The Annual Forum on Cultural Diplomacy 2022

"Promoting International Cooperation, Cultural Understanding and Peace"

(Berlin; October 25th - 29th, 2022)
Tuesday, October 25th 2022
Location: ICD House of Arts and Culture
14:00 - 14:45 Registration
15:00 - 15:45

“International Cultural Relations and Contemporary Art
Case Studies from Malta”
(Presentation & Discussions/ Q&A)

Dr. Romina Delia
(The Internationalisation Executive, Arts Council Malta)   

15:45 - 16:30

“Serbia Creates: From Creative Industries to Creative Diplomacy”
(Presentation & Discussion / Q&A)

Martin Cuff
(Advisor to Prime Minister Ana Brnabic of Serbia for Creative Industries and Tourism, and strategist for the Serbia Creates nation brand) Ivana Ze?evi?
(Advisor at the Cabinet of Prime Minister of Serbia and international relations advisor at nation platform for CCI and public diplomacy Serbia Creates)

16:30 - 17:00 Reception  
17:00 - 18:00

“The Contributions of Art, Tourism, & Creative Industries to
Successful International Relations"
(Panel Discussion) f

Moderator: Mark Donfried
Panellists: Martin Cuff, Ivana Ze?evi?, Dr. Romina Delia

Wednesday, October 26th 2022
Location (Morning Session): German Parliament
 09:15 Security and ID Check // German Parliament

Lecture Series: 
“The Role and Importance of adequate German and European Social, Economic and Security Policies on MENA Region, for Promoting Stabilization & Peace- Case study Yemen”

Moderators: Mark Donfried & Prof. Dr. Didem Aydurmus

10:00 - 10:15

Welcome Address  
Frank Müller-Rosentritt, MdB 
(Member of the German Parliament; Member of the Foreign Affairs

Prof. Dr. Didem Aydurmus 
(Member of the Left Party in Germany; Faculty Member, CCDS)

10:15 - 10:50

“Perspectives from the Government of Yemen”
(Presentation & Interactive Discussion)

Minister Moammar Al- Eryani  
(Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism, The Government of Yemen)

10:50 - 11:20

“The German Foreign Policy and Yemen- the German engagement for
(Keynote Speech & Interactive Discussion)

Philipp Schönbrunn-Knappmann
(Deputy Head of Middle East Department, Yemen Team leader – the German Foreign Office)

11:20 - 11:40

“The German humanitarian engagement in Yemen"          
(Presentation, followed by Q/A)

Tobias Friedrich Leopold Tafel
(Desk officer for humanitarian aid in Yemen– the German Foreign Office)

11:40 - 12:20

“The Yemen- Conflict Analysis and Policy Recommendations" 
(Keynote Speech & Interactive Discussion)

Counter-terrorism, security and international affairs consultant

12:20 - 12:45

“The European and German policies to the MENA Region in the Era of the National Transnational and Regional Conflicts” 
(Keynote Speech & Interactive Discussion)

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Brückner
(EU Jean Monnet Professor for European Studies and Politics at Stanford in Berlin)


"Recommendations and Conclusion of the Conference”
(presentation of recommendations & Interactive Discussion)

Mr. Mark Donfried & Dr. Didem Aydurmus

Followed by Group Pictures at the Parliament

13:15 - 14:30 Lunch Break at the BERLIN Pavillon (by the German parliament) and walk to the European House/ European Commission
Location (Afternoon Session): the European House/ European Commission 
14:50 - 15:00 Security Checks 
15:00 - 16:00

“The European Union: Systems and Values”

(Team Member of the European Parliament- Berlin Representation)

16:15 - 17:00 Visit of the multimedia exhibition Europa Experience including 360°-cinema
17:00 - 19:00 Travel (Walk) Time & Group Dinner at Hopfingerbräu am Brandenburger Tor  
Thursday, October 27th 2022
Location (Morning Session): The Nordic Embassies Compound 
10:00 Security Checks 
10:30 - 11:30

"Scandinavian Cultural Diplomacy"
(Presentation & Discussion/ Q&A)

Amb. Karl-Erik Norrman
(Swedish Diplomat; Founder and Secretary General of the European Cultural Parliament)

11:30 - 12:30 "Tour and Presentation of the Nordic Embassies Compound - Felleshus as Cultural Diplomacy” 
Tour and Guide by Member of the Swedish Embassy
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch Break at the “kantine” at the Nordic Embassies Compound 
14:00 - 14:30 Travel/Walk time
Location (Afternoon Session): The Italian Cultural Institute of Berlin  

"Italian Cultural Diplomacy: Promoting the Arts & Culture Abroad”
(Presentation & Discussions /
Q&A Interview Session)

Francesca Moschitta 
(Cultural Officer, the Italian Cultural Institute, Berlin)

Followed by Reception
Hosted by the Italian Cultural Institute Berlin 

17:00 - 19:00 Travel Time & Group Dinner at AMRIT- Potsdmaerplatz          
Friday, October 28th 2022
Morning Session
Location: Residence of the Ambassador of the State of Kuwait
11:10 - 11:30 Security check- Entree
11:30 - 13:15

The Kuwaiti foreign policy at the regional and international level
(Presentation & Discussion/ Q&A)

H.E. Ambassador Najeeb Al-Bader
(Ambassador of Kuwait to Germany)

Followed by Lunch Reception 

13:15 - 14:30 Travel time to the ICD House       
Afternoon Session 
Location (Afternoon Session): ICD House of Arts and CultureCultural Diplomacy in Africa
 14:30 - 15:30

“Ethiopian Public and Cultural Diplomacy”
(Presentation & Discussion/ Q&A)

H.E. Ambassador Mulu Solomon Bezuneh
(Ambassador of Ethiopia to Germany)

Followed by the traditional Ethiopian coffee ceremony and Reception, co-hosted with the Embassy of Ethiopia to Berlin

15:30 - 15:50

“Ghana as the Gateway for Trade and Investments in Africa”
(Presentation & Discussion/ Q&A)

Joseph Osei Djaba  
(1st Secretary in Charge of Education and Scholarship, Embassy of  Ghana to Germany)  

15:50 - 16:00

The economic affect &impact of covid 29 on the African youth among the Pandemic Period
Dr. Mohamed Elrashed Bakkri

(Clinical pharmacist medical officer at ministry of health-Sudan, North Kordofan; Executive Director of Albakri organization for development

16:00 - 16:25

“Assessing the Role of Cultural Diplomacy in Consolidating and Institutionalizing a Regional Model of Integrated Water Resources Management: the Case of the Nile Water Agreements and the Controversy over State Succession in International Treaties”

John Baptist Onama
(Freelance consultant in EU Project Management- the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Brussels; Visiting Lecturer- Salesian University Institute of Venice; PhD student, University of Bucharest & ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy)

16:25 - 16:50

“The role of civil society organizations in engaging youths in the promotion of UN Agenda 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security in Cameroon”

CHEFU Sirri-Afanwi, Joy
(a multi award winning Cameroonian Lawyer; gender Activist & human rights advocate; founder of ChefuSirri Foundation)

16:50 - 17:10

“Empowering Communities Toward Sustainable Development through Catalytic Innovation, Social Entrepreneurship and Grassroots Initiatives: Proposing a Strategic Cooperation-  The Case Study  KickStart in Sub-Saharan Africa”

Lucas Leitz
(a student of International Business - SRH Hochschule Heidelberg)  

17:10 - 17:30

“Cultural Perception of Colour in Communication: The Use of Colour  as a tool for Cultural Diplomacy - Case Studies in Africa”
(Presentation & Discussion/ Q&A)

Emily Nyabere
(Lecturer, Department of Cinematic Arts, US International University - Africa)


Closing Remarks for the Forum 

17:30 - 17:45

“Religions and Peace: Buddhist Solutions to the Cluttered World”

Ven. Buddhananda
(Buddhist Monk; master’s student of Buddhist Studies)  

17:45 - 18:00 Coffee break 
From 18:00 The Nollywood Festival - The Arts as a Mirror to Nigeria’s Cultural Diversity   Successes, Failures and the Path ahead 
Including Presentations, Virtual Exhibitions of Arts & Music, Short Films screenings and more. With participation of various Nigerian artists & Film producers.

Organized and curated by:
Oluwafikayomi David Olanbiwoninu & Chika Elema