
We would welcome your involvment as a sponsor!

You can become a sponsor of our current event series “How will America vote? Insights and Perspectives” or get involved as a long-term sponsor of our initiative aimed at reviving the Amerika Haus Berlin.

Monetary donations as well as support through donations in kind or provision of services, e.g. Catering or the provision of equipment, multi-media devices or staff are all welcome. We would be happy to hear your suggestions and create a customized sponsoring package appropriate for the profile of your organization. Sponsors are given a prominent place on our websites and are mentioned in all of our publicity material. Additionally, sponsors may present themselves at our events.

Contribution receipts are issued by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy e.V.


The Committee Initiative Amerika Haus Berlin (CAB) is very grateful for donations. When transferring money please provide the reference "CAB".

Cultural Diplomacy e.V.
Bank: Deutsche Bank
Sort code: 10070024
Account number: 288000305
BIN: 67 22 52
IBAN: DE54 1007 0024 0288 0003 05