Events January 2009
20.01.2009 (16:00) |
The Inaugeration of US President Obama. A Moment of Change? The Significance of President Obama’s Presidency for Germany and Africa Dr. Uschi Eid, Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN, parlamentarische Staatssekretärin im Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung a.D. S.E. Herr Makase Nyaphisi, Botschafter des Königreichs Lesotho S.E. Abdul Bin Rimdap, Botschafter der Bundesrepublik Nigeria |
Podium Discussion |
20.01.2009 (19:00) |
The Inaugeration of US President Obama. A Moment of Change? The Significance of President Obama’s Presidency for the African Diaspora Ludovic Dakossi, Kulturattaché der Botschaft von Benin Yvonne Frazier, Opernsängerin Jeannine Kantara, Journalistin und Mitbegründerin der Initiative Schwarzer Deutscher (ISD) Christoph Lanz, Direktor Deutsche Welle TV Prof. Charles Yankah, Präsident African Cultural Institute Pastor Frank Williams, Protestant Faith Fellowship Church |
Podium Discussion |
20.01.2009 (20:00) |
Inaugeration Musical Celebration with Jazz and Rhythm & Blues Ray Blue - Tenor/Baritone and Soprano Saxophones Gary Wiggins - Tenor Saxophone Reggie Moore - Piano Nina Hill - Vocals Max Hughes - Bass Eddie DeJean - Drums J.C. Drook - Guitar |
Concert |
23rd January – 30th June | City West - Potenziale, Leitlinien, Maßnahmen An exhibition detailing the development of Berlin’s historic City West from the Berlin Senatverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung |
Exhibition |
20th January – 28th February | Black History Month in Berlin 2009 A series of 14 events exploring the influence of the African Diaspora in Germany |
Event Series |
26.01.2009 (15:30) | What Do We Mean by Citizenship and Integration? Franziska Giffey, Europe-delegate of the Berlin disctrict Neukölln, and Ercan Karakoyun, Chairman of the Forum für Interkulturellen Dialog Berlin |
Seminar |
27.01.2009 (11:00) | Turkish Identity in the German Context Amb. Ali Ahmet Acet, Turkish Ambassador to Germany |
Tuesday, 27th January (16:00) | German Citizenship and Integration Dr. Gökçe Yurdakul, Professor of Diversity and Social Conflict, Humboldt University |
Seminar |