Letters of Support
Friedrich Naumann Foundation a letter of support for the America House in Berlin by Claus Gramckow
Letter of Support from Dr. Ulrich Brückner, Professor, Stanford University in Berlin
Letter of support from Alexander Longolius, Chairman of the Board of the Checkpoint Charlie Stitung
Letter of support from Dr. Jeffrey Gedmin, President & CEO, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Letter of support from Susanna Low, Managing Director, Initative Berlin - USA e.V.
Letter of support from Marküs Löning, Member of the Germany Parliament, Europapolitischer Sprecher der FDP Fraktion, Chairman of the FDP Party Berlin
Letter of support from Dr. Friedbert Pflüger, Fraktionsvorsitzender of the CDU Party in the Berlin Parliament
Letter of support from and acceptance to the Advisory Board of ICD, from Prof. Dr. Gert Weisskirchen, Member of the German Bundestag, Foreign Policy Speaker of the SPD Party of Germany
Letter of support from Prof. Dr. Dr. Werner Weidenfeld, Director of "Centrum für angewandte Politikforschung," Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Letter of support from Prof. Dr. Mark Solomon, President of "Books in Berlin" Bookstore in Berlin
Letter of support German American Business Chamber - Rainer Filthout, President
Letter of support from Senator Ophelia E. Ford