EU-India Forum on Cultural Diplomacy 2024

"Strengthening International Cooperation between the EU and India"

(Berlin; October 22nd - 24th, 2024)


As the world’s two largest democracies, the EU and India share a commitment to protecting and promoting human rights, a rules-based global order, effective multilateralism, sustainable development and open trade. The EU adopted a strategy to strengthen this partnership in 2018, and a common roadmap in 2020 to guide joint action until 2025. In 2022, the two partners resumed negotiations on a free trade agreement. India and the EU, both 'unions of diversity', have been strategic partners since 2004 and in 2022, the EU and India celebrate 60 years of bilateral relations.  

The wealth of diverse cultures spread across India and the EU, includes many different languages and cultural traditions, while the openness of both regions to engage in intercultural activities and exchanges has been represented in significant ways in the development of their relations over the years. The development of these relations within the framework of the international arena, requires moreover greater and intensive dialogue and understanding between these diverse cultures in order to maintain the positive momentum. We have therefore initiated the “India EU Forum on Cultural Diplomacy 2024" in order to explore and present innovative applications and methods of cultural diplomacy that can be used to build up these relations even greater.

The India-EU Forum on Cultural Diplomacy 2024 is a leading event within its field and is hosted and organised by the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy and other leading organisations. The forum includes events dedicated to the fields of international relations and economics, democracy, peace building, human rights, folklore, arts and culture. The conference curriculum will include a broad range of topics of discussion and also focus on specific areas within the field of EU-Indian Cultural Diplomacy in order to provide a wide and detailed analysis and diverse array of perspectives. Through discussion, lectures and analysis, the forum will highlight the growing need to develop EU-Indian Cultural Diplomacy application.

If you would like to reserve a position and participate in the conference, please click on the link below and fill out the online application form:
