Prof. Dr. Hans Köchler
President, International Progress Organization (IPO)
Professor of Philosophy at the University of Innsbruck
- (Ed.) Die europäische Aufgabe der Alpenregion (1972)
- (Ed.) Philosophie und Politik (1973)
- (Ed.) Transnationale Zusammenarbeit in der Alpenregion (1973)
- Die Subjekt-Objekt-Dialektik in der transzendentalen Phänomenologie (1974)
- (Ed.) Cultural Self-comprehension of Nations (1978)
- (Ed.) The New International Economic Order: Philosophical and Socio-cultural Implications (1980)
- (Ed.) The Concept of Monotheism in Islam and Christianity (1982)
- (Ed.) The Principles of Non-Alignment. The Non-aligned Countries in the Eighties: Results and Perspectives (1982)
- Philosophie - Recht - Politik (1985)
- Außenpolitik und Demokratie. Überlegungen zur Universalität demokratischer Grundsätze (1986)
- (Ed.) Democracy in International Relations (1986)
- Democracy and Human Rights. Do Human Rights Concur with Particular Democratic Systems? (1990)
- Politik und Theologie bei Heidegger. Politischer Aktionismus und theologische Mystik nach "Sein und Zeit" (1991)
- Das Abstimmungsverfahren im Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen. Rechtsphilosophische Überlegungen zu einem normenlogischen Widerspruch und seinen Folgen für die internationalen Beziehungen (1991)
- Demokratie und Neue Weltordnung. Ideologischer Anspruch und machtpolitische Realität eines ordnungspolitischen Diskurses (1992)
- Democracy and the New World Order (1993)
- Ethische Aspekte der Sanktionen im Völkerrecht. Die Praxis der Sanktionspolitik und die Menschenrechte (1994)
- (Ed.) Democracy after the End of the East-West Conflict (1995)
- (Ed.) The United Nations and International Democracy (1995)
- The United Nations and International Democracy. The Quest for UN Reform (1997)
- (Ed.) Economic Sanctions and Development (1997)
- Neue Wege der Demokratie. Demokratie im globalen Spannungsfeld von Machtpolitik und Rechtsstaatlichkeit (1998)
- (Ed. with Gudrun Grabher) Civilizations - Conflict or Dialogue? (1999)
- (Ed.) Globality versus Democracy? The Changing Nature of International Relations in the Era of Globalization (2000)
- The Concept of Humanitarian Intervention in the Context of Modern Power Politics. Is the Revival of the Doctrine of "Just War" Compatible with the International Rule of Law? (2001)
- (Ed. with Jason Subler) The Lockerbie Trial. Documents Related to the I.P.O. Observer Mission (2002)
- Global Justice or Global Revenge? International Criminal Justice at the Crossroads (2003)
- (Ed.) The Iraq Crisis and the United Nations. Power Politics vs. the International Rule of Law (2004)
- (Ed.) The Use of Force in International Relations: Challenges to Collective Security (2006)
- (Fatemah R. C. Balbin, ed.) Hans Köchler Bibliography and Reader (2007)
- (Ed.) The "Global War on Terror" and the Question of World Order (2008)
- (M.-L. Frick, A. Oberprantacher, eds.) Power and Justice in International Relations -- Essays in Honor of Hans Köchler (2009)
- The Security Council as Administrator of Justice? (2011)
- (2013) تشنج العلاقة بين الغرب والمسلمين.. الاسباب والحلول
- Austria, Neutrality and Non-alignment (2021)
The books are listed in chronological order.
Books according to subjects
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