How will America Vote - September/November 2008 |
(September 29th - November 24th 2008, Berlin) |
How will America vote? Tagesspiegel Report
Tagesspiegel online reports on the event series “How will America vote?” in the Amerika Haus BerlinHow will America vote? Die Welt Report
Welt Online reports on ICD Program Director Gary Wiggins and the event series “How will America vote?”How will America vote? Die Welt Report
Welt Online reports on ICD Program Director Gary Wiggins on election night during “How will America vote?”How will America Vote? A Report
A report on the event series “How will America Vote?” by the Bundeszentrale für politische BildungA German Perspective on the US Elections
Journalist and historian Michael S. Cullen speaks to a German about his hopes for the next US administrationThomas Krüger interviews Michael S. Cullen
President of the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Thomas Krüger, talks to journalist and historian Michael S. CullenFocus on Central and Eastern Europe
Diplomats from Romania, Poland, and the US share views on the US election results during “How will America vote?”Focus on Central and Eastern Europe
Media representatives from the US, Poland, and the Czech Republic consider the significance of the US election resultsComparing Obama to Kennedy
Lothar Kopp (bpb) interviews Christoph von Marschall, author of "Barack Obama - Die Schwarze Kennedy"