The Hon. Michele Alliot-Marie

President, ICD Advisory Board

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of France (2010-11); Minister of Justice (2009-10); Minister of the Interior (2007-10); Minister of Defence (2002-2007)


Doctor of Law and Political Science, Michèle Alliot-Marie was a part of several governments between 1986 and 2011 and directed and/or co-directed three political parties. She is a certified lawyer and in addition of having a certificate of Law and Economics of Africa, she is also a Laureate of the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences in Paris and has a Masters in ethnology. Alliot-Marie also taught at the University Paris in Sorbonne.

Madame Alliot-Marie is part of the Union for a Popular Movement and was the vice-president of the party from 2009 to 2012. Before then she was at the head of the Rally for the Republic party, originally founded by Jacques Chirac in 1976. In 2006, she created Le Chêne, a French Gaullist political movement associated to the UMP. Alliot-Marie was also a European Deputy from 1989 to 1992.

Alliot-Marie served as Secretary of State (junior minister) for Schools under the Minister of National Education in Jacques Chirac's second government from 1986 to 1988 and as Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports in Édouard Balladur's government from 1993 to 1995.

In 2002, she became the first woman to become Defense Minister, a position she held in the Raffarin and de Villepin Governments until May 2007.

After the election of Sarkozy's in 2007, Michèle Alliot-Marie was appointed Minister of the Interior, Overseas and Local Authorities.

She kept theses functions until June 2009, when she moved to the Chancery as Minister of State, Attorney General, Minister of Justice and Freedom.

November 2010, at the ministerial reshuffle requested by the Head of State , MAM became Minister of State, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs .