The ICD Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2012
"The Power of the Arts & Culture to Promote Democracy & Global Peace"

Conference Speakers
We are privileged to include as speakers many world leaders and distinguished experts from the fields of international politics, economics, diplomacy, the private sector, and civil society; these speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board. The ICD is grateful for their contributions to this important event.To learn more about the ICD Advisory Board please click here.
The following are among the Speakers for the Conference:
H. E. Amb. Abdul Basit Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to Germany |
Áine Collins TD Member of the Irish Parliament |
The Hon. Alfred Camilleri Finance Ministry Permanent Secretary, Government of Malta |
The Hon. Angeles González-Sinde Former Minister of Culture of Spain |
The Hon. Anna Diamantopoulou (MP) Former European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities; Former Greek Minister for Development, Competitiveness and Shipping |
Sir Anthony Russell Brenton ICD Advisory Board member; Former British Ambassador to Russia |
Carl Wilkens Co-Founder/Director World outside My Shoes |
Amb. Cynthia Schneider (ICD Advisory Board Member; Distinguished Professor in the Practice of Diplomacy, Georgetown University; Former USA Ambassador to the Netherlands) |
David Soul Celebrated Actor, Director & Singer |
Dirk van den Berg German Filmmaker, Producer |
Dirk Pleiter Member of the China Coordination Group, Amnesty International |
The Hon. Ekaterine Tkeshelashvili Former Vice Prime-Minister, State Minister of Georgia for Reintegration; Former Foreign Minister |
Elsa Cordeiro (MP) Member of the Portuguese Parliament |
The Hon. Dr. Emil Constantinescu President of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy; Former President of Romania |
Emily Atef Celebrated German Filmmaker & Producer |
Enzo M. Le Fevre Cervini Director, Research and Cooperation, Budapest Center for the International Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities |
The Hon. Dr. Erhard Busek ICD Advisory Board Member; Former Vice-Chancellors of Austria; Former Minister of Education |
The Hon. Erna Hennicot Schoepges Vice President of the ICD Advisory Board; Former Luxembourgian Minister of Culture and Religious Affairs |
Ferdous Ara Begum Gender Issues Specialist; Former Member of UN CEDAW Committee; Former Director General, Bangladesh Television |
H. E. Amb. Filippe Savadogo Ambassador & Permanent Representative of the International Organization of the Francophonie to the United Nations |
The Hon. Francesco Rutelli Former Deputy Prime Minister of Italy; Former Minister of Culture and Tourism; Former Mayor of Rome |
Dr. Gregory H. Stanton President, Genocide Watch |
Dr. György Tatár Director, Budapest Centre for the International Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities |
The Hon. Halldór Ásgrímsson Secretary General for the Nordic Council of Ministers; Former Prime Minister of Iceland |
The Hon. Dr. Hassan B. Diab Ministry of Education and High Education of Lebanon |
Ian Gillan Singer & Song writer with Deep Purple |
Professor J R Monroy Founder and Chairman, Latin American and Caribbean Cultural Society |
The Hon. Jesmond Mugliett Member of the Parliament of Malta; Former Minister for Urban Development and Roads of Malta |
Prof. Dr. John M. Hobson Professor of Politics and International Relations, University of Sheffield, UK |
John Whitehead Director, British Council Berlin |
Amb. Katalin Bogyay President of the General Conference of UNESCO |
The Hon. Kristiina Ojuland (MEP) ICD Advisory Board Member; Former Foreign Minister of Estonia |
Laris Gaiser President, EMUNI University, Slovenia |
Laura Collins Program Coordinator, African Union Network for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention, Auschwitz Institute for Peace & Reconciliation |
Marcia Barrett ICD Advisory Board Member; Lead Singer of Boney M |
The Hon. Maria de Belém Roseira President of Socialist Party; Member of the Portuguese Parliament; Former Minister for Equality of Portugal |
Maria Serkedjieva Former Deputy Minister, Ministry of Justice & European Legal Integration of Bulgaria |
Prof. Dr. Mark Aspinwall Professor of Politics, Head of Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Edinburgh |
The Hon. Martin Cauchon Former Minister of Justice of Canada |
Prof. Dr. Mike Hardy CMG OBE Professor of Intercultural Relations, Coventry University |
The Hon. Dr. Milan Zver (MEP) Member of the European Parliament; Presidential Candidate, Slovenian Presidential Elections 2012; Former Minister of Education of Slovenia |
Undersecretary Mireya Agüero de Corrales Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs of Honduras |
Secretary Monkid Mestassi General, Ministry of Economic and General Affairs, Kingdom of Morocco and Chair of the MENA-OECD Investment Program |
The Hon. Dr. Nazar Al Baharna ICD Advisory Board Member; Former Foreign Minister of Bahrain |
The Hon. Nouzha Skalli ICD Advisory Board Member; Former Moroccan Minister of Social Development, Family, and Solidarity |
Amb. Olga Algayerova State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovakia |
Minister Ögmundur Jónasson Minister of the Interior of Iceland; Former Minister of Justice & Human Rights |
Prof. Dr. Ovidiu Pecican Vice-dean, Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania |
President Pierre Nkurunziza President of the Republic of Burundi |
The Hon Praxoula Antoniadou Kyriacou President of the United Democrats; Former Minister of Commerce, Industry & Tourism of Cyprus |
H.E. Amb. Ranko Vilovic ICD Advisory Board Member; Ambassador, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Croatia to the United Nations |
Rebecca Tinsley Director & Founder, Waging Peace |
Ribal Al-Assad Chairman, Iman Foundation |
Robert Schütte President, Genocide Alert |
The Hon. Ruud Lubbers Former Primeminister of the Netherlands; Former United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees |
Samantha Horn Director, Global Raphael Lemkin Program for Genocide Prevention, Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation |
The Hon. Selmo Cikotić ICD Advisory Board Member; Former Minister of Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Prof. Dr. Sjaak Koenis Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Maastricht University |
Governor Steve Merrill 77th Governor of New Hampshire; President, Bingham Consulting |
The Hon. Stockwell Day Former Minister of International Trade of Canada |
Prof. Dr. Tariq Modood Professor of Sociology; Director, University Research Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship, University of Bristol, UK |
The Hon. Yasar Yakis President of the ICD Young Leaders Forums; Former Foreign Minister of Turkey |
Dr. Yusuf Ziya Irbec Member of the Turkish Parliament; Member of the Executive Committee of The Parliamentarians for Global Action |