Cultural Diplomacy Research

ICD Board Publications

Non è vero. Liberiamoci dagli inganni. Rimettiamo in ordine l'italia

By President Francesco Rutelli
Former Italian Deputy Prime Minister Francesco Rutelli offers a detailed and candid critical analysis of the political system in Italy. He discusses the serious economic crisis and the political crisis it has spurred, as well as exploring the misunderstandings of multiculturalism, the presumption of innocence, and the dangerous consequences of political correctness. Rutelli offers sharp, revealing solutions to the often deceptive world of Italian politics.

Time of Tearing Down, Time of Building

By President Dr. Emil Constantinescu
Former President of Romania, Emil Constantinescu, gives an account of the struggles and successes of Romania in the past decades in this journey through Romanian politics.

From Stabilisation to Integration: Articles

Edited by The Hon. Dr. Erhard Busek
The Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe handed over responsibility for regional co-operation in South Eastern Europe to its regionally owned successor organisation, the Regional Co-operation Council. This collection of articles by a wide range of authors and specialists summarizes the nine years of work of the Stability Pact in the field of democracy, economy and security. The final publication provides an in depth analysis of the achievements of the Stability Pact and illustrates important political documents that shaped the developments of South Eastern Europe.

Paul: Thessalonica and Early Christianity

By Dr. Karl Donfried
Concentrating on major Pauline themes and on Thessalonians in their cultural and religious context, this book explores other major issues, especially with reference to chronology and Judaism. The question of Paul's Jewishness is raised. In connection with this discussion of Paul and Judaism, a number of challenges are examined to the so-called "New Perspective on Paul". It concludes that a closer study of the Dead Sea Scrolls raises serious questions about the interpretation of Judaism and Paul, as well as opening new perspectives.

Le modèle Rhénan pour une économie durable

By The Hon. Yves Leterme
Leterme's book reflects on solutions for the current economic crisis. Leterme explores the effects of population aging, globalization, new technologies and environmental problems on the economy as a whole, exploring the 'Rhénan model' which promotes a free market economy and social cohesion brought about by harmonious collaboration between the public sector, workers, and their employers.

China and WTO: changing China and changing world trade

By Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi, Mark Clifford
China's entry to the WTO is a landmark event in the 21st century. It is a clear signal that China is ready to take its place amongst the global economic powerhouses and that it is prepared to play by its rules. This book, by the next Head of the WTO, explains the importance of this event and its implications for the future of world trade.

European Union Accession Negotiations

By Dr. Vasile Puscas
Vasile Puscas' Negotiating with the European Union was released in six volumes between 2003 and 2005, outlining the steps to be taken for Romania's to become an EU member state. Puscas was the Romanian Chief Negotiator with the European Union between 2000 and 2004, and is widely regarded as being responsible for Romanis's accession to the EU. His six-volume study is essential reading for anyone studying Romanian involvement in the EU and Romanian history in general.

Afghan Guerrilla Warfare: In the Words of the Mjuahideen Fighters

By Dr. Ali Ahmad Jalali
When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979, it seemed unlikely that the undertrained and underequipped Mujahideen resistance movement could possibly withstand the competent military strength of the Soviet Army. No one predicted the Soviet Union would withdraw in defeat in 1989. With more than 100 first-hand reports from Mujahideen combat veterans and maps illustrating locations and disposition of forces, this book is a tactical look at a decentralized army of foot-mobile guerrillas as they wage war against a superior force.

The Other Side of the Mountain: Mujahideen Tactics in the Soviet-Afghan War

By Dr. Ali Ahmad Jalali
Ali Ahmad Jalali, Former Interior Minister of Afghanistan, provides an in-depth analysis of the strategies and tactics used by the Mujahideen during the Soviet-Afghan War.

From Pigeons to Tweets: A General Who Led the Dramatic Change in Military Communications

By General Clarence McKnight
Clarence McKnight led the U.S. Army into the modern age of computer warfare developing portals through which avenues of digitalization eventually flowed to civilian use. This book describes his experiences as a lieutenant in the Korean War and the different warfare technologies used by the U.S. Army over time.

The Consequences of Modernity

By Dr. Anthony Giddens
Anthony Giddens, Professor at the London School of Economics, argues in his book that we do not live in a post-modern world, but rather that the distinctive characteristics of our major social institutions in the closing period of the twentieth century express the emergence of a period of 'high modernity,' in which prior trends are radicalised rather than undermined. A post-modern social universe may eventually come into being, but this as yet lies 'on the other side' of the forms of social and cultural organization which currently dominate world history.

War on America: Seen from the Indian Ocean

By President James R. Mancham
James R. Mancham, Former President of the Seychelles, authored this book in an effort to help Americans understand how people in other parts of the world are impacted by a U.S. foreign policy that often seems arbitrary, self-serving, and inconsistent with the ideals of democracy. His ideas and analysis add an interesting perspective for anyone interested in creating a better and more coherent U.S. foreign policy that will lead to a more peaceful world and prevent further terrorist attacks on America.

Democracy and human rights: Do human rights concur with particular democratic systems?

By Dr. Hans Köchler
Hans Köchler, President of the International Progress Organization, explores how international human rights standards and norms fit within the democratic systems of different nation states, and to what effect they are implemented.

Multicultural Politics : Racism, Ethnicity, And Muslims In Britain

By Dr. Taqiq Madood
Muslims have come to be perceived as the 'Other' that is most threatening to British society. This book argues that what begins as a narrative of racial exclusion and black-white division has been complicated by cultural racism, Islamophobia and an unexpected challenge to secular modernity. The book explores the tensions that have risen among advocates of multiculturalism as Muslims assert themselves to catch up with existing equality agendas while challenging some of the secularist, liberal, and feminist assumptions of multiculturalists. If an Islam-West divide is to be avoided in our time, Modood suggests, then Britain, with its relatively successful ethnic pluralism and its easygoing attitude toward religion, will provide a particularly revealing case and promising site for understanding.

The Eurocentric Conception of World Politics : Western International Theory, 1760-2010

By Dr. John M Hobson
This book explains that throughout its history most international theory has been embedded within various forms of Eurocentrism. Rather than producing value-free and Universalist theories of inter-state relations, international theory instead provides provincial analyses that celebrate and defend Western civilization as the subject of, and ideal normative referent in, world politics.

The Making of the Slovenian State

by Janez Jansa
A book about the period in which Slovenia's independence came to fruition, and about the people who emerged along with it. It is about their expectations, setbacks, struggles, sweat, blood, bitterness and victory. A book about the day when dreams were finally permitted and about those people who dared not dream. It is about the fateful, difficult moments of decision and about that side of war which is not seen on TV screens and at press conferences. It is a book of alternative documents and photographs.

Explique-moi. . . Le Parlement européen

By Fabrice Serodes
Fabrice Serodes published his newest book in French: " Explique-moi. . . Le Parlement européen" together with a preface written by the hon. Hans-Gert Pöttering, the Former President European Parliament. To learn more about the book, see here:

Seychelles Global Citizen

The Autobiography of the Founding President of the Republic of Seychelles
There is growing competition for power and influence in the Indian Ocean which is considered the world's pre-eminent energy and trade interstate seaway at the time when China and India find themselves locked in an "uncomfortable embrace." No one is better qualified to tell this story than Sir James R. Mancham KBE, Founding President of the Republic of Seychelles, the 110 idyllic islands archipelago, who was overthrown in a Marxist coup in 1977 while he was in London to celebrate the Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. Sir James was also the lawyer for Philco-Ford, Pan Am and RCA when the US Air Force decided to build a strategic tracking station in Seychelles to gather military intelligence over the former Soviet Union during the Cold War. (read more)