Young Leaders´ Forums
Europe Meets Russia

The Europe Meets Russia Conference: A Forum for Young Leaders (EMR) is a network of young professionals, and other individuals from across the world who have an interest in exploring and strengthening the European-Russian relationship. The EMR program has been developed in recognition of the importance of the relations between Russia, Europe, and the global political system. The EMR hopes to allow likeminded young individuals the opportunity to come together in order to share ideas and values, while at the same time educate upon, enhance and sustain European-Russian relations.Strengthening the Political & Economic Relations: Building Dialogue through Diplomacy between Cultures", the EMR's most recent conference focused upon a development of Russian European relations. To that end a number of key politicians, academics and civil society members came to Berlin to discuss the issues. Among them was Prof.Dr.Ulrich Bruckner who gave a lecture upon "Cultural Diplomacy as a Bridge: History and the Future of EU-Russia Relations" also speaking was The Hon. Dr. Nazar Al Baharma, (Bahrain's former Minister of State for Foreign Affairs) who gave a lecture entitled "European - Russian Relations: A Tug of War or Sustainable Partnership?".
The ICD also offered a number of social events that took place alongside the main conference. The events gave the participants an opportunity to socialize in a more relaxed atmosphere while enjoying the cultural side of Berlin. One such event was a trip to Berlins famous East Side Gallery, the gallery which is due to be taken down soon is one of the most famous remnants of the Berlin wall, so the participants were lucky to get an opportunity to see it before it, like most of the Berlin Wall is demolished.
Europe Meets Russia Conference: A Forum for Young Leaders (EMR) "Strengthening the Political & Economic Relations: Building Dialogue through Diplomacy between Cultures" |
Berlin, April 22nd - 26th, 2013 | |||||
Monday, 22nd April 2013 |
Tuesday, 23rd April 2013 |
Wednesday, 24th April 2013 |
Thursday, 25th April 2013 |
Friday, 26th April 2013 |
09:30 | Registration | (8:30) Travel Time | Tea, Coffee & Refreshments | (9:00) Travel Time | (9:00) Travel Time |
10:00 | "Welcome Words: Introduction to Cultural Diplomacy" Speaker: Mark C. Donfried (Founder and Director of the ICD) Location: ICD House of Arts and Culture |
(9:30) "Cultural Diplomacy as a Bridge: History and the Future of EU-Russia Relations" (Lecture& Discussion) Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Brückner (Academic Director at the Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies& EU Jean Monnet Professor at Stanford in Berlin ) Location: The European Commission Delegation in Berlin |
(9:30) "European - Russian Relations: A Tug of War or Sustainable Partnership?" (Lecture &Discussion) Speaker: The Hon. Dr. Nazar Al Baharma (Bahrain's former Minister of State for Foreign Affairs) Location: ICD House of Arts and Culture |
"Russian Cultural Dimension: Perspective from the Russian House in Berlin" (Presentation, Guided Tour &Discussion) Location: Russian House of Science and Culture |
"Culture and Sustainable Development: The Clue to the EU-Russia Relations" (Lecture& Discussion) Speaker: Dr. Maria Davydchyk (Program officer at the DGAP, responsible for the Berthold Beitz Center for Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Central Asia) Location: The German Council of Foreign Relations (DGAP) |
11:00 | Travel Time | (10:30) Sightseeing: Potsdamer Platz &Brandenburger Tor |
"Russia and The European Union: Perspectives of a Complex Relationship" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Felix Hett (Referent at the Central and Eastern Europe Department, Friedrich Ebert Foundation) Location: ICD House of Arts and Culture |
Continued | Travel Time |
12:00 | "European and Euro-Atlantic Policy of the New Georgian Government" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Alex Petriashvili (State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration) Location: Representation of the State of Saxony-Anhalt to the Federation |
Visit to the German Parliament (Visit & Lecture) Location: German Parliament |
(12:30) "Culture and Arts: The Bridge Between Europe and Russia" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Amb. Karl-Erik Norrman (Former Swedish Diplomat; Member of the Faculty of the ICD Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies) Location: ICD House of Arts and Culture |
Lunch break & (13:00) Travel Time |
"Diplomacy Between Russia and Germany: Example of the 'German Russian Forum' " (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Martin Hoffmann (Executive board member of Deutsch-Russisches Forum e.V.) Location: ICD House of Arts and Culture |
13:30 | Lunch Break& (14:30) Travel Time |
Lunch Break& (14:30) Travel Time |
Lunch Break | (14:00) Visit to the Nordic Embassies (Visit & Guided Tour) Speaker: Ms. Alissa Kozmina Location: Nordic Embassies in Berlin |
Lunch Break |
15:00 | "From Strategic Hopes to a New Disillusion: The Relations Between Europe and Russia" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Claudia von Salzen (Journalist at 'Der Tagesspiegel', expert on foreign policy, Russia, Central and Eastern Europe) Location: ICD House |
"Cultural Diplomacy case studies: VOKS - The Third Dimension of Soviet Foreign Policy" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Mark C. Donfried (Founder & Director of the ICD) Location: ICD House of Arts and Culture |
Mediation Workshop "Chairs Game" (Workshop) Introduction: Magdalena Kozula (Program Director , CCDS of the ICD) Location: ICD House of Arts and Culture |
Travel Time Tea, Coffee & Refreshments |
"What Comes Next? Leadership Initiatives & Cultural Diplomacy Projects" (Concluding Session) Speaker: Mark C. Donfried (Founder & Director of the ICD) Location: ICD House of Arts and Culture |
16:00 | Tea, Coffee & Refreshments | Tea, Coffee & Refreshments | Tea, Coffee & Refreshments | (16:00) "European Attitude Towards Eurasia" (Lecture& Discussion) Speaker: Prof. Peter Linke (Former Head of the regional office of the Rosa-Luxembourg Foundation, Moscow) Location: ICD House of Arts and Culture |
16:30 | Participants' Papers "Political Values of Parties in Context of Political Culture" (Presentation) Speaker: Anzhela Magomedova (Postgraduate Student Faculty of Political Science , the Lomonosov Moscow State University) __________ "the German-Russian relations with regards to regional conflicts in Europe" (Presentation) Speaker: Ekaterina Alekseeva (Postgraduate Student ,Faculty of Political Science , the Lomonosov Moscow State University) _________ "The Differences of Political Attitudes of the Population of west and East of Russia" (Presentation) Speaker: Maria Kazarez (PA to the UK Ambassador to Russia, and a PHD researcher of Political Science, the Moscow State University) ________ "Russian Television: Toying with The Barbie Phenomenon" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Yulia Gilichinskaya (a special reporter in the Middle East for Dozhd' - TV Rain - channel, Russia and an independent video and film producer, Israel) Location: ICD House of Arts and Culture |
Participants' Papers "Introducing St. Petersburg and the IIEREL - IVESEP" (Presentations) Speakers: Mrs. EmilliaBushueva Alexander Mavlytov Ilia Pavlov (St. Petersburg Institute of International Trade, Economics and Law- IIEREL - IVESEP) Session 1 - "European Influences in Russia: Economical, Scientific and Educational perspectives in St. Petersburg" (Presentations) Speakers: Ivan Grishechkin Alexander Kiselev (St. Petersburg Institute of International Trade, Economics and Law) Location: ICD House of Arts and Culture |
Participants' Papers Session 2 - "European Influences in Russia: Artistic and Cultural perspectives in St. Petersburg" (Presentations) Speakers: MariiaAleksandrova MaiiaIvanova EkaterinaPelevina IrinaGrishchuk Natalia Volkova (St. Petersburg Institute of International Trade, Economics and Law) Location: ICD House of Arts and Culture |
(17:00) "Economic Relations: The Creative Economy" (Lecture &Discussion) Speaker: Prof. Dr. Kishore Chakraborty (Director of Research Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (CCDS) Location: ICD House of Arts and Culture |
18:00 | "Cultures in Harmony: Connections Across Cultural and National Barriers Through the Medium of Music" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: William Harvey (Founder and Executive Director, Cultures in Harmony) Location: ICD House of Arts and Culture |
Cultural Evening: The Taste of Belgium (Presentation, Quiz, Discussion& Belgian Delicacies) Speakers: Cindy Pelgrims Charlotte vande Woestyne Ester de Greef Josefien Smet (ICD Initiative) Location: ICD House of Arts and Culture |
Art as Cultural Diplomacy - The Berlin Wall (Social activity) Location: East Side Gallery |
Cultural Evening: Presenting The Czech Republic(Presentation, Film Screening, Discussion& Czech specialties) Speaker: LudmilaVavrová (ICD Initiative) Location: ICD House of Arts and Culture |
19:00 | Welcome Group Dinner (Social activity) Location: "Ach Niko Ach" Greek Restaurant |
Continued | Group Dinner and Swing Evening (Social activity) Location: "ClärchensBallhaus" |
Continued |
Speaker Information
- Alissa Kozmina
The Nordic Embassies in Berlin - Alex Petriashvili
State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration - Claudia von Salzen
Journalist at 'Der Tagesspiegel', Expert on Foreign Policy,
Russia, Central and Eastern Europe - Evgenia Primenova
Russian House for Science and Culture, Berlin - Felix Hett
Referent at the Central and Eastern Europe Department, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Berlin - H.E. Ambassador Karl-Erik Norrman
Former Swedish Ambassador, Founder& Secretary General for the European Culture Parliament, Member of the Faculty of the ICD Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies - Prof. Dr. Kishore Chakraborty
Professor of Cultural Diplomacy, Director of Research Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies - Dr. Maria Davydchyk
Program Officer at the German Council of Foreign Relations (DGAP), Responsible for the Berthold Beitz Center for Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Central Asia - Mark C. Donfried
Founder & Director of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy - Martin Hoffmann
Executive Board Member of the German-Russian Forum - The Hon. Dr. Nazar Al Baharna
Bahrain's Former Minister of State for Foreign Affairs - Prof. Peter Linke
Former Head or the Regional Office of the Rosa-Luxembourg Foundation, Moscow - William Harvey
Founder and Executive Director, Cultures in Harmony - Prof. Dr. Ulrich Brückner
Academic Director at the Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies & EU Jean Monnet Professor at Stanford in Berlin - Participant Papers
- Anzhela Magomedova
Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University: "Political Values of Parties in Context of Political Culture" - Alexander Kiselev
St. Petersburg Institute of International Economic Relations, Economics and Law: "German Navigators of St. Petersburg" - Alexander Mavlytov
St. Petersburg Institute of International Economic Relations, Economics and Law: Introducing the University" - Emillia Bushueva
St. Petersburg Institute of International Economic Relations, Economics and Law: "St.Petersburg - the Russian Northern Capital, the Center of Science, Education, Culture and Tolerance" - Ekaterina Alekseeva
Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University: "The German -Russian Relations with Regards to Regional Conflicts in Europe" - Ekaterina Pelevina
St. Petersburg Institute of International Economic Relations, Economics and Law: "The World of German Literature of St.Petersburg" - Ilia Pavlov
St. Petersburg Institute of International Economic Relations, Economics and Law: "Introducing the University" - Irina Grishchuk
St. Petersburg Institute of International Economic Relations, Economics and Law: "German Musicians of St.Petersburg" - Ivan Grishechkin
St. Petersburg Institute of International Economic Relations, Economics and Law: "Russian Students in Germany: the Present and the Past" - Juliia Potapova
: St. Petersburg Institute of International Economic Relations, Economics and Law: "German Scientists of St. Petersbourg" - Mariia Aleksandrova
St. Petersburg Institute of International Economic Relations, Economics and Law: "Shakespeare at the Theatres of St.Petersburg" - Maiia Ivanova
St. Petersburg Institute of International Economic Relations, Economics and Law: "German Sculptors of St.Petersburg" - Natalia Volkova
St. Petersburg Institute of International Economic Relations, Economics and Law: "Shakespeare in Russian Music" - Yulia Gilichinskaya;
a special reporter in the Middle East for Dozhd' - TV Rain - channel, Russia and an independent video and film producer, Israel: "Russian Television: Toying the Barbie Phenomenon"