Global Community

ICD insists that one must think both globally and locally - and act accordingly. Therefore, ICD has created community outreach programs allowing the local Berlin community to engage in diplomacy that has global impact.ICD´sglobal community provides an arena where people can become a part of the diplomatic process in their own backyard. ICD hosts regular roundtable discussions where regional leaders and cultural diplomats lead groups through discussion on specific issues that influence local and international communities.

ICD’s monthly "Stammtisch" meetings in local cafes and bars are thematically informal and open gatherings, focusing on intercultural exchange. In addition ICD runs a German-English Tandem Program, and hosts periodic guest lecturers where exceptional individuals such as leaders, writers, artists, and cultural diplomats discuss their work with the local community.

ICD's town hall discussions and its public conferences develop informal relationships with individuals out in the communities in which we operate, making it possible to empower those individuals to solve the challenges that they face locally, and yet have global impact.

All of this is possible through our strong network of partnerships with governments, foundations, non-profits, corporations, and individuals.