USA Meets Europe
A Forum for Young Leaders (USAME)

The USA Meets Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (USAME) is a network of young professionals from both sides of the Atlantic who have an interest in supporting the relationship between the United States and Europe.
Joining the Forum »
The USA Meets Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (USAME) is open to all individuals with a general interest in international affairs, intercultural exchange and those particularly interested in the transatlantic relations. To join the forum you must take part in one of the USAME Weeklong Seminars, which will be held every 6 months in Europe or in the USA.
About the USAME Weeklong Seminars »
The USAME Weeklong Seminar is an international and interdisciplinary gathering of young professionals and students from across the world. The seminar provides an excellent opportunity for young people to expand their knowledge of current and future developments in these fields, meet with current and former key cultural players and politicians, build sustainable networks, and experience the rich and diverse cultural life of the host city.
If you would like to reserve a position and participate in the seminar, please click on the link below and fill out the online application form:
Participant Papers »
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages academic research and analysis of issues related to the goals of our Conference. The ICD would therefore like to welcome the participants of our conference to submit a paper they would like to be considered for presentation at the Conference as well as being included in the proposal document that will be issued following the Conference and will be sent to all governments and leaders of the international community.
ICD Alumni Program »
All seminar participants will be invited to join the ICD alumni program. The "ICD Alumni Group" is an international network of like-minded individuals with an interest in further developing the field of cultural diplomacy through the support of intercultural relations. Participation in the group is by invitation only, and is open only to individuals who have taken part in ICD programs. Members of the ICD Alumni Group will benefit from the following opportunities (more).