Thursday, April 14 |
8.30-9.00 |
Registration |
9.00-10.30 |
Welcome Speeches
Venue: RED Ballroom Saal
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Nicolae Păun (Dean of the Faculty of European Studies, Babeş-Bolyai University, Co-organiser of the Conference)
- The Message of the President of Romania presented by Ms Iulia Huiu (State Councillor)
- H. E. Emil Hurezeanu, Ambassador of Romania in the Federal Republic of Germany
- Prof. Dr. Ioan-Aurel Pop (Rector of Babeş-Bolyai University, Member of the Romanian Academy)
- Prof. Dr. Sylvain Schirmann (University of Strasbourg, Co-organiser of the Conference )
- Mark Donfried (Executive Director of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy of Berlin)
10.30-11.00 |
Coffee Break |
11.00-13.00 |
Opening Panel Discussion
“1989: The End of Europe’s Division. A New Europe through Integration”
Chair: Prof. Dr. Ioan-Aurel Pop (Member of the Romanian Academy)
Keynote speakers:
- Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Wilfried LOTH (Professor Emeritus, University of Duisburg-Essen): La chute du mur comme lieu de mémoire
- Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Gérard BOSSUAT (Professor Emeritus, University of Cergy-Pontoise): La fin de l'Europe?
- Prof. Dr. Michael O’NEILL (Nottingham Trent University, Jean Monnet Chair ): Challenges or Crisis: The 'European Idea' in Retreat?
- Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Antonio VARSORI (Chairman of the European Union Liaison Committee of Historians, University of Padua): Italy and the Balkan/Danubian area after the fall
of communism: between traditional interests and new challenges
13.00-14.30 |
Lunch Break |
14.30-16.00 |
Panel Discussion
“Challenges to European Reconciliation: National Populism in Eastern and Central Europe”
Venue: Big Classroom
Chair: Dr. Charles BARTHEL (National Archives of Luxembourg)
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sergiu MIȘCOIU (Faculty of European Studies, Babeş-Bolyai University): The New Consensual Disagreement: Melting Populism into Neo-Populism
- Lect. Dr. Ovidiu VAIDA (Faculty of European Studies, Babeş-Bolyai University): Already Tired of Europe? Euroscepticism in Central and Eastern Europe
- Dr. Sergiu GHERGHINA (Department of Political Science, Goethe University Frankfurt): Electoral Support Beyond Leaders? The Organization of Populist Parties in Post-Communist Europe
- Dr. Andrei RĂDULESCU (Senior Economist Banca Transilvania; Scientific Researcher, Institute for World Economy, Romanian Academy, Bucharest; Faculty of European Studies, Babeş-Bolyai University): European Real Economic Convergence - Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe
16.00-16.30 |
Coffee Break |
16.30-18.00 |
Panel Discussion
“Communities and Borders in Eastern European Euro-region”
Chair: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Renzsch (University of Magdeburg)
- Prof. Dr. Nicolae PĂUN (Faculty of European Studies, Babeş-Bolyai University): The Fifth Wave of Enlargement of the European Union
- Prof. Dr. Victor NEUMANN (West University of Timișoara): Multiculturality and Socio-Cultural Heterogenity, The Case of East-Central Europe
- Dr. Vladimir GONEC (Institute of Political Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences): The Transborder Regions of EU: a Successful or Failed Tool for Reconciliation and Partnership. The Experience of Slovakia and the Czech Republic
- Lect. Dr. Adrian CORPĂDEAN (Faculty of European Studies, Babeş-Bolyai University): The Romanian-Hungarian Strategic Partnership (2002-2016)
18.00-20.00 |
Meeting of the European Union’s Liaison Committee of Historians
Venue: ICD Meeting Room
20.00 |
Cocktails Hosted by Babeş-Bolyai University and the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
Venue: RED Berlin Restaurant
Friday, April 15 |
9.00-12.00 |
Panel Discussion
“Franco-German Reconciliation, a Model” Venue: RED Ballroom Saal
Chair: Prof. Dr. Sylvain SCHIRMANN (University of Strasbourg)
- Prof. Dr. Sylvain SCHIRMANN (University of Strasbourg): General issues
- Prof. Dr. Wichard WOYKE (Westfalian University of Münster): Two Active Civil Societies - Franco-German Cooperation in Everyday Life
- Prof. Dr. Birte WASSENBERG (University of Strasbourg): The Franco-German Border Cooperation
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Martial LIBERA (University of Strasbourg): Cooperation Between French and German Chambers of Commerce
10.30-11.00 |
Coffee Break
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marion ABALLEA (University of Strasbourg): Diplomats and Franco-German Rapprochement
- Pr. Corine DEFRANCE (CNRS): Twinning , Reconciliation Vectors
- Dr. Jean-Christophe MEYER (University of Strasbourg): Sport and Franco-German Reconciliation
12.00-13.30 |
Panel Discussion
“Governance and National (Re)Constructions at the Borders of Europe”
Venue RED Ballroom Saal
Chair: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang-Dietrich GRUNER (University of Rostock)
- Prof. Dr. Sergiu Musteaţă (Ion Creangă State University of Chișinău): The Republic of Moldova - a Young State with a Fragile Democracy and Uncertain Citizenship
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Georgiana CICEO (Faculty of European Studies, Babeş-Bolyai University): The Normative Power of Europe Beyond its Borders
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valentin NAUMESCU (Faculty of European Studies, Babeş-Bolyai University): The EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood: Borders, Identities, Conflicts. A Comparison between Ukraine and Moldova
- Lect. Dr. Laura HERȚA (Faculty of European Studies, Babeş-Bolyai University): Reconciling with the Past: The Attitudes and (Re)Actions of the West towards the Bosnian War and the Kosovo War)
- Lect. Dr. Dorin DOBRA (Faculty of European Studies, Babeş-Bolyai University): Borders as Sources of Crisis: the Great Future Challenge of the EU
- Dr. Werner Müller-Pelzer (University of Dortmund): The Manifesto convivialiste in a European Perspective
13.30-15.00 |
Lunch Break |
15.00-17.00 |
Panel Discussion
“Teaching National History without Hard Feelings?”
Venue: Red Ballroom Saal
Chair: Prof. Dr. Kiran PATEL (University of Maastricht)
- Prof. Mihai MANEA (President of the Romanian Association of History Teachers: Truth and Teaching History without Hard Feelings. An Approach to History Teaching and Reconciliation)
- Dr. Annie Guénard-Maget: Teaching National History without Resentment?
Discussion: with the participation of the European Union’s Liaison Committee of Historians / avec la participation du Groupe de liaison des historiens de l’intégration européenne :
- Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Antonio VARSORI, University of Padua
- Dr. Charles BARTHEL, Archives nationales de Luxembourg
- Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Gérard BOSSUAT, Université de Cergy-Pontoise
- Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Wilfried LOTH, University of Duisburg-Essen
- Reader Dr. Piers LUDLOW, London School of Economics and Political Science
- Prof. Dr. Kiran PATEL, University of Maastricht
- Prof. Dr. Nicolae PĂUN, Babeş-Bolyai University
- Prof. Dr. Sylvain SCHIRMANN, Université de Strasbourg
15.00-17.00 |
Panel for PhD Students of the Doctoral School ‘The European Paradigm’ - guidelines and progress reports
Chair: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elena CALANDRI (University of Padua)
- Lect. Dr. Yehudit OD-COHEN (Ohalo College, Kazrin): Intercultural processes enhancing doctoral learning between cultures
- Dr. Sarah FEINGOLD (Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and the Arts): Dialogue and Challenges of Language Acquisition in Integration of Migrants
- Mati AVNI: Cross-cultural issues involved in an appointed committee managing an Arab local authority in crisis in Israel
- Segev AVRAHAM: Migrants for Africa to Israel - "Detention Camps" or "Living Facilities"
- Shula MENACHEM: The European Union, Globalization and National Policy: from Deciders to Receivers
- Ahmad NATOUR: Organized Sport Events Promoting Cooperation Between Nations
- Ori NISSIM LEVI: Operational-Nuclear-Defense-Model
- Jessica STROSCHEIN: Berlin – a “border city”
- Sullam YOEL: Cultivating Organizational Culture within Globalized Companies Using the Wellness Kickoff Tool
- Orit RISHPI: Title reserved
17.00-17.30 |
Final Remarks
Venue: RED Ballroom Saal
- Prof. Dr. Sylvain SCHIRMANN (University of Strasbourg)
- Prof. Dr. Nicolae PĂUN, Dean of the Faculty of European Studies, Babeş-Bolyai University, Co-organiser of the Conference
19.00 |
Cocktail hosted by H.E. Emil HUREZEANU, Ambassador of Romania in the Federal Republic of Germany
Venue: Romanian Embassy in Berlin