UK Forum on Cultural Diplomacy

"Promoting International Cooperation, Cultural Understanding, Sustainable Growth and Global Peace: Advanced Cultural Diplomacy Methods"

(London; August 22nd - 25th, 2024 - Held Parallel to the Notting Hill Carnival 2024)

Online Registration Form

Participation in the conference is open to governmental & diplomatic officials, academics, artists, journalists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, young professionals as well as other interested individuals from across the world.
495 Euro


During the last week of August 2024, the institute will hold the following 2 events below. Registration for one of the events enables participation in all events below:

Participation Cost

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy’s aim is to enable wide and inclusive participation in its international conferences and programs and is therefore making every effort in order to reduce and subsidize the participation cost for the participants of its programs. The participation cost in ICD international programs is 495 Euro and it goes towards covering the costs of developing and running the programs. Once accepted to the programs, participants are required to transfer the participation cost and will be provided with further information and details.

The participation cost for the program includes the following components:
  • Conference Components - Participation in all Programs' Components
  • Meals – All Meals during the Conference (Lunches, Dinners and Refreshments)
  • Excursions - Cultural and Social Excursions such as sightseeing, Guided Tours and visits to key Cultural Institutes and Exhibitions, once scheduled in the program.
  • Social Activities - Social Activities such as Concerts and Live Performances, Film Evenings, Embassy Receptions, and Party Nights, once scheduled in the program.
  • Certification of Participation - All Participants will be awarded Certificate of attendance upon Completion of the Program.

Accommodation Worldwide

As a not-for-profit organization the ICD is able to book accommodation at sponsored rates. For example, we are able to book accommodation for participants in a Holiday apartment or a hotel, located at the heart of the City.

For more information please contact us at: infoculturaldiplomacyorg

Online Registration Form

In order to register, participants should complete and submit the registration form below:

First & Last Name*
Please use this Space to provide a brief Description of your academic and professional Background and current Occupation*
E-mail Address*
Date of Birth*
Country of Origin*
Current Address (Street, City, Country, Zip Code)*
Telephone Number (including country and city code)*
Mobile Phone Number*

* required field