamas; EU cultural diplomacy : challenges and opportunities 2017 Florence : European University Institute
Pipchenko, Nataliya; Moskalenko, Taras.  Promotion of Ukraine's cultural diplomacy in the EU 2017 Politologija
Helly, Damien Cultural diplomacy and cooperation in the Mediterranean : a constant investment 2017 European Institute of Mediterranean
Saliu, Hasan The new nature of cultural diplomacy in the age of online communication 2017 Journal of media critiques
Karado?an Doruk, Ece; Mengü, Seda; Göksu, Nilüfer Fatma; Yava?gel, Emine  International E-learning as an emerging cultural diplomacy practice 2017  Journal of current researches on social sciences
Berkman Köselerli, Berna The usage of new media in cultural diplomacy : a case of Turkey 2017 European journal of multidisciplinary studies
Wong, Andrea Chloe A.  Philippine cultural diplomacy : unraveling its full potential 2016 FSI insights; vol. 3, no. 2 
Kim, Hwajung Bridging the theoretical gap between public diplomacy and cultural diplomacy 2017  The Korean journal of international studies
Trobbiani, Riccardo  EU cultural diplomacy : time to define strategies, means and complementarity with member states 2017 Brussels: Institute for European Studies (IES)
Bhanu Pratap India’s Cultural Diplomacy: Present Dynamics, Challenges And Future Prospects 2015 International Journal of Art,Humanities and Mnagement Studies
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs ABC of Diplomacy 2008 Cavelti AG, Gossau
Melissa A. Johnson and William Sink Ethnic museum public relations: Cultural diplomacy and cultural intermediaries in the digital age 2013 Public Relations Inquiry 2013 2:3, 355-376
Ville Laamanen VOKS, Cultural Diplomacy and the Shadow of the Lubianka: Olavi Paavolainen’s 1939 Visit to the Soviet Union 2016 Journal of Contemporary History 2016 52:4, 1022-1041
Tim Winter Cultural Diplomacy, Cosmopolitanism and Global Hierarchy at the Shanghai Expo 2014 Space and Culture 2014 18:1, 39-54
Tim Winter Heritage conservation futures in an age of shifting global power 2014 Journal of Social Archaeology 2014 14:3, 319-339
Zainab Akhter India–Pakistan Relations: Efficacy of Culture 2016 Millennial Asia 2016 7:2, 207-229
Theodora Dragostinova The East in the West: Bulgarian Culture in the United States of America during the Global 1970s 2016 Journal of Contemporary History 2016 53:1, 212-239
Terry Flew Evaluating China’s aspirations for cultural soft power in a post-globalisation era 2016 Media International Australia 2016 159:1, 32-42
Zhenjie Yuan, Junwanguo Guo, and Hong Zhu Confucius Institutes and the limitations of China’s global cultural network 2016 China Information 2016 30:3, 334-356
Paul Moody Embassy cinema: what WikiLeaks reveals about US state support for Hollywood 2017 Media, Culture & Society 2017 39:7, 1063-1077 
Yelena I. Rudenko The Theory and Practice of Identities: South vs. Central Asia (with special emphasis upon India and Kazakhstan) 2017 India Quarterly 2017 73:4, 395-410
Tammy M. Proctor The Louvain Library and US Ambition in Interwar Belgium 2014 Journal of Contemporary History 2014 50:2, 147-167 
David MacKenzie An early effort in cultural diplomacy: The Canadian Co-operation Project and Canadian tourism 2013 International Journal 2013 68:4, 576-590 
Jonathan Schroeder and Janet Borgerson Greg Barnhisel, Cold War Modernists: Art, Literature, and American Cultural Diplomacy 2016 Journal of Consumer Culture 2016 10.1177/1469540516669268
Anita Wheeler Cultural Diplomacy, Language Planning, and the Case of the University of Nairobi Confucius Institute 2013 Journal of Asian and African Studies 2013 49:1, 49-63 
Jason Harding Greg Barnhisel, Cold War Modernists: Art, Literature, and American Cultural Diplomacy 2016 Literature & History 2016 25:1, 109-112
Edward Wastnidge The Modalities of Iranian Soft Power: From Cultural Diplomacy to Soft War 2014 Politics 2014 35:3-4, 364-377
Santosh Kumar Pudaruth Nation Rebranding Through a New Approach to Cultural Diplomacy: A Case Study of Mauritius 2017 SAGE Open 2017 7:2
Ludmila Stern Michael David-Fox, Showcasing the Great Experiment: Cultural Diplomacy and Western Visitors to the Soviet Union, 1921–1941 2014 European History Quarterly 2014 44:1, 141-143 
Alan Gevinson Link to the Library of Congress: “Khrushchev Doesn’t Know Beans about B-Flat”: Music and Cold War Cultural Diplomacy 2017 Music Educators Journal 2017 103:3, 16-18 
New Soceity for Taiwan ????????????????(a policy overview report on Taiwan's cultural diplomacy)  2018 New Soceity for Taiwan Think Tank