The British-German Conference 2011

"The UK and Germany in a Changing World Order: New Challenges, New Strategies"

(Berlin; April 27th - 30th, 2011)

Conference Agenda

Program Aims - The British-German Conference 2011 will pursue five overlapping aims:
  • To reflect on the changing global context within which the UK and Germany must define their priorities and policies  
    (Themes: Globalization, the global financial crisis, the digital revolution, interdependence)
  • To provide a platform for British and German representatives to discuss global challenges 
    (Themes: Northern Africa and the Middle East, Afghanistan and central Asia, terrorism, religious tolerance)
  • To explore, compare, and contrast British and German policies towards regional and global issues (Themes: The EU, climate change and natural disasters, NATO, Afghanistan and Central Asia)
  • To analyse and assess the current strength of political, economic and cultural aspects within the British-German relationship
    (Themes: Bi-lateral trade, political relations, academic & cultural exchange, language learning, public opinion & the media)
  • To consider the future influence of the UK and Germany in international relations and the global economy (Themes: The United Nations, emerging economic powers, the EU)
The Conference will focus in particular on the following issues:

A Changing Context

  • The erosion of the nation state and the emergence of new global political actors
  • The digital revolution and its impact on the influence of citizens and civil society
  • The emergence of new political and economic powers in Asia and Latin America
  • New global actors and old nation states - competing for influence or forging stronger policies? (German\British responses to emerging States, representation at the UNSC Germany, Brazil, and India)
  • Human rights and democracy in Africa - is there a danger of Liberal Imperialism?

New Threats and Challenges: British and German Perspectives

  • The challenges and opportunities of military intervention in Libya
  • Abstinence from the UNSC vote: is Germany marginalizing itself over the Middle East?
  • The local and international consequences of global economic instability
  • The threat of climate change and the struggle to establish international consensus
  • Strengthening dialogue and understanding between Islam and the West
  • Soft security policies: migration, multiculturalism & renewable energy

The British-German Relationship

  • The development of British-German relations since 1945
  • Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, and the historical roots of British-German relations
  • Political relations under Conservative-led coalition governments
  • Tourism and international trade between the UK and Germany
  • Cultural, academic, and scientific cooperation: Areas for expansion
  • The role of the media in influencing public opinion between the UK and Germany

The UK and Germany in the Emerging World Order

  • Possible trends in the global economy in the coming two decades
  • German membership of the United Nations Security Council
  • The prospects for future military and humanitarian activity by the EU and NATO
  • British and German relations with Russia, China, and the Middle East
  • The future of EU foreign policy