How will America Vote - September/November 2008 |
(September 29th - November 24th 2008, Berlin) |
- How will America vote? Tagesspiegel Report
Tagesspiegel online reports on the event series “How will America vote?” in the Amerika Haus Berlin - How will America vote? Die Welt Report
Welt Online reports on ICD Program Director Gary Wiggins and the event series “How will America vote?” - How will America vote? Die Welt Report
Welt Online reports on ICD Program Director Gary Wiggins on election night during “How will America vote?” - How will America Vote? A Report
A report on the event series “How will America Vote?” by the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung - A German Perspective on the US Elections
Journalist and historian Michael S. Cullen speaks to a German about his hopes for the next US administration - Thomas Krüger interviews Michael S. Cullen
President of the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Thomas Krüger, talks to journalist and historian Michael S. Cullen - Focus on Central and Eastern Europe
Diplomats from Romania, Poland, and the US share views on the US election results during “How will America vote?” - Focus on Central and Eastern Europe
Media representatives from the US, Poland, and the Czech Republic consider the significance of the US election results - Comparing Obama to Kennedy
Lothar Kopp (bpb) interviews Christoph von Marschall, author of "Barack Obama - Die Schwarze Kennedy"