The Sino-Global Discourse
"The Growing Prominence of China on the World Stage: Exploring the Political, Economic, and Cultural Relations of China and Global Stakeholders"
Held Parallel to the "Berlin - Asia Pacific Weeks Conference 2011"

Farbwerte: SchwarzRotGold in China
“Exploring National Identity in the Globalised World”
After been shown in Shanghai, Bejing, Tehran and Jakarta this exhibition now returns to Berlin,
and features new works from Chinese artists
(Berlin, September 15th, 2011 18:00)
A country’s flag has the ability to invoke a disparate set of sentiments: from pride to nostalgia, nationalism to racism among others. Whether being hoisted up a pole, adorning the clothes and faces of sports enthusiasts or being set alight by racial extremists, a nation’s flag is a powerful, yet polarizing symbol.

For this project, a host of designers and artists were given the task of incorporating the flag into artworks, thereby using this public object as a medium to illustrate a personal story or point of view.
About the Initiator and Creative Director
Robert Eysoldt (a Berlin-based creative director and project developer ) started his professional career in 1989 at the Cologne-based broadcaster RTL. In 1996 he was asked by RTL to found the profit centre „House of Promotion - Agency for Marketing, Promotion und Design“.After leaving RTL in 2001 Robert Eysoldt worked as a senior consultant for various broadcasters and production companies in Berlin. From 2003 to 2006 he was Director TV at Universal Music Berlin being instrumental in the development of new content formats.
Since 2006 he has worked as senior consultant and project developer for the Berlin-based agency Triad and was responsible for online and event communication for 24h Berlin ( Robert is member of the board of Create Berlin e.V. (, and All2gethernow e.V. (
For more information on Farbwerte, please visit