Cultural Diplomacy Research
Public Diplomacy
Name | Title | Date | Publisher |
Advisory Committee on Cultural Diplomacy | Cultural Diplomacy The Linchpin of Public Diplomacy | 9/1/2005 | U.S. Department of State |
Banks, Robert | A Resource Guide to Public Diplomacy Evaluation | 2011 | Figueroa Press |
Cox, Samuel Sullivan | Beauties of diplomacy. Speech of Hon. Samuel S. Cox, of New York, in the House of Representatives, February 9, 1876 | 1876 | |
Davison, Charles Stewart | The case of the "Kronprinz Wilhelm" and "Bernstorffian diplomacy" | 1915 | |
Funk, Henry Daniel | Aspects of European diplomacy since 1878 | 1915? | The Franklin Press |
Kalin, Ibrahim | Soft power and Public Diplomacy in Turkey | Autumn 2011 | Center for Strategic Research |
Nakamura, Toshyia | Japan's New Public Diplomacy: Coolnes in Foreing Policy Objectives | 9/1/2011 | Nagoya University |
Robin Brown | The Four Paradigms of Public Diplomacy: Building a Framework for Comparative Government External Communications Research | 1988 | Institute of Communication Studies University of Leeds |
Shaun Riordan | Dialogue-based Public Diplomacy: A New Foreign Policy Paradigm? | 11/1/2004 | Netherlands Institute of International Relations |
Wolf Charles, Rosen, Jr., Brian | Public Diplomacy How to Think About and Improve It |
2004 | RAND Corporation |
Hayden, Craig | Envisioning a multidisciplinary research agenda for public diplomacy | 11/01/2013 | E-International Relations |
Lecrercq, Vanessa | Public Diplomacy: From John F. Kennedy to Tony Blair | 01/10/2009 | Dickason, Renée |
Kimunguyi, Patrick; Polonska-Kimunguyi, Eva | From European Identity and Media Imperialism to Public Diplomacy: The Changing Rationale Behind Euronews | 01/11/2012 | Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision |
Medzini, Meron | Reflections on Israel's Public Diplomacy | 01/01/2012 | Centre de Recherche Français de Jérusalem (CRFJ) |
Mei, Guo; Wenhua, Hu | Dialogism in International Communication Texts: From the Perspective of Public Diplomacy | 01/05/2013 | Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture |
US Government | 9-11 Commission recommendations for U.S. diplomacy : hearing before the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, August 24, 2004. | 2005 | Washington : U.S. |
US Government | The 9/11 Commission recommendations on public diplomacy : defending ideals and defining the message : hearing before the Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats, and International Relations of the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, August 23, 2004. | 2004 | Washington : U.S. |
US Government | U.S. public diplomacy : time to get back in the game : a report to members of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, first session, February 13, 2009. | 2009 | Washington : U.S. G.P.O |
Güliz SÜTÇÜ | New Mode of Diplomacy in the 21st Century: Science Diplomacy | 01/12/2012 | Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi |
Maria Susana Arrosa Soares | Cultural Diplomacy In Mercosul | 2008 | Instituto Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais |
Pat Proctor | War without Violence: Leveraging the Arab Spring to Win the War on Terrorism | 2012 | Henley-Putnam University |
Said Saddiki | The Role Of Cultural Diplomacy In International Relations | 2009 | CIDOB |
Frank Mehring | The Promises of “Young Europe”: Cultural Diplomacy, Cosmopolitanism, and Youth Culture in the Films of the Marshall Plan | 2012 | European Association for American Studies |
Krasimir Koev | The Role of Cultural Diplomacy for Intensifying the Cross Border Cooperation within Danube Region | 2013 | Danubius University |
Katherine P. Avgerinos | Russia's Public Diplomacy Effort: What The Kremlin Is Doing And Why It’s Not Working | ||
Diplomatic Academy, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Republic of Croatia | Strategic public diplomacy | 2012 | Diplomatic Academy, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Republic of Croatia |
Ashvin Gonesh and Jan Melissen | Public Diplomacy: Improving Practice | 2005 | Netherlands Institute of International Relations |
Jami A. Fullerton, Alice Kendrick | Strategic Uses of Mediated Public Diplomacy: International Reaction to US Tourism Advertising | 2013 | Oklahoma State University |
Martin Wählisch, Behar Xharra | Public Diplomacy Of Kosovo : Status Quo, Challenges And Options | 2010 | Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation |
Ingrid d'Hooghe | The rise of China's Public Diplomacy | 2007 | Netherlands Institute of International Relations |
Wilhelm, Karen S. | Public Diplomacy | 1998 | National war coll washington DC |
Lee, Donna | Economic Diplomacy | 2010 | Wiley-Blackwell 2010 |
Aoyama, Rumi | China's Public Diplomacy | 2007 | Center of Excellence-Contemporary Asian Studies |
Department of state washington d c office of external research; Selcher,Wayne A | Brazil's Multilateral Diplomacy | 1975 | Department Of State Washington D C Office Of External Research |
Aoyama, Rumi | Chinese Diplomacy in the Multimedia Age: Public Diplomacy and Civil Diplomacy | 2004 | Center of Excellence-Contemporary Asian Studies |
Harvey B. Feigenbaum | Globalization and Cultural Diplomacy | 2002 | Center for Arts and Culture |
Bowers, Michael W. | Revitalizing U.S. Public Diplomacy | 2005 | Army War Coll Carlisle Barracks PA |
Peter G. Peterson | Public Diplomacy and the War on Terrorism | 2002 | Foreign Affairs-Published by the Council on Foreign Relations |
Various authors | Selected Articles and Resources on Public Diplomacy | 2003 mostly | Public Diplomacy Organization |
Arthur A. Bardos | “Public Diplomacy”: An Old Art, A New Profession | 2001 | VQR- a national journal of literature and discussion |
MICHAEL STEPHENS | Qatar’s public diplomacy woes | 2013 | openDemocracy |
Yelena Osipova | Turkey's Public Diplomacy: The Genocide Resolution Challenge | 2010 | The Washington Review of Turkish & Eurasian Affairs |
Katherine P. Avgerinos | Russia's Public Diplomacy Effort: what the kremlin is doing and why it’s not working | 2010 | Princeton Education |
SWJ Editors | Public Diplomacy and National Security | 2008 | Small Wars Journal |
YU-SHAN WU AND CHRIS ALDEN | Africa: Brics' Public Diplomacy and the Nuances of Soft Power | 2014 | South African Institute of International Affairs |
David John Smith | Norwegian Public Diplomacy-Specific Strategies leading to Dynamic Implementation | Norway Communicates | |
Ishikawa, Eriko | A New Dimension in Japanese Public Diplomacy | 2008 | The Tokyo Foundation |
Various authors | Popular Articles About Public Diplomacy | 2003-2009-2013 | The Economic Times |
Ellen Huijgh | Public Diplomacy in Flux: Introducing the Domestic Dimension | 2012 | The Hague Journal of Diplomacy-Brill Online Books and Journals |
Steven Curtis and Caroline Jaine | Public Diplomacy at Home in the UK: Engaging Diasporas and Preventing Terrorism | 2012 | The Hague Journal of Diplomacy-Brill Online Books and Journals |
Ellen Huijgh and Caitlin Byrne | Opening the Windows on Diplomacy: A Comparison of the Domestic Dimension of Public Diplomacy in Canada and Australia | 2012 | The Hague Journal of Diplomacy-Brill Online Books and Journals |
Teresa La Porte | The Impact of ‘Intermestic’ Non-State Actors on the Conceptual Framework of Public Diplomacy | 2012 | The Hague Journal of Diplomacy-Brill Online Books and Journals |
Yiwei Wang | Domestic Constraints on the Rise of Chinese Public Diplomacy | 2012 | The Hague Journal of Diplomacy-Brill Online Books and Journals |
Shay Attias | Israel’s New Peer-to-Peer Diplomacy | 2012 | The Hague Journal of Diplomacy-Brill Online Books and Journals |
Mladen Andrlić; Iva Tarle;Suzana Simichen Sopta | Public Diplomacy in Croatia:Sharing NATO and EU Values with the Domestic Public | 2012 | The Hague Journal of Diplomacy-Brill Online Books and Journals |
Middle East Quarterly | Council on Foreign Relations, "Improving U.S. Public Diplomacy" | 2002 | The Hague Journal of Diplomacy-Brill Online Books and Journals |
Fitzpatrick, Kathy R. | Defining Strategic Publics in a Networked World: Public Diplomacy's Challenge at Home and Abroad | 2012 | The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 7 |
Byrne, Caitlin | Not quite the sum of its parts: Public diplomacy from an Australian perspective | 2010 | Exchange: The journal of public diplomacy |
Murray, Stuart | Moving beyond the ping-pong table: Sports diplomacy in the modern dilomatic environment | 2013 | Public Dilomacy Magazine, 9 |
Iaydijev, Ivaylo | Searching for Influence and Persuasion in Network - Oriented Public Diplomacy: What Role for "Small States" | 2013 | Exchange: The journal of public diplomacy |
Huigh, Ellen | Changing Tunes for Public Diplomacy: Exploring the Domestic Dimension | 2013 | Exchange: The journal of public diplomacy |
Vanc, Antoneta | The Relationship Management Process Of Public Diplomacy: U.S. Public Diplomacy In Romania | 2010 | University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Jones, W. Michael | A Survey and Analysis of American Public Diplomacy: 1942 -2007 | 2009 | University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Byrne, Caitlin | Campaigning for a seat on the UN Security Council: a middle power reflection on the role of public diplomacy | 2011 | Figueroa Press |
Buckle, Anne E | The New Diplomacy: Devising a Relational Model of Public Diplomacy | 2012 | Pursuit - The Journal of Undergraduate Research at the University of Tennessee: Vol. 3 |
Samei, Marwa Abdel | Public diplomacy in the age of regional media: winning the war of hearts and minds in the iddle east Al-Jazeera and al-Hurra | 2010 | Northeastern University |
Byrne, Caitlin | Public Diplomacy and Constructivism: A Synergistic and Enabling Relationship | 2012 | Bond University |
Sławomir Gawroński | Public diplomacy - international communication at national branding services | ||
Zhong, Xin ; Lu, Jiayi | Public diplomacy meets social media: A study of the U.S. Embassy's blogs and micro-blogs | 2013 | Public Relations Review, December 2013, Vol.39(5), pp.542-548 |
Lee, Seow Ting ; Lin, Julian | Online newsrooms and public diplomacy | 2015 | Public Relations Review, September 2015, Vol.41(3), pp.373-375 |
Fullerton, Jami A ; Kendrick, Alice; Golan, Guy J (Editor) | Strategic Uses of Mediated Public Diplomacy: International Reaction to U.S. Tourism Advertising | 2013 | American Behavioral Scientist, September 2013, Vol.57(9), pp.1332-1349 |
Mogensen, Kirsten | From public relations to corporate public diplomacy | 2017 | Public Relations Review, September 2017, Vol.43(3), pp.605-614 |
White, Candace ; Radic, Danijela | Comparative public diplomacy: Message strategies of countries in transition | 2014 | Public Relations Review, September 2014, Vol.40(3), pp.459-465 |
Zhang, Juyan; Golan, Guy J (Editor) | A Strategic Issue Management (SIM) Approach to Social Media Use in Public Diplomacy | 2013 | American Behavioral Scientist, September 2013, Vol.57(9), pp.1312-1331 |
Golan, Guy J ; Yang, Sung-Un; Golan, Guy J (Editor) | Diplomat in Chief? Assessing the Influence of Presidential Evaluations on Public Diplomacy Outcomes Among Foreign Publics | 2013 | American Behavioral Scientist, September 2013, Vol.57(9), pp.1277-1292 |
Simons, Greg | Russian public diplomacy in the 21st century: Structure, means and message | 2014 | Public Relations Review, September 2014, Vol.40(3), pp.440-449 |
Ociepka Beata | Public diplomacy as political communication: Lessons from case studies | 2018 | European Journal of Communication, Jun 2018, Vol.33(3), pp.290-303 |
Sevin, Efe | Pathways of connection: An analytical approach to the impacts of public diplomacy | 2015 | Public Relations Review, November 2015, Vol.41(4), pp.562-568 |
Golan, Guy J. ; Viatchaninova, Evhenia | Government Social Responsibility in Public Diplomacy: Russia's strategic use of advertorials | 2013 | Public Relations Review, November 2013, Vol.39(4), pp.403-405 |
Khakimova Storie, Leysan | Lost publics in public diplomacy: Antecedents for online relationship management | 2015 | Public Relations Review, June 2015, Vol.41(2), pp.315-317 |
Hayden, Craig ; Waisanen, Don ; Osipova, Yelena; Payne, J. Gregory (Editor) | Facilitating the Conversation: The 2012 U.S. Presidential Election and Public Diplomacy Through Social Media | 2013 | American Behavioral Scientist, November 2013, Vol.57(11), pp.1623-1642 |
Sheafer, Tamir ; Ben-Nun Bloom, Pazit ; Shenhav, Shaul R ; Segev, Elad; Golan, Guy J (Editor) | The Conditional Nature of Value-Based Proximity Between Countries: Strategic Implications for Mediated Public Diplomacy | 2013 | American Behavioral Scientist, September 2013, Vol.57(9), pp.1256-1276 |
Zaharna, R.S. ; Uysal, Nur | Going for the jugular in public diplomacy: How adversarial publics using social media are challenging state legitimacy | 2016 | Public Relations Review, March 2016, Vol.42(1), pp.109-119 |
Magen, Clila ; Lapid, Ephraim | Israel's military public diplomacy evolution: Historical and conceptual dimensions | 2018 | Public Relations Review, June 2018, Vol.44(2), pp.287-298 |
Vanc, Antoaneta M. ; Fitzpatrick, Kathy R. | Scope and status of public diplomacy research by public relations scholars, 1990–2014 | 2016 | Public Relations Review, September 2016, Vol.42(3), pp.432-440 |
Tam, Lisa ; Kim, Jarim ; Kim, Jeong-Nam | The origins of distant voicing: Examining relational dimensions in public diplomacy and their effects on megaphoning | 2018 | Public Relations Review, September 2018, Vol.44(3), pp.407-418 |
Yang, Aimei ; Wang, Rong ; Wang, Jian (Jay) | Green public diplomacy and global governance: The evolution of the U.S–China climate collaboration network, 2008–2014 | 2017 | Public Relations Review, December 2017, Vol.43(5), pp.1048-1061 |
Chang, Tsan-Kuo ; Lin, Fen | From propaganda to public diplomacy: Assessing China's international practice and its image, 1950–2009 | 2014 | Public Relations Review, September 2014, Vol.40(3), pp.450-458 |
Wu, Di | Assessing resource transactions in partnership networks: US 100,000 Strong network of public diplomacy | 2016 | Public Relations Review, March 2016, Vol.42(1), pp.120-134 |
Pamment, James | Articulating influence: Toward a research agenda for interpreting the evaluation of soft power, public diplomacy and nation brands | 2014 | Public Relations Review, March 2014, Vol.40(1), pp.50-59 |
Sheafer, Tamir ; Shenhav, Shaul R. ; Takens, Janet ; Van Atteveldt, Wouter | Relative Political and Value Proximity in Mediated Public Diplomacy: The Effect of State-Level Homophily on International Frame Building | 2014 | Routledge Political Communication, 02 January 2014, Vol.31(1), p.149-167 |
Dodd, Melissa D. ; Collins, Steve J. | Public relations message strategies and public diplomacy 2.0: An empirical analysis using Central-Eastern European and Western Embassy Twitter accounts | 2017 | Public Relations Review, June 2017, Vol.43(2), pp.417-425 |
Arceo, Alfredo; Payne, J. Gregory (Editor) | The Identity of University Social Responsibility on the Websites of the Universities of the Autonomous Region of Madrid (Spain) and the State of Puebla (Mexico), As a Tool of Grassroots Public Diplomacy | 2018 | American Behavioral Scientist, March 2018, Vol.62(3), pp.391-399 |
Kim, Jarim | Public relations and public diplomacy in cultural and educational exchange programs: A coorientational approach to the Humphrey Program | 2016 | Public Relations Review, March 2016, Vol.42(1), pp.135-145 |
Grigorescu, Adriana ; Fawaz, Al | Public Diplomacy | 2014 | Valahian Journal of Economic Studies, 2014, Vol.5(1), pp.103-110 |
Baliqi, Bekim ; Brovina, Ngadhnjim ; Nuhiu, Fjolle | Kosovar Public Diplomacy | 2013 | ILIRIA International Review, 2013, Vol.3(1), pp.167-182 |
Hartig, Falk | Deterrence by public diplomacy | 2017 | Journal of Communication Management, 06 November 2017, Vol.21(4), pp.342-354 |
Gor Sargsyan | China’s Public Diplomacy: Main Vectors | 2015 | Chinese Studies, 2015-02-01, 4?1? (Vol.4, Issue 1), pp.10-14 |
Alan K.Henrikson | What can public diplomacy achieve? | 2006 | Netherlands Institute of International Relations "Clingendael" |
2004 | Journal "Theory and Practice " |
"Great", "World", "Super" ... The Power of the USA and its Use (Part 1) |
Journal Counterpoint 2-97 | ||
Diplomacy - the tool of competition between states | Journal GegenStandpunkt 3-96 | ||
David Hoffman | Beyond Public Diplomacy | 2002 | Council on Foreign Relations |
Memory of Armenia, Verdun, Hiroshima, Russian campaign - butchering the slaughter | Journal GegenStandpunkt 3-16 | ||
Gaucks Travel State visits in Greece, Turkey, Czech Republic |
Journal Counterpoint 2-14 |
Mogensen, Kirsten | International Trust and Public Diplomacy | 2015 | International Communication Gazette, 2015 June, Vol.77(4), pp.315-336 |
Lowe, David | Journalists and the Stirring of Australian Public Diplomacy: The Colombo Plan Towards the 1960s | 2013 | Journal of Contemporary History, January 2013, Vol.48(1), pp.175-190 |
Xiong, Chengyu | Coexist, complement, converge and innovate: Public diplomacy of US–China Internet Industry Forum | 2013 | Telematics and Informatics, November 2013, Vol.30(4), pp.331-334 |
Yablokov, Ilya | Conspiracy Theories as a Russian Public Diplomacy Tool: The Case of Russia Today (RT) | 2015 | Politics, November 2015, Vol.35(3-4), pp.301-315 |
Creemers, Rogier | Never the twain shall meet? Rethinking China's public diplomacy policy | 2015 | Chinese Journal of Communication, 29 May 2015, p.1-17 |
Golan, Gj ; Viatchaninova, E | The Advertorial as a Tool of Mediated Public Diplomacy | 2014 | International Journal Of Communication, 2014, Vol.8, pp.1268-1288 |
Altman, Tess ; Shore, Cris | Paradoxes of ‘public diplomacy’: Ethnographic perspectives on the European Union delegations in the antipodes | 2014 | Australian Journal of Anthropology, December 2014, Vol.25(3), pp.337-356 |
Rawnsley, Gary D | To Know Us is to Love Us: Public Diplomacy and International Broadcasting in Contemporary Russia and China | 2015 | Politics, November 2015, Vol.35(3-4), pp.273-286 |
Bayram, Salih | Whose story won? Public diplomacy and international news coverage of the 2010 Gaza Flotilla/Mavi Marmara raid/Kimin Hikayesi Kazandi? 2010 Gazze Filosu/Mavi marmara baskininin uluslararasi haber medyasinda ele alinisi ve kamu diplomasisi.(Report) | 2015 | Uluslararasi Iliskiler / International Relations, 2015, Vol.12(45), p.39(22) |
Yang, Aimei ; Taylor, Maureen | Public diplomacy in a networked society: The Chinese government–NGO coalition network on acquired immune deficiency syndrome prevention | 2014 | International Communication Gazette, November 2014, Vol.76(7), pp.575-593 |
Miguel Schweitzer | BEER DIPLOMACY: PUBLIC DIPLOMACY ON TAP | 2018 | Revista Chilena de Relaciones Internacionales, 01 March 2018, Vol.2(1), pp.254-274 |
Pamment, James | Media Influence, Ontological Transformation, and Social Change: Conceptual Overlaps Between Development Communication and Public Diplomacy | 2015 | Communication Theory, May 2015, Vol.25(2), pp.188-207 |
Hayden, C | Engaging Technologies: A Comparative Study of U.S. and Venezuelan Strategies of Influence and Public Diplomacy | 2013 | International Journal Of Communication, 2013, Vol.7, pp.1-25 |
Yun, Sh | Do International Students' Direct Experiences With the Host Country Lead to Strong Attitude-Behavior Relations? Advancing Public Diplomacy Research and Beyond | 2014 | International Journal Of Communication, 2014, Vol.8, pp.787-808 |
Izadi, Foad | US Public Diplomacy: A Theoretical Treatise | 2016 | Routledge The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 01 January 2016, Vol.46(1), p.13-21 |
Helmers, Helmer | Public Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe: Towards a new history of news | 2016 | Routledge Media History, 01 October 2016, Vol.22(3-4), p.401-420 |
Pinkus, Jonathan | Intelligence and Public Diplomacy: The Changing Tide |
2014 | Journal of Strategic Security, Spring 2014, Vol.7(1), pp.33-46 |
Merickova, Laura | Alternative Approaches to Public Diplomacy | 2014 | Polish Sociological Review, 2014, Vol.187(3), pp.351-365 |
Sheffer, Bridget Reynolds | Mediated Public Diplomacy and Political Dialectics: 2010 Free Gaza Flotilla | 2014 | Routledge Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 01 June 2014, p.1-17 |
Popescu, Ruxandra Irina ; Corbo?, Razvan Andrei | CONSIDERATIONS ON PUBLIC DIPLOMACY'S ROLE IN PROMOTNG COUNTRY BRAND | 2013 | Journal of Public Administration, Finance and Law, 2013, Issue 3, pp.135-151 |
Bettie, Molly | Ambassadors unaware: the Fulbright Program and American public diplomacy | 2015 | Routledge Journal of Transatlantic Studies, 02 October 2015, Vol.13(4), p.358-372 |
Alexei I. Podberezkin ; Artem V. Zhukov | Public Diplomacy in Power Clash of Civilizations | 2015 | Vestnik MGIMO-Universiteta, 01 January 2015, Vol.45(6), pp.106-116 |
Gurgu, Cociuban | New public diplomacy and its effects on international level.(Report) | 2016 | Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People, 2016, Vol.5(3), p.46(11) |
White, Candace L | Exploring the role of private-sector corporations in public diplomacy | 2015 | Public Relations Inquiry, September 2015, Vol.4(3), pp.305-321 |
Simons, Greg | The Role of Russian NGOs in New Public Diplomacy | 2018 | Routledge Journal of Political Marketing, 03 April 2018, Vol.17(2), p.137-160 |
Cooper, Valerie A. | Media development, DAC, and China: different approaches, same public diplomacy | 2017 | Routledge Journal of Media Business Studies, 02 January 2017, Vol.14(1), p.25-37 |
Vaxevanidou, Maria | PUBLIC DIPLOMACY AS A TOOL TO CHANGE THE IMAGE OF A COUNTRY IN CRISIS | 2016 | Journal of Media Critiques, 2016, Vol.2(8), pp.111-120 |
Marwa Fikry Abdel Samei | Public Diplomacy and the Clash of Satellites | 2016 | Media and Communication, 2016, Vol.4(2) |
Huijgh, Ellen | Indonesia's “Intermestic” Public Diplomacy: Features and Future | 2017 | Politics & Policy, October 2017, Vol.45(5), pp.762-792 |
Aouragh, Miriyam | Hasbara 2.0: Israel’s Public Diplomacy in the Digital Age | 2016 | Middle East Critique, 02 July 2016, Vol.25(3), p.271-297 |
Arif, Rauf ; Golan, Guy J ; Moritz, Brian | Mediated public diplomacy: US and Taliban relations with Pakistani media | 2014 | Media, War & Conflict, August 2014, Vol.7(2), pp.201-217 |
Hartig, Falk | New Public Diplomacy Meets Old Public Diplomacy - the Case of China and Its Confucius Institutes | 2014 | New Global Studies, 2014, Vol.8(3), pp.331-352 |
Wu, Yu-Shan | China’s media and public diplomacy approach in Africa: illustrations from South Africa | 2016 | Chinese Journal of Communication, 16 February 2016, p.1-17 |
Sevin, Efe | A Multilayered Approach to Public Diplomacy Evaluation: Pathways of Connection | 2017 | Politics & Policy, October 2017, Vol.45(5), pp.879-901 |
Zhao, Kejin | China's Public Diplomacy for International Public Goods | 2017 | Politics & Policy, October 2017, Vol.45(5), pp.706-732 |
Garcia, Ojm ; Jimenez, Fjr | SEDUCED BY THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE? ANGLO-AMERICAN PUBLIC DIPLOMACY AND DIFFUSION OF ENGLISH IN SPAIN, 1959-75 | 2013 | Historia Y Politica, 2013 Jan-Jun, Issue 29, pp.301-330 |
Han, Jiyoon (Karen) ; Yang, Sung - Un | Investigating the role of non-governmental organizations in new public diplomacy | 2017 | Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 2017, Vol.27(2), pp.196-212 |
Gündogan, Sultan | Public Diplomacy 2.0: The German Foreign Office’s Strategy in Social Media | 2015 | Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, 2015, Vol.8(4), pp.551-571 |
Karpchuk Natalia Petrivna | The role of public diplomacy in the promotion of the European Union brand | 2017 | Studia Humanitatis, 01 April 2017, Vol.1 |
Vitaliy V. Kabernik | Centralized Management For Effective Public Diplomacy: Case of Hasabara | 2015 | Vestnik MGIMO-Universiteta, 01 January 2015, Vol.44(5), pp.72-83 |
Goirizelaia, Maialen ; Iturregui, Leire | From cultural showcases to public diplomacy agents: Basque-American festivals in the United States | 2018 | Routledge Diaspora Studies, 12 June 2018, p.1-17 |
Lam, Vu | Public Diplomacy: Why is it Rudimentary yet Relevant to Vietnam's Politics? | 2015 | Asian Politics & Policy, July 2015, Vol.7(3), pp.395-411 |
Zhou, Shuhua ; Shen, Bin ; Zhang, Cui ; Zhong, Xin | Creating a Competitive Identity: Public Diplomacy in the London Olympics and Media Portrayal | 2013 | Taylor & Francis Group Mass Communication and Society, 01 January 2013 |
Rawnsley, Gary D | Soft Power Rich, Public Diplomacy Poor: An Assessment of Taiwan's External Communications | 2017 | The China Quarterly, 2017, Vol.232, pp.982-1001 |
Gilmore, Jason ; Rowling, Charles M. | Lighting the Beacon: Presidential Discourse, American Exceptionalism, and Public Diplomacy in Global Contexts | 2018 | Presidential Studies Quarterly, June 2018, Vol.48(2), pp.271-291 |
Alexey Dolinkiy | Educational Exchanges in Public Diplomacy: Russian and International Experience | 2014 | Vestnik MGIMO-Universiteta, 01 January 2014, Vol.35(2), pp.56-62 |
Yarchi, Moran ; Wolfsfeld, Gadi ; Sheafer, Tamir ; Shenhav, Shaul R | Promoting stories about terrorism to the international news media: A study of public diplomacy | 2013 | Media, War & Conflict, December 2013, Vol.6(3), pp.263-278 |
The Case of Skripal The Use of a Common Enemy to Reaffirm the Problematic Unity of the West |
Journal Counterpoint 2-18 |