Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Latin America
"The Colors of Latin America: Preserving Traditional Arts & Heritage in a Multicultural World"

Wednesday, August 14th, 2013 |
Thursday, August 15th, 2013 |
Friday, August 16th, 2013 |
10:00 | "Introduction to Cultural Diplomacy" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Brückner (Academic Director, Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies) Location: ICD House of Arts & Culture |
Travel Time from ICD to the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung | "Glocalising the Film Musical in the Americas: Intercultural and Cross-Media Perspectives" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Prof. Dr. Peter W. Schulze (Professor, Institute for Film, Theater and Empirical Cultural, Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz) Location: ICD House of Arts & Culture |
11:30 | Coffee & Refreshments | (11:00) "Cultural Diplomacy and Multiculturalism in Germany. A Model for Latin America?" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Brückner (Academic Director, Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies) Location: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung |
Coffee & Refreshments |
12:00 | "The Effects of Globalization on the Region" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: H. E. Amb. Ramon Custodio Espinoza (Ambassador of Honduras to Germany) Location: ICD House of Arts & Culture |
"Contemporary Ibero-Latin-American Relationships" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Germán Rodríguez Espinosa (Director & Editor-in-Chief, Hispanovisión) Location: ICD House of Arts & Culture |
13:00 | Lunch Break | Lunch Break | Lunch Break |
14:30 | "Historical and Cultural Attractions in the Dominican Republic" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Fernando Ureña Rib (Cultural Attaché of the Embassy of the Dominican Republic) Location: ICD House of Arts & Culture |
"Multilateral Cultural Diplomacy: the EU vs. MERCOSUR" (Lecture & Interactive Discussion) Moderators: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Brückner Speakers: Prof. Dr. Peter W. Schulze Genaro Rios-Müggenburg Lasse Hölck Prof. Dr. Kishore Chakraborty Location: European Commission Berlin Headquarters |
Red de Talentos Mexicanos as an Example of Cultural Diplomacy (Lecture and Discussion) Speakers: Juan Bethancourt (President, Red de Talentos Mexicanos en Alemania) Francisco Velázquez Escobar (Vice-President, Red de Talentos Mexicanos) Location: ICD House of Arts & Culture |
15:15 | "The Tropical Power Of Latino-American Art" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Javier Ramirex (Director & Founder, MARZIA FROZEN) Location: ICD House of Arts & Culture |
"Music as Cultural Diplomacy: the Venezuelan Case of the "Sistema" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Dr. Matthias Lewy (Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, Free University Berlin) Location: ICD House of Arts & Culture |
16:00 | Coffee & Refreshments | Coffee & Refreshments | Coffee & Refreshments |
16:30 | (16:15) The Role of Film Co-Productions for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Santiago Gómez Rojas (Director, Spanisches Filmfest) Location: ICD House of Arts & Culture |
"Creative Industries in Latin America. Mexico: Matrix of the Spanish-Speaking Digital Wave" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Genaro Rios-Müggenburg (Project Manager, ProMexico Germany) Location: European Commission Berlin Headquarters |
"New Trends in Cultural Expression, including Contemporary and Experimental Art Forms" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Jorge Locane (Researcher, Latin America Institute, Free University Berlin) Location: ICD House of Arts & Culture |
17:15 | (17:00) "Latin American Film Fest as an Example of Cultural Diplomacy" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Tania Atilano Researcher, Law Department, Humboldt University in Berlin Location: ICD House of Arts & Culture |
"Cultural Heterogeneity and Environmental Preservation: Lessons from Past and Present" (Lecture & Discussion) Speaker: Lasse Hölck (Researcher, Latin America Institute, Free University Berlin) Location: European Commission Berlin Headquarters |
"Unity and diversity in Latin America" (Participant Paper & Discussion) Speaker: Andreea-Lucia Cojocaru (Student, Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca) Location: ICD House of Arts & Culture |
18.00 |
Travel Time | Excursion and Walking Tour Brandenburg Gate and Pariser Platz, Group Photo | Gastronomy as Cultural Diplomacy: Mexican Cuisine, UNESCO World Heritage (Lecture & Discussion) Armando Hernández (Chef; Red de Talentos Mexicanos; Director, Mexican Community in Berlin) |
19:00 | Latin American Film Fest Screening "Los Colores de la Montana" Location: Humboldt University |
(20:00) Visit & Guided Tour of the German Parliament - Reichstag Location: German Parliament |
Latin American Cultural Reception (Reception and Music) Location: ICD House of Arts & Culture |