Stefan Gelbhaar
Stefan Gelbhaar, born 1976 in Friedrichshain, works as lawyer and defense attorney. On the19th of April 2008 he was voted in as the regional chairman for Bündnis 90/Die Grünen in Berlin.
Gelbhaar lives in the district of Pankow since 1980, was student at the “Neumann-Schule” and the “Carl-Ossietzky-Gymnasium”, studied at the Humboldt University and started working at a lawyers’ registry in Berlin with the CDU politician Niels Korte. Further he is working on a doctor’s thesis about rights to information, through the Wilhelms-Univerity in Münster.
Gelbhaar is considered a pragmatic politician. It is due to his work that the divided Council of Pankow has been unified and gained more weight in regional politics. The Berlin Regional Delegates Conference of Büdnis 90/Die Grünen brought Gelbhaar in with 87 votes (61%) in the first round.