Author |
Title |
Year |
Publisher |
Katia Scannavini |
The necessity of Intercultural Communication for a peaceful world |
2013 |
Academicus International Scientific Journal |
Meg Spohn Bertoni |
The U.S. Imperial Jugger-not: Saturation Points and Cultural Globalization |
2010 |
ARINA, Inc. |
Georgiana Udrea |
European Identity and Erasmus Mobility. Insights from Romanian Students’ Experiences |
2012 |
National School of Political Studies and Public Administration |
Amanda Rueda |
North/south relations: Representations of the other in the construction of transnational networks |
2009 |
Semra DEMIR, Aysın DEMIR |
2009 |
Journal of International Social Research |
Ionel Sergiu Pirju, Sebastian Soimu |
The Methodology of Developing an International Cross-Cultural Diagnostic |
2012 |
Danubius University |
Alexandru Popescu |
The Romanian-Finnish Cultural Relations: History, Trends, Bibliography |
2009 |
Asociatia Romana pentru Studii Baltice si Nordice |
Natalia Mikhailovna Bogolubova,
Julia Vadimovna Nikolaeva,
Vladimir Ivanovich Fokin
Sergey Sergeevich Shirin
and Elena Eduardovna Elts |
Contemporary Problems of Cultural Cooperation: Issues in Theory and Practice |
2013 |
David C. Kang* |
Authority and Legitimacy inInternational Relations: Evidencefrom Korean and Japanese Relationsin Pre-Modern East Asia |
2012 |
The Chinese Journal of International Politic |
Yan Xuetong |
The Instability of China-US Relations |
2010 |
The Chinese Journal of International Politic |
Richard A. Rogers |
From Cultural Exchange to Transculturation: A Review and Reconceptualization of Cultural Appropriation |
2006 |
cultural exchange |
Lawrence A. Palinkas, Ph.D. |
Cultural Exchange and the Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice: Two Case Studies |
2009 |
Charmian Kennera,
Mahera Rubya, John Jessela, Eve Gregorya & Tahera Arjua |
Intergenerational Learning Events Around the Computer: A Site for Linguistic and Cultural Exchange |
2008 |
Taylor & Francis |
Brian C. Chu |
Considering Culture One Client at a Time: Maximizing the Cultural Exchange |
2007 |
Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy |
Zoë Druick |
International Cultural Relations as a Factor in Postwar Canadian Cultural
Policy: The Relevance of UNESCO for the Massey Commission |
2006 |
Canadian Journal of Communication |
John Tomlinson |
Globalization and Cultural Identity |
2003 |
Ferguson, James |
Review Essay Cultural Exchange: New Developments in the Anthropology of Commodities |
1988 |
Cultural Anthropology |
Komlodi, Anita; Hou, Weimin; Preece, Jenny; Druin, Allison; Golub, Evan; Alburo, Jade; Liao, Sabrina; Elkiss, Aaron; Resnik, Philip |
Evaluating a Cross-Cultural Children's Online Book Community: Lessons Learned for Sociability, Usability and Cutural Exchange |
2007 |
Oxford Journals, Interacting with Computers |
Lowe, Tony B.; Dozier, Cheryl D.; Hunv-Hurst, Patricia ; Smith, Bettye P. |
Study Abroad in West Africa: An Inter-Disciplinary Programme of International Education |
2008 |
Project Innovation |
Fields, Andrew |
Multicultural Research and Practice: Theoretical Issues and Maximizing Cultural Exchange |
2010 |
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice |
Standeven, J. |
Cross-Cultural Exchange: Teaching and Learning in Context |
1988 |
Springer |
Various Authors |
An Exchange on Theory and Cultural Studies |
2005 |
Cultural Studies Review |
Schaffer, Kay; Song, Xianlin |
Writing Beyong the Wall: Translation, Cross-Cultural Exchange, and Chen Ran's 'A Private Life' |
2006 |
Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies |
Perkins, Franklin |
Virtue, Reason, and Cultural Exchange: Leibniz's Praise of Chinese Morality |
2002 |
Journal of the History of Ideas |
Lathey, Gillian |
Where Britain meets 'The Continent': The Language and Cultural Exchange in Children's Fiction |
2001 |
Children's Literature in Education |
Liu, Dayan |
Translation and Culture: Translating Idioms between English and Chinese from a Cultural Perspective |
2012 |
Theories and Practice in Language Studies |
Szaniawski, Ignacy |
Cross-Cultural Exchange: How Students can frustrate the Aims of Study Abroad Programmes |
1982 |
International Review of Education |
Wiesand, Andreas |
Comparative Cultural Policy Research in Europe: A Change of Paradigm |
2002 |
Canadian Journal of Communication Corporation |
Keogh, Johannes |
Exchange Programmes and Student Mobility: Meeting Student's Expectations or an Expensive Holiday? |
2009 |
Nurse Education Today |
Stangor, Charles; Jonas, Klaus; Stroebe, Wolfgang; Hewstone, Miles |
Influence of Student Exchange on National Stereotypes, Attitudes and Percieved Group Variability |
1996 |
European Journal of Social Psychology |
Sowa, Patience |
How Valuable are Student Exchange Programs? |
2002 |
New Directions on Higher Education |
Russo, Angelina |
Transformations in Cultural Communication: Social Media, Cultural Exchange, and Creative Connections |
2011 |
Curator: the Museum Journal |
Fordham, Traci |
Pedagogies of Cultural Change: The Rotary International Youth Program and Narratives of Travel and Transformation |
2006 |
Journal of Tourism and Cultrual Change |
Jersild, Austin |
Privilege and Inequality: Cultural Exchange and the Sino-Soviet Alliance |
2013 |
Wilson Center |
Wenbin Jiang, Caiwu Fu |
How Does the Foreign Audience Respond to China’s Cultural
Exchange Programs Abroad: Survey Evidence from the 2011
Terracotta Army Exhibition in Montreal |
2013 |
Asian Social Science |
Smith, Iain Robert |
The Exorcist in Istanbul: Processes of Transcultural
Appropriation Within Turkish Popular Cinema
2008 |
Portal |
Obeidat Marwan M., Al-Shalabi Nazmi |
Cultures in Contact: How Education and Cultural Studies Help Obliterate
Unnecessary Perpetuation of Cross-cultural Misunderstanding Between the
USA and the Arab World |
2011 |
CSCanada Studies in Literature and Language |
Demir Aysın, Demir Semra |
2009 |
The Journal of International Social Research |
Yu-Te Tu, Shean-Yuh Lin, Yu-Yi Chang |
A Cross-Cultural Comparison by Individualism/Collectivism
among Brazil, Russia, India and China |
2011 |
International Business Research |
Janet Anthony |
Adventures in Music Making: 20 Years of Cross-Cultural exchange in Haiti |
2017 |
Koichi Iwabuchi |
Pop-culture diplomacy in Japan: soft power, nation branding and the
question of ‘international cultural exchange’ |
2015 |
International Journal of Cultural Policy 21, no. 4 (2015) |
David Lowe |
Australia’s Colombo Plans, old and new: international students as foreign
relations |
2015 |
International Journal of Cultural Policy 21, no. 4 (2015) |
Yudhishthir Raj Isar |
‘Culture in EU external relations’: an idea whose time has come? |
2015 |
International Journal of Cultural Policy 21, no. 4 (2015) |
Fabricius, Anne H., Janus Mortensen, and Hartmut Haberland |
The lure of internationalization: paradoxical discourses of transnational student mobility, linguistic diversity and cross-cultural exchange. |
2017 |
Higher Education, 73(4), 577-595 |
Yuzhi, Luo, Ji Lingling |
Lin Yutang's Profound Influence on the Cultural Exchange between China and the West |
2015 |
Dong, GuangHui, YiShi Yang, JianYe Han, Hui Wang, FaHu Chen |
Exploring the history of cultural exchange in prehistoric Eurasia from the perspectives of crop diffusion and consumption. |
2017 |
Science China Earth Sciences 60, no. 6 |
Crawford, Katherine |
Cultivating Cultural Exchange: Improving University Study Abroad Programs. |
2017 |
Reilly, Alexander |
Low-cost labour or cultural exchange? Reforming the Working Holiday visa programme |
2015 |
The Economic and Labour Relations Review 26, no. 3 (2015): 474-489 |
Dong, Guanghui, Yishi Yang, Xinyi Liu, Haiming Li, Yifu Cui, Hui Wang, Guoke Chen, John Dodson, Fahu Chen |
Prehistoric trans-continental cultural exchange in the Hexi Corridor, northwest China |
2018 |
The Holocene 28, no. 4 (2018): 621-628 |
Muhammad Zaman |
Exchange Marriages in a Community of Pakistan |
2013 |
The Family Journal 2013 22:1, 69-77 |
Christine Geserick |
‘I Always Wanted to Go Abroad. And I Like Children’ : Motivations of Young People to Become Au Pairs in the USA |
2012 |
YOUNG 2012 20:1, 49-67 |
Andrei V Grinëv and Richard L Bland |
Cultural Borrowings of Russians from the Natives of Alaska in the 18th and 19th Centuries |
2016 |
International Journal of Cultural Studies 2016 20:4, 395-401 |
Luc Pauwels |
World cities reframed: a visual take on globalization |
2014 |
Visual Communication 2014 13:3, 389-402 |
Guanghui Dong, Yishi Yang, Xinyi Liu, Haiming Li, Yifu Cui, Hui Wang, Guoke Chen, John Dodson, and Fahu Chen |
Prehistoric trans-continental cultural exchange in the Hexi Corridor, northwest China |
2017 |
The Holocene 2017 28:4, 621-628 |
Macarena Gómez-Barris |
Andean Translations: New Age Tourism and Cultural Exchange in the Sacred Valley, Peru |
2012 |
Latin American Perspectives 2012 39:6, 68-78 |
Paul D. Buell |
Book Review: Mapping the Chinese and Islamic Worlds, Cross-cultural Exchange in Pre-modern Asia |
2013 |
International Journal of Maritime History 2013 25:2, 295-296 |
Alexander Reilly |
Low-cost labour or cultural exchange? Reforming the Working Holiday visa programme |
2015 |
The Economic and Labour Relations Review 2015 26:3, 474-489 |
Ralph Lee Woodward, Jr. |
Book Review: Irlanda y el Atlántico Ibérico: Movilidad, participación e intercambio cultural (1580–1823)/Ireland and the Iberian Atlantic: Mobility, Involvement and Cross-Cultural Exchange (1580–1823), Redes de nación y espacios de poder: La comunidad irl |
2013 |
International Journal of Maritime History 2013 25:2, 273-277 |
Yves Peyré, Stuart Sillars, David Coleman, Alice Leonard, and Jesse Field |
Book Reviews: The Collected Works of John Ford, the Library and Archive Collections of the University of Aberdeen: An Introduction and Description, Metaphor and Shakespearean Drama: Unchaste Signification, Nine Lives of William Shakespeare, Chinese Shakes |
2012 |
Cahiers Élisabéthains 2012 81:1, 81-92 |
Bradford Martin |
Musical Cultural Exchanges in the Age of Detente: Cultural Fixation, Trust, and the Permeability of Culture |
2015 |
Journal of Contemporary History 2015 51:2, 364-384 |
Nikos Papastergiadis |
The end of the Global South and the cultures of the South |
2017 |
Thesis Eleven 2017 142:1, 69-90 |
Mette Bønløkke, Lieneke van der Linde, and Elena De Lorenzo Urien |
Situations and strategies for cultural learning in a short exchange programme |
2018 |
Nordic Journal of Nursing Research 2018 10.1177/2057158517752549 |