The EU as a Global Actor
From the Inside Out: The Internal Development of the European Union and its Future Role in an Interdependent World

Speakers for the Conference include:
- Anna Maria Darmanin
Vice President Communication, European Economic and Social Committee, EU - Benjamin Hanna
Cultural Department, German Foreign Office - Prof. Dr. Carsten Giersch
Director, Berlin Risk Institute - Prof. Dr. Christian Tuschhoff
Department of International Relations, Free University Berlin - H. E. Ambassador Dietrich von Kyaw
Former German Ambassador - H. E. Ambassador Ernst-Jörg von Studnitz
Former German Ambassador to Russia; Chairman of the German – Russian Forum - H. E. Ambassador Ilgvars Klava
Ambassador of Latvia to Germany - Dr. Jackson Janes
Executive Director of the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies at the Johns Hopkins University in Washington, DC - Jan Brunner
Third Secretary of the Embassy of Czcech Republic to Germany - H. E. Ambassador Karl-Erik Norrman
Former Swedish Ambassador; Secretary General of the European Cultural Parliament (tbc) - H. E. Ambassador Lazăr Comănescu
Romanian Ambassador to Germany - Marietje Schaake
Member of the European Parliament - H. E. Ambassador Montaser Oklah al-Zou'Bi
Ambassador of Jordan to the EU - Peter Altmaeir
Member of the German Parliament - Sarmad Hussain
Cultural Commission, German Parliament - The Hon. Sir Tony Brenton
Former British Ambassador to Russia - Prof. Dr. Ulrich Brückner
Jean Monnet Professor for European Studies, Stanford University in Berlin